You can’t fight fate...
twenty-fifth birthday came and went just like all the others. With great fanfare, an obscene amount of gifts, and a seemingly never ending line of disappointing suitors. By her age her parents had already been married and pregnant with their eldest son. Every single Fae in the Savelli royal line had found their fated mate by their two-hundredth and tenth birthday except for Carina.
Not having a fated mate was rare, especially when one was a descendant from a royal line, but it wasn’t unheard of.
In recent years her mother, Queen Tasmyne, who had always held firm that Carina would not marry until her one was found, had become desperate. She’d paraded Carina around royalty and nobility from far and wide hoping the princess would find her one. She was the last single one out of her siblings and the only female. Given these facts, the entire kingdom was obsessed with who she would end up with. The public had long given up hope she would find her fated one. The most prominent gossip columnist started publishing weekly articles matching Carina with men from all realms while exploring what their life would be like and how their union would affect the world. Queen Tasmyne read it religiously and without fail soon after each article was published that week’s chosen suitor would appear at dinner, or a ball, or a seemingly random encounter at a charity event.
Carina slipped into the driver’s seat of her Porsche Macan. A gift from her middle brother Ian from a previous birthday. He lived in the realm of humans with his mate and children running her family’s fashion empire. Carina had never visited a non-magical realm and loved it when her brother sent her such oddities. Humans were peculiar, but they could make things. They intrigued her and she dreamed of the day she could visit their world. Maybe even have a conversation with one. It had been over one hundred years since the non-magical realms realized the ones like her’s existed and although they all remained on good terms, Carina’s parents weren’t quite ready to let her go exploring any of them.
Flaeyeanian roads were not equipped to handle the Porsche so Carina was limited to the road that twisted across the palace grounds her eldest brother, Waylon, had constructed for her the same year she received her car. The engine purred to life, gently vibrating her seat. She adjusted her jean jacket and smoothed the wrinkles from the slim white pants. She slipped her perfectly pedicured feet from her nude pumps and tossed them to the passenger side floorboard. Driving was easier without the heels. As she shifted into gear with her foot hovering over the gas pedal, the passenger side door opened and Finn scooted in next to her.
“Did you really think you could ditch me that easily?” Finn asked with a smirk on his face.
“Ditch you?” Carina frowned, and lines of confusion twisted her delicate features.
“You said the next time you took this beast of a machine out you’d let your favorite brother tag along.” The grin on his face grew and his violet eyes sparkled. He chuckled and gently pinched Carina’s shoulder. “I’m just giving you a hard time, but I would like a ride if you’re willing.”
Finn buckled himself into his seat, not giving Carina the chance to reply. He knew she’d say yes, she always did. She loved all of her brothers but Finn was her favorite. They were much closer in age than she was to the others and he loved to get into mischief with her. She smiled and hit the gas. They spent the next hour laughing and speeding around the twisty road. Once parked, Finn took her hand as she exited the vehicle and kept her in her seat.
“You didn’t hear this from me. But everyone has come home tonight at our parent’s request. They all plan on speaking with you tonight.”
“Who is everyone? And why?” Carina asked.
“Waylon, Ian, and their families. Dad even postponed his trip for this. They are going to talk to you about an arranged marriage.”
“What? They know I don’t want that. Plus, Mom would never allow it.”
The normally upbeat and collected Finn’s face dropped and his beautiful eyes dulled as he spoke. His furrowed brow and tapping of his foot gave away just how uneasy he was despite how he tried to hide it.
“This isn’t going to be something you can opt out of Carina.”
“That’s absurd. Of course it is! I have the right to choose who I marry.”
“I feel bad for not telling you this before, but you must understand our parents swore all of us to secrecy.”
“Spit it out Finn.”
“Part of the treaty to end to Balisk War was that if you did not find you fated one by your two-hundredth and twenty-fifth birthday you would marry Prince Vihaan.”
“What?!” Her heart beat against her chest as it shattered. Her broken dreams fluttered into the wind like injured butterflies caught up in a storm.
Love was officially off the table for her. She would never know what it was like to touch, kiss, make love to her other half who would be her perfect match. Everything she had ever fantasized about would stay just that. A fantasy.
“No one expected you to go this long without finding your fated mate. Everyone assumed it was a frivolous agreement.” Finn ran his hands through his hair. “I’m truly sorry sister.”
Tears flowed from her eyes, and Finn wrapped her in his arms.
“He’s already here. We will present him in the Grand Hall after dinner.”
“I suppose I better get ready then.” Carina jumped from her Porche not bothering to even shut the door and ran to her room. Finn’s voice faded away as he called after her.
Dinner went just as Finn had said it would. Carina easily faked surprise when her brothers and their families appeared. She was genuinely happy to see them so that part was easy. Over the soup course her parents had dropped the bomb of Carina’s impending nuptials. Despite knowing it was coming it tore through her, shattering her heart. Her delicate fingers trembled as she attempted to display calm and finish her meal. After multiple failed attempts to get the soup from her bowl to her lips, she finally admitted defeat. She pushed her almost full bowl away as a few tears flowed along her cheeks.
Queen Tasmyne and King Tarrall were distraught and kept apologizing to her. Carina’s sisters-in-law wept and her brothers’ faces were stone. Her little nieces and nephews sensed the tension and stayed quiet, the smallest cried. The entire dinner felt like a funeral. Carina quietly took everything in, afraid if she spoke her voice would betray her and show how truly devastated she was. As angry as she was she could tell her parents were deeply remorseful, but nothing could be done. Refusing to marry Prince Vihaan would cause voiding the treaty that ended the Balisk War and Carina could not, would not, do that to her people.
Carina excused herself before dessert was served. She needed some time alone before she met her fiance. Finn tried to follow her, but she waved him off. Her eyes stayed locked on the white marble tile at her feet as she retreated to the quietness of her room, but she felt everyone she passed eyes boring into her skin like hot daggers. The entire palace staff knew what was about to happen to her and pity flowed off of them and wrapped around her like a vice. She threw open the door to her chamber, slamming it behind her, before falling onto her bed as her body shook with sobs. After a few minutes a gentle knock on her door pulled her from her sorrow. Kylie, her faithful lady-in-waiting, popped her head in.
“Can I come in?”
Carina nodded and sat up on the bed adjusting her clothes. She slipped her jacket off and noticed her white pants were speckled with black spots from her tears mixing with her mascara. Kylie sat next to her on the bed handing her a pale blue handkerchief with a beautiful blue Ice Orchid embroidered on it. Carina cleaned her face the best she could. Kylie tucked Carina’s red hair behind her ears and cradled her face in her hands.
“It’s not over.”
“Of course it is. I’m engaged.”
“What if he’s your one? You’ve never met him, right?” Kylie wiped her thumbs across Carina’s cheeks before she lowered her hands to her lap.
“I’ve never met him. I guess it is possible,” Carina said.
“See? Still hope. Now let’s get you all dolled up. You have a prince to meet.” Kylie smiled and hurried to Carina’s closet throwing open the doors.
Kylie chatted as she sorted through Carina’s custom and designer dresses. Carina only caught bits and pieces of the conversation giving an occasional nod or mumbled reply. Her mind ran through everything she had ever heard about Prince Vihaan. He was a powerful warrior, rarely left his royal grounds, and liked to surround himself with humans. It wasn’t much information to go on but at least she had heard nothing scandalous about him. He was a prince after all. He was probably devilishly handsome with a quick, charming wit. Perhaps he would even understand her interest in humans since he seemed to enjoy their company. Maybe all along this was how she was supposed to find her fated one. This could be her moment, the start of her great love story. One that far surpassed any other. Hope surged in her chest. She still had a chance.