Everyone who had ever been touched by Kayla Burkheart came together in the forest to bid her farewell. The service was attended by all sorts of magical creatures. Sprites, gnomes, fairies, and even the wood nymphs that Kayla had scoffed at gathered, all wishing to pay their respects to the fallen queen and to celebrate the ascension of the new queen and the birth of Princess Aurora.
They brought flowers to lay on the casket of their beloved queen, and each of them had blessings for Aurora. She was given beauty, charm, grace, intelligence, righteousness, kindness and love. From the trolls, she was given the ability to fight, or as they put it, kick ass.
Grace knew everything would be fine for Aurora. She had so many people who loved her and would die to protect her that Grace had no worries. She would do everything in her power to make sure her daughter grew up to be a good person and a true princess.
Jorek approached Grace and Harry while they were saying goodbye to the hundreds of guests.
"Your Highness, you have one more guest that requests an audience."
Jorek stepped aside and revealed Roland Stillson, standing in front of them with his head bowed.
"Roland, please sit," Grace gestured to a tree stump next to her.
"Ah, if you please, Your Highness," he gestured, and a small ottoman appeared, upholstered in blue velvet. "Old habits die hard."
"We were hoping you would come," she said. She leaned over and took hold of his hand. "I want you to know that we understand why you did what you did. You had no choice."
"No, I did not. But, this does not mean that I do not feel badly for my part in all of this."
"You helped us. My mother told me that you tried to help her, and I know it was you that put the clues in the carvings on the buildings. You helped her come to us later that night and ease my father's pain. You risked your own life to save us from that monster."
"She was not always so, Grace. Once, I loved her very much, even though she was but a human." The sadness was once again in his eyes. "She was kind and good once. When Aliza took her from my realm, causing her death, she blamed your family. To be perfectly honest, so did I. Her spirit could not rest, knowing that her happily-ever-after had been stolen, along with the life of our child."
"Oh Roland, I had no idea."
"No one did. Not even me, until recently. Apparently, the grief of her loss caused Serena's spirit to go mad, and her target was your family line. She thought that by destroying your family and stealing your magic, she could be immortal and we could be together again. It was nothing more than a desperate attempt to regain the life we once had. A life that died with her original body. I could never again love someone who caused so much pain. Your ancestor Aurora taught me that doing good was the best way to live. That is why I helped her find love with Jacob. She deserved to be happy after all of the damage her sister had done. Nevertheless, rest assured, Grace, Serena's spirit is bound for eternity, along with the spirit of that vile woman that was your grandmother. They will never do you or your family harm again."
"I have something for you." Grace reached into her pocket and pulled out the blue-stoned ring. She held it in her palm and looked up at Roland.
"You know this means that I am in your service, Grace. This is a position that I am honored to hold."
"No," Grace said, placing the ring on the tree stump beside her. "You have been in the service of this stone for far too long. It is time for you to be free. It's time for you to go home."
"I don't know that I belong there anymore," he said, looking off into the distance.
"I know that you do not belong here in servitude. You need to live your life, Roland. I am releasing you from this stone, once and for all."
She raised her hand over the stone and closed her eyes. A pulse of white light formed in her palm before it descended onto the ring, then the sparkling stone shattered into dust. Roland breathed a sigh of relief, his blue eyes shimmering.
"Thank you, Grace. Know that if you ever need me, I am only one wish away."
"I do have something that you can help me with before you go, but only if you would like, Roland. It is your choice."
He smiled at her and nodded, already knowing what she was asking.
"Your wish is my command, My Queen."
The djinn took one last bow before he disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.