love these males with her whole heart for the rest of her life.
Her always-glowing mate, Raw, led them boldly into her private rooms. She saw him looking around at her comfortable, plush mauve-and-white decor and nod with his lop-sided, charming grin.
Bex sensed Turah and Asassan Davidov quietly entering too, securing the entryway behind them, then sitting unobtrusively and protectively by the entry. Their presence was necessary to preserve the integrity of the mating. She trusted them to keep sacred what happened with her mates.
Fiore triggered the Solaray. The blue laser swept the room, cleaning their clothes and bodies without removing scents, which were very important to the Lio. The added benefit was it took away waste, helping prepare them for sex.
Raw assessed her room quickly, then took three steps to the long, flat, cushioned chaise lounge. He reached down and unfastened his pants, letting them drop. She looked down between the gap in their bodies in fascination.
Oh, yes!
Raw’s cock was a thick, smooth, golden column of flesh, and she wanted it inside her as soon as possible.
Their Coalition helped them.
Fiore bent down, unfastened Raw’s boots and slipped them and his pants off his feet, one by one. Honsono helpfully ripped the hem of her dress wide open while Psycho clawed her magic panties off with one finger claw swipe on each side.
Both she and Raw moaned together as their private flesh touched, the head of his cock perfectly positioned to slide smoothly inside her as he sat on the chaise. They both cried out as she sat fully on his length. He filled her perfectly!
Raw petted across her back, his fingers catching on the fabric of her shredded dress.
His voice was husky when he spoke to his Nels.
“Take the rest, please.”
In short order, they were naked with Bex riding Raw’s thick length as she had always wanted. He was all for it, his hands on her hips, then caressing her thighs, lifting up to gently pet and pinch her nipples.
Bex loved every second and drove them both with pleasured determination. They had been needy long enough.
Their first ferocious, shuddering climax took the edge off. Their second throbbing peak helped them slow down enough to realize their mates were not participating and very much needed to. They stopped, panting with aftershocks.
Beside them, their Nels stood in their full naked glory. Lio Nel cocks were different than a human male’s because they had an upward facing sheath that protected them when quiescent. Their dicks didn’t dangle.
When hard, their erections emerged from the flexible, furred sheath, which pulled back, out of the way. Then it was obvious Lio shafts were different in other ways.
Their Lio mates’ lengths stood thick and long for them, their crowns longer and more cone shaped than a human’s erection. Their hard-ons had smooth, silky skin the same dark gold color as their fur, but there were tiny, eye-catching and pleasure-inducing darker gold nubs in patterns across the top and sides, leaving the undersides smooth.
The pattern of the nubs was unique for each individual. Bex’s mouth watered for a taste of those delicious shafts. She wanted to ride them too. Bex clenched with anticipation on the turgid length inside her, making Raw groan at the squeeze.
Then Bex gasped as she noticed another important detail of her mates; they had cock-like appendages emerging from their tails, something she hadn’t seen or heard of before.
They had the thick hair of their tail tufts pulled backward toward the base of their tails, then had put their metal serc cuffs back in place at the end. Their sercs secured the hair back out of the way, exposing the naked tip of their tails for their mates.
Emerging from the tail tips were long, narrow columns of golden flesh, with tiny darker gold nubs patterned like their cocks. The shafts were as thick as their tails and longer than their hands. Bex saw no opening in the pointed crowns, instead the intriguing new discovery had a flexible tip they could control like a finger, which was clear by the come-hither movements they were making with them.
Fiore explained as they slowly approached.
“The erections in our tails are called sabah. Did you know about sabah, Bex?”
Bex had been with Lio her entire life and had never known. She was utterly surprised.
Honsono sat close to Bex's and Raw’s left sides, while Fiore sat on their right ones, both of them caressing Bex and Raw with gentle fingers that left tingling trails of sensation on their flesh.
Psycho stood close behind Raw, across from her. He reached over Raw’s shoulder and gently pulled him back against his body. Raw’s head rested on Psycho’s hip. Psycho’s beautiful erection stood proud near both of their faces, directly across from Bex. Her mouth watered more.
Then Fiore and Honsono brought their sabah up; Fiore’s close to Bex and Honsono’s close to Raw. Their attention was now caught as they inspected this new feature of their Lio lovers.
“Sabah are a special way for Lio to pleasure their mates. They are intensely private for Lio. Some never reveal them.”
Bex’s gaze flew up to Psycho’s intensely blue one. He was softly skritching his nails on Raw’s scalp, making Raw’s eyes droop in enjoyment as Raw licked his lips, eyes bouncing between Psycho’s eye-popping length and Honsono’s delicious new treat of a sabah.
I’m torn, too, Raw. Which one do I want to taste first? What a delightful dilemma to have.
Then Fiore’s words sank in.
“Wait, what?”
Bex reached both her hands out to touch gently Honsono’s and Fiore’s sabah with careful fingers. She loved the unusual silky nubbed texture. She reveled in the heavy, musky scent of their arousal too.
“Some Lio never share their amazing sabah with their mates?”
Psycho reached forward and gave her some shivery, scalp skritches as he answered.
“Not everyone has as strong a MateBond as we do, Bex and Raw. We trust you with our very souls. What is a sabah in comparison?”
Bex and Raw looked into each other’s eyes as their mates’ devotion tenderly settled upon them both.
Bex looked up at Psycho, who still gave her sweet head scratches.
“I love you, my Psycho.”
A stunning smile bloomed across his face. He stopped scratching their heads, cupping his huge hand around the side of Raw’s head and jaw and caressed Bex’s cheek as she peered up at him.
“I love you, too. Both of you, all of you, with all of me. Forever.”
Bex’s eyes burned with the start of tears as she nodded at Psycho in agreement then looked down at Raw, who looked as deeply moved by Psycho’s words as she felt.
She put all her feelings behind the word as she spoke it for Raw.
In one word Psycho had summed up their connection and commitment to each other. She thought it was perfect.
Raw seemed to think so as well as he repeated back to her, “Forever.”
Bex looked at Fiore, Raw looked at Honsono and they all said, “Forever,” to each other. Raw reached his hand up to cover Psycho’s hand cupping the side of his face. He couldn’t see Psycho, only feel his touch, scent him, and hear him, but Raw could speak to him.
“Forever, Psycho.”
Psycho’s answer was a soft caress over both Raw and Bex’s lips with a gentle finger, his voice deep and low.
“Taste us. Your sweet, smooth Honored mouths were made for pleasure, and we want to experience it.”
Both Bex and Raw gave Psycho’s fingers a soft lick, which made him growl with anticipation.
Bex felt lit up from the inside, ignited by her mates’ devotion and sensuality. It was time for them all to make love.
In sync with her, as always, Raw devoured Honsono’s sabah as Bex took Fiore’s in deep. Delicious flavor burst across her tongue making her crave more.
Fiore’s reaction to her mouth on his sabah was immediate; he pressed his face against her shoulder and purred deeply with his pleasure. It seems like Fiore’s purr sparked Honsono’s.
This is delightful! I wonder what else makes them purr!
Bex pulled off of Fiore’s sabah with a final lick, as did Raw. Fiore’s and Honsono’s seemingly involuntary response to being sucked stopped when they stopped sucking.
Very interesting.
Honsono and Fiore still leaned against her shoulders, panting.
Bex looked at Raw, then Psycho’s exceptional erection, and back to Raw with a lifted eyebrow.
His gleaming eyes and lop-sided grin said, “Yes.” They would share Psycho’s cock.
In tandem, they both leaned forward and opened their mouths, one on each side of Psycho’s prominent, cone-shaped cockhead.
From their first touch, a blistering purr burst out of Psycho’s chest, rumbling with a resonance she felt in her own chest.
I am addicted to blow job purrs, now.
After that, she and Raw worked Psycho like he was their favorite treat, licking, sucking, and tonguing his tasty length. Bex reveled in his unique flavor.
Psycho touched her chin to get her attention. She could tell he was going to come soon. His voice was deep and husky when he spoke, his purr continuing.
“Please taste my nectar Bex.”
“Oh yes, my forever Psycho.”
She opened wide, took him deep, and swallowed hard against his length and he released his nectar to her in a groaning, pulsing rush. She pulled back so she could suck out every drop of his flavorful spend.
Psycho growled, “Perfection,” as she pulled off him and turned to kiss Raw, so she could share the flavor of their Psycho’s nectar. Raw met her kiss eagerly and moaned with his enjoyment.
Bex loved the heated rush she felt after taking Psycho’s load. Everything about this experience was delicious.
Suddenly their mates moved. In short order, Raw was further back on the lounge, his rear hanging off the edge, Psycho dropped behind him. Raw’s cock was still inside Bex, but she found herself with her knees firmly on the lounge with her back arched, Honsono on his knees behind her.
It must have happened at the same time for both of them because their eyes widened, and their gazes locked together when Bex first felt Honsono’s hands spread her cheeks and his tongue swipe over her back entrance. Honsono ate her ass like it was his last meal, rubbing, sliding, licking his flexible tongue all over her sensitive, private flesh.
It was incredible. Bex arched into the sensations, keeping just the head of Raw’s cock inside her and clenching on it. Both she and Raw moaned with abandon.
Fiore’s sexy words and fiery kisses stoked their arousal.
“Enchanting mates, getting their delectable asses prepared for fucking.”
Fiore dove deep into Raw’s mouth for a long sultry kiss while Bex watched avidly as their masculine jaws moved while they tasted each other.
Bex gasped as Honsono began inserting a finger. Raw moaned into the kiss. Fiore pulled away from a panting Raw, turning to Bex.
“Did you know Lio nectar is a perfect lubricant?”
Bex shook her head, her eyes on Fiore’s lips. Hosono made her groan as he slowly, carefully stretched her with two fingers now while Fiore continued.
“It is. Plus, we can come over and over, fucking for hours without stopping.”
That stopped her breath. The possibilities…
“As long as our mates have needs, Lio Nels can satisfy them. Honored Nels can, too. Raw can give us all the smooth cock and cream we will ever need. Perfect, right?”
Bex nodded, speaking breathlessly as Honsono now spread her with three fingers.
“Yes, Fiore. It’s perfect.”
She wasn’t sure if she meant Honsono’s fingers, Raw’s cock, the whole situation, or her mates altogether. To Bex, it was all perfection.
“Honsono and Psycho are using their nectar to lubricate their fingers. I can see they desperately want to fill you.”
All of them grunted, growled, or moaned in anticipation at Fiore’s words. It seemed to trigger Honsono and Psycho to move in close.
Bex felt Honsono’s tip against her open entrance and breathed out slowly as he began to gently but unrelentingly press in.
Raw was moaning with agonized pleasure.
Fiore continued his instructions.
“Push out on their cocks as they enter. Push. Yes, that’s it. You are open and ready to be fucked, my mates. It’s time for the MateBond, loves.”
Honsono was deep, and he pushed closer to Raw, so she took more of Raw’s length inside her too. An uncontrollable craving for more, for everything they could give her, struck like a resonant chord that sounded from her soul to theirs.
Psycho moved, fast and firm, into Raw, which gave her amazing friction. Then Honsono pushed deeper into her with a smooth pop of his hips, pushing her and Raw back into Psycho. They continued this luscious rhythm while Fiore gave them deep kisses, ecstasy building with unstoppable force among them.
Bex gasped and looked over at Fiore, pleading in her eyes. She was strung so tight; she needed his cock in her mouth desperately.
Fiore answered in perfect fashion, standing on the lounge beside her and Raw, offering his length to her hungry lips. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and took him deep, laving him with her tongue, reveling in his savory flavor, finally completely connected with all her mates.
Bex opened her eyes, looking over at the unrestrained passion in the expressions of Raw and Psycho, their cheeks pressed together, eyes closed in concentration as they fucked in pleasured partnership.
Bex saw the aural glow she had accepted as a part of Raw now covered all of them.
A burgeoning wave of overwhelming joy struck Bex at the first taste of Fiore’s nectar, sparking her peak in an incandescent rush of blazing bliss that poured over into her mates, bringing them into each other’s minds and souls as they all roared their release.
Within the aural glow, Bex knew Raw’s hopes for family and young had been buried deep within him until he met his mates. She understood how far he had stepped outside of his comfort zone to reach for them and their love. Bex respected and desired the beautifully driven man that he was.
Bex felt them perceive her need for control as Captain, not only to protect those she loved, but because it was her ingrained nature, as much a part of her as her skin. They also discovered and understood her desire for them to entice her to privately lose her control, loving the way they challenged her mind and body without compromising her authority.
Bex discerned Psycho’s bone-deep, unrelenting devotion and felt honored to be among those few he loved and respected. They were the center of his world, now and forever.
She touched the depths of Fiore’s wild dreams and knew that they all would strive to make as many dreams come true as they could. Fiore’s kind, gentle soul shone like a beacon of sweetness, sparking Bex’s protectiveness. She would guard Fiore like the treasure he was.
Bex realized the amazing complexity of Honsono’s mind-map of thoughts. He was always busy thinking of contingencies and planning moves and countermoves, finding calm within his mind only when cuddled with his mates. Bex intended for Honsono have much relief from his complicated thoughts.
They tipped on the precipice for long, agonized moments while their souls connected, then they went over into fierce fulfillment, tingling release striking a pleasured blow on their senses, leaving them spent and panting, caressing each other in the aftermath.
When she could open her eyes again, the aural glow Bex saw on them was slowly dissipating into a concentration above each of their hearts. It lingered there a moment, then was gone.
Fiore dropped onto the chaise at Bex and Raw’s side. Honsono and Psycho both gently pulled out, then flopped on the floor, breathing heavily.
Turah spoke the final ceremonial words in a breathlessly cheerful tone near the entryway.
“This Coalition is Claimed and Sealed! I shall see you in a span of days!”
With that, she left at a run, making Bex laugh with joy. Turah had obviously found their mating inspiring.
Abassan Davidov bowed low, amusement and respect clear in his posture and expression as he left, activating the entryway privacy as he exited.
Bex turned to Raw, who was still buried hard and deep inside her, wrapping her arms around his neck. He looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes, leaning back on his arms. Honsono and Psycho now sat on the lounge together beside Bex and Raw.
“What do you think of all this fanciness, my Lord Rawdon de Roquemarel, M’lord Mate?”
Raw snorted a laugh.
“I think you enjoy the whole “royal” thing.
“I do! I will always have fun with it. When will I have my very own royal servicing me on his knees? You did promise.”
“I did! I will always be at my M’lady Captain’s service.”
He licked his lips lasciviously and playfully for her, which made her bite her own in anticipation. Then emotion overwhelmed her as love for Raw, Honsono, Fiore, and Psycho filled her heart.
“This is my kingdom, Lord Rawdon, and it is so much richer for having you all in it.”
“As owner of said kingdom, does that make you the king or queen?”
“No, I am not pedigreed like you, my charming man. I am the Captain, ruler of my kingdom.”
“What does that make me, my Captain, ruler of my heart?”
“My royal consort.”
“If that’s the case, then this is my royal rod.”
He pushed his still-hard length deeper into her, making her gasp with zings of pleasure as she chuckled.
“Cheeky consort.”
Raw grinned broadly and motioned to their contented, amused mates.
“What about them?”
Bex gazed lovingly over at her mates.
They are more than mine; they are ours.
“Ours. Our lovers, friends, and protectors. Until death do us part. Forever.”
Their Lio growled approval as they began kissing and petting Bex’s and Raw’s tender, sensitive skin. They were far from done.
“Unto death and beyond, ruler of my heart. Forever.”
Raw’s words were the last Bex heard before she relinquished control, giving herself over to her mates’ care with complete trust and devotion.
USA Today Bestselling Author Kassie Keegan is the wildly untamed Science Fiction Romance writer of the Savage Planet Series and Savage Galaxy Series featuring futuristic, bestial Lio heroes and the beings who love them. Go to for all kinds of goodies including illustrations of her LionMen.