Earth is home to a magnificent, interconnected series of ecosystems that maintain an astonishing variety of life, from microbes to elephants, from algae to eagles, from fungi to your next-door neighbor. But the planet—and its inhabitants—face some major challenges. Climate change is making the seas rise and the weather change, and threatening biodiversity. There isn't enough clean water in many parts of the world. Natural habitats like forests and wetlands are disappearing. Mountains of trash are piling up at an alarming rate. And people are being exposed to toxic chemicals in their homes and at work.
These threats are caused by people who have put their economies, technologies, and convenience first—and the Earth is paying the price. But more and more folks are starting to recognize the importance of living in harmony with the earth rather than exploiting it. They want healthy, natural foods and products instead of those laden with chemicals and toxins. They're trying to conserve resources by reducing consumption, using energy more efficiently, and finding renewable energy sources. And they're doing things with an awareness that we're stewards of the earth—not just for ourselves, but also for other creatures and for future generations.
This book takes a look at how things got this way. And, more importantly, it tells you specific things you can do every day to live a greener life.
When you look at the mess humans have made of the planet, it's easy to despair. What good does it do, you may wonder, to carry reusable shopping bags or sort recyclables when factories continue to belch out more pollution each day than you cause in a whole year?
Doing your part makes a difference because there's power in numbers. As more people take steps to save the environment—reducing consumption, recycling and reusing, wasting less, becoming more energy efficient, insisting on renewable energy and sustainable industry—the effect builds. Think globally, but act where you can: at home, in your community, at work, and by joining or donating to environmental groups. Educate and encourage others, as well. The more people who work together to protect the environment, the bigger impact they'll have.
The planet didn't get this way overnight: It took lots of small steps to create these huge environmental problems. Fixing them won't happen overnight, either. But everything you do to live a healthier, more responsible, greener life is a step in the right direction.