I started my research on this book in the fall of 2009. Besides combing the literature with the help of several librarians, I solicited information on Publore and other specialist listservs including the birding listservs of close to twenty states. This netted a host of valuable materials and, more important perhaps, contacts with interested people who have proved to be strong allies throughout this ongoing effort. I spent nine days in Madison, Wisconsin, going through the boxes of Schorger’s personal papers in the University of Wisconsin’s Archives and the binders filled with his passenger pigeon notes that are kept at the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology. There were also trips to numerous other places through former passenger pigeon range. Throughout this I was aided by a host of people, a number of whom have become good friends. The following is a partial list of those who provided information, reviewed chapters, provided lodging, or provided other assistance that made completion of this book possible (some names appear in the text):
Bob Adams, Glenn Adelson, David Aftandilian, Renee and David Baade, Paul Baicich, Kyle Bagnall, Mark Barrow, Eleanor Bartell, Fred Baumgarten, Craig Benkman, David Blockstein, Charlie Bombaci, Ken Brock, Simon Bronner, Neely Bruce, Alan Bruner, Michael Bryson, Blair Campbell, Angelo Capparella, Stan Casto, Elisabeth Condon, Bill Cook, Mary Cummings, Bob Currin, Stan De Orsey, Julia Di Liberti, Jim Ducey, Tim Earle, Josh Engel, Nancy Faller, Ralph Finch, Raymond Fogelson, Beryl Gabel, Paul Gardner, Nancy Gift, Nancy Glick, Bob Glotzhober, Ben Goluboff, Stephen Gordon, Don Gorney, Terri Gorney, Michel Gosselin, Robin and Travis Greenberg, Nadia Gronkowski, Greg Hanson, Stan Hedeen, Lynn Hepler, Destry Hoffard, David Horn, Richard Horwitz, Mary Hufford, Connie Ingham, Julia Innes, Paul James, Carolyn Jaskula, Jeanette Jaskula, Kevin Johnson, Jacqueline Johnson, Kenn and Kim Kaufman, Tom Kastle, John Kay, Rudolf Keller, Tom Kent, Cynthia Sue Kerchmar, Alan Keyser, Kindler family, Gretchen Knapp (reviewed entire manuscript), Deborah Lahey, Garrie (reviewed entire manuscript) and Lynn Landry, Cindy Laug, Ellen Lawlor, Leo Lefevre, Bob Levin, John Leonard, Wendy Lilly, Karen Lippy, John Low, Damon Lowe, Peter Ludwig, Dan Marsh, Terrance Martin, Bob Maul, Carol McCardell, Todd McGrain, Curt Meine, Ed Meyer, Janet Millenson, Steve Mirick, David Mrazek, Greg Nobles, Ben Novak, Mark Peck, Justin Peter, Wayne Peterson, Pamela Rasmussen, Steve Rogers, Kayo Roy, Sarah Rupert, Robert Russell, John Ruthven, Rita Rutledge, Sara and Steve Sass, Linda Scarth, Jonathon Schlesinger, Jennifer Schmidt, Theresia Schwinghammer, David Scofield, Geoffrey Sea, Skip Shand, Jerri Sierocki, Andy Sigler, Mathew Sivils, Arthur Smith, Michael Solomon, Kathleen Soler, David Stanley, Tom Steel, Nancy Steiber, Wendy Strothman, Steve Sullivan, Jeff Sundberg, Stephanie Szakal, Stan Temple, Jeremiah Trimble, Sophia Twichell, Tim Wallace, Jason Weckstein, Susan Wegner, Daniel Weinman, Bill Whan (reviewed entire manuscript), Phil Willink, Jon Wuepper, Owen Youngman, and Kristof Zyskowski.
A few of the names on this list have appeared in the acknowledgments of my other books as well. I cannot express the full level of my appreciation for these long-term friends whose love and other support have helped make all of this possible.