Good, ideas for raising money for charity:
Sponsored walks/runs/swim-a-thons.
Raffle tickets for a good prize
(make sure the prize is donated so that you don’t have to fork out for it from your profits).
Auction any of the better items donated in jumble.
Home services: cleaning, gardening, taking care of pets while people are away, car washing, carrying groceries.
Plant sale arranged with local nursery.
Games or quiz night.
Charity ball.
Guess the age of your teacher.
Guess the number of coins in a jar.
Calendar sale.
Sport’s tournament (good chance to get boys involved).
Recipe books – including teachers faves etc.
Spelling competition.
Shootout (football goals).
Book sale.
Cake sale.
Invite a guest speaker to the school and sell tickets.
Face painting (be careful to use hypo-allergenic products).
Art sale. Best of some Year’s work.