Once upon a time, (November of 2021, to be exact) a group of spicy romance authors from across the U.S. were seated at a Mexican food restaurant in Las Vegas. While they did not know each other well, they shared a strong love for reading and writing romance. Conversations burned for hours over mixed drinks, nachos, and the deep appreciation for euphemisms used to describe sex in books over the ages.
It may have started as a jest, but each author heard the challenge thrown down between laughs. Could they write a short story and create an anthology woven together around a specific phrase of purple prose? These new friends came together the following day and asked, “Are we serious? Can we create a spicy mixed-genre anthology over a ridiculous euphemism?”
The answer was a resounding, “Yes, we can.”
The result is the anthology you hold in your hands. The phrase “royal rod” (and an abundance of margaritas) brought it to life, and we hope you enjoy it.