It was easy to find a merchant ship in Genoa. We have been extremely fortunate. This boat’s carrying a cargo of marble and wine all the way to Cardiff.
Cardiff! That’s where King Arthur and Sir Gawain embarked on their way to Beaune. And from there, Rhys says, it’s only four days’ ride to the Middle March. We’re running before the wind. We’ve already passed through the Pillars of Hercules!
Dear God! Let Lord Stephen see Holt again. Around us the ocean swirls, but I will bring him home. I will!
I have made this determined song:
You ghost-waves and furious crests,
Wail as you will, foam!Blue eyelids and bloodred chest:
I mean to bring my dear lord home.You opening graves and sweeping scythes,
You cannot drown this burden.I love a girl so lithe and blithe,
Winnie de Verdon.You dark-dream roamers, swirl, advance!
Wake all you will, and wring!Where Wales and England twine and dance,
Soon it will be spring.You wild wastes! Salt-wilderness!