Grace stepped down from the upstairs landing of the home she had shared with her mother and father for so many years. Her white gown trailed behind her and her hands, cold and clammy, clutched the bouquet of pink and white flowers. She took a deep breath.
David stood at the foot of the stairs, waiting to either take her arm or catch her when she tumbled down. She looked as if she were a few breaths away from hyperventilating. Lucky for both of them, Grace made it down the steps without falling and took hold of the arm that David offered to her.
"You look amazing, Munchkin," he said, choking back tears. "I guess I can't really call you that anymore. You are all grown up now."
"I will always be your little munchkin, Dad."
This time his tears could not be stopped. As he dried his eyes, the two of them made their way down the makeshift aisle.
"I wish your mom was here to see this. She would be so proud of you."
"I know she would. She is here with us, Dad. I can feel her watching."
"I can feel her, too."
They walked up through the rows of chairs where her loved ones sat. All of the forest creatures that had attended Kayla's memorial were here in her childhood home only two days later to celebrate her marriage.
When they approached the podium where the priestess stood, Grace could see that Harry was just as nervous as she was. He looked at her and smiled.
Suddenly, any fear that she had fell away like water shedding off a mountainside. She saw in Harold the Prince Charming she had always wished for. He was her knight in shining armor, her support when she stumbled, and the love of her life. Looking in his eyes, she saw the same from him. She knew he loved her more than anything, and that he would always be a wonderful husband and an amazing father. During the short time Aurora had been in the world, he doted over her, changing diapers and preparing her bottles. He loved to sit and rock her to sleep, and he had already bought her every stuffed animal known to man. She knew she and their daughter would always be loved.
"Who gives this woman?" The priestess asked.
"I do," David said, squeezing Grace's hand and kissing her cheek before he took his seat next to Doc.
Harry stepped forward and joined Grace at the podium. He almost stumbled because his knees were shaking so much. Grace chuckled and smiled at him through her white veil.
"Grace and Harold, know now before you go further, since your lives have crossed you have formed eternal and sacred bonds. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony, you should strive to make real the ideals that, to you, give meaning to this ceremony and to the institution of marriage."
The priestess took a length of gold cord and draped it over the couple's joined hands.
"Know that within this circle, you are not only declaring your intent to be hand fasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your higher powers. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here only strengthen your union and your love for each other. This union will only grow stronger through the years as each of your souls grow. Do you still wish to perform this ceremony and pledge your love?"
"Yes, we do," they said in unison.
"Excellent. Will the guests please stand?"
All of the guests stood up, and all eyes were focused on the loving couple as the priestess called blessings from each of the four elements.
"Blessed be this hand-fasting from the east and the element of air. Openness and communication, and purity of the mind and body. From the east, a new beginning with the rising of each sun, and the understanding that each day is a new opportunity to show your love for each other."
"Blessed be," the guests said in chorus.
"Blessed be this hand-fasting from the south and the element of fire. Energy, passion, creativity, and a loving home. From the fire within you generate light, which you will share with one another in even the darkest of times."
"Blessed be."
"Blessed be this hand-fasting from the west and the element of water. You have absolute trust in one another, and vow to keep your hearts open in sorrow as well as joy."
"Blessed be.
"Blessed be this hand-fasting from the north and the element of earth. Sustenance, fertility, and security. The earth will enrich you, and help you to build a stable home to which you may always return."
"Blessed be."
Grace chuckled as she heard the sniffles coming from her bridal party. Daisy and Violet were both teary eyed. The priestess continued.
"Grace and Harold, will you honor and respect one another?"
"We will."
"The first binding is made. Will you share each other’s pain and always seek to ease it?"
"We will."
"Will you share in each other’s laughter, and always look for the positive in each other?"
"We will."
The priestess took a white strip of cloth from the podium and wrapped it around the couple's hands.
"As your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the stars, your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow. The rings?"
Harold turned to Jorek, his best man, and took the ring. He placed it on Grace's finger. Daisy handed Grace the ring and she placed it on Harry's shaking finger.
"I now pronounce you hand-fasted as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
All of the nervousness drained from Harry as he lifted Grace's veil and took her in his arms. When their lips met, they both knew everything would be okay from here on out.
The couple turned to face their guests, and Grace looked up to the staircase. Kayla stood there at the top of the landing and smiled down on her family. Grace indicated to David to look back. He burst into joyous tears when he saw his beloved standing above them. Roland had come through for her after all. Her final wish was that her mother could be there on her wedding day. She was not only there; she looked so happy.
She raised her hand and blew a kiss before she faded away.