Time is running out.
And there is much to do.
So many rituals…so little time.
Yet he couldn’t rush things, oh no.
The Reviver was still hyped-up as he parked his truck in a space he’d carved out in a dense thicket of brush and buck-thorn. Nerves jangling, his body covered in sweat, he removed his tools from the back of the truck. He worked efficiently, taking anything incriminating from the truck then locking the vehicle securely and dashing up a slight hill to the knoll where his cabin was tucked into a deep copse of trees. The cool night breezes could not quench his heated skin. His pulse was pounding, the scent of blood still tantalizing his nostrils as he headed down the long, overgrown path to the cabin.
He had a place in the city, of course, but here, in the woods, this was where he belonged, where the Voice of God had found him, the only place he was certain to communicate with the Father.
Once inside, he threw the dead bolt, made certain the shutters were completely closed, then stripped himself of all clothing. He dropped all of his clothes into an ancient washer then placed his boots into the stainless steel sink and used a sprayer to wash the blood down the drain. When he was finished, he ran the washer, dumping a quart of bleach into the machine and scrubbing the sink with chlorine bleach as well. Though he felt as if he were doing a good job in covering his tracks, he had to be doubly careful. No plan was fail proof; the cops were far from idiots.
Trust in the Voice. Have faith.
Do not doubt.
Never doubt.
He was still on a high, reliving the kill over and over.
He’d known that Cole Dennis would take the bait.
The bastard had shown up at Renner’s house right on cue and discovered the body.
The Reviver hadn’t been foolish enough to wait around and watch, much as he’d wanted to. That would have been too risky, and the Voice had been clear about leaving as soon as he was finished. But as he’d driven here he’d turned on the police-band radio mounted in his truck and listened to what the cops were doing.
He didn’t need much time to complete the plan. The Voice had been clear that the Reviver’s mission was to be finished quickly, in a mere matter of days, culminating with Eve.
He thought about what he would do to her.
How he would punish her for all her sins.
He scratched his palms in anticipation.
He would strip her bare.
Take her body that she flaunted and do everything he dreamed…
Now, lighting the fire, he spread a plastic sheet in front of the grate before carrying a freestanding full-length mirror from the bedroom and angling it on the edge of the sheeting so that the glass caught the reflection of the fire and of the mirror over the fireplace. He located his “kit” in the bottom drawer of an old cupboard and spread all the implements over the mantel. Once the altar was ready, he hurried into his cranny of a bathroom, turned on the pulsing spray, stepped beneath it. Icy water blasted his skin in a quick, harsh tempo. Thoroughly he washed away all the dirt, all the sweat, all the grime with industrial-strength soap that he used on his hair, his face, his hands, and his genitals. Once the suds were rinsed off, he stepped onto the cold stone floor and, still dripping, his skin dimpling with the cold, padded to the living area, where the fire illuminated the sparse, utilitarian room.
He lit the candles standing ready on the centuries-old mantel. Unscented votives, tapers, and pillars, all pristine white, flickered and burned, their tiny flames reflecting a dozen times over in the angled glass.
Catching the light from the candles’ flames, his rosary sparkled as it hung from a hook over the mantel.
Tenderly he removed the glittering strand from its resting place. Letting the cool, blood-red beads run through his hands, closing his eyes as he lowered himself to his knees, he recovered some of his equilibrium. The rosary always comforted him, helped calm him, aided him in keeping the demons and ungodly thoughts at bay. He knew that what he’d done—the killing—was considered a sin, but not, he told himself, when he was on a mission from God, a modern-day crusade, a cleansing of the heathens.
The Voice of God had instructed him.
He was but an instrument; this he believed.
And yet he had unclean thoughts. Lustful thoughts. And he savored the killing. Fantasized about it. Relived it. Which was not God’s intention.
How he ached to revel in the taking of Terrence Renner’s life, to replay it even more, over and over, in his mind—just as he longed to imagine the violent coupling with Eve before he sacrificed her.
But he had to wait, to calm himself, to ignore the fantasies. In the end surely God would understand, for it was God who had led him to Eve, who had brought them together, as children and now as adults. As a child she’d been intelligent and clever. He remembered seeing her running through the hospital grounds, her tanned legs flashing in the bright sunlight, her coppery hair flying behind her, her blue eyes dancing. Even then, at twelve, her breasts had started to show, little buds that had been visible under her T-shirts until she’d started wearing a bra. She’d been athletic and wild, and he’d watched her grow, feeling heat seep through his bloodstream, causing his groin to tighten, his dick to grow, desire thudding in his brain.
But he hadn’t dared mention his want of her to the doctor, her father. Not if he wanted to keep away from the medications that made him feel thick and dull, every movement an effort, as if he were trudging through water.
God had shown him Eve as a child.
God had allowed him to see her develop into a woman.
Then God had taken her away, probably because he’d sinned. Hadn’t Sister Vivian told him so when she’d caught him in the closet, alone, touching himself, a picture of Eve taped to the back of the door? He could still see the nun’s shock, the horror on her face.
She’d punished him then, threatened to tell the doctor. But his tears of repentance had stopped her from speaking of his sins to anyone but Sister Rebecca, who had pursed her lips and condemned him with her harsh gaze. It was she who had insisted he confess to the priest. To God. While the priest heard his confession, his prayers, and meted out his penance of prayers, good deeds, and clean thoughts, Sister Rebecca had come up with her own punishment. He’d been isolated from the other patients his age, those who had only “clean thoughts.” He also was at Sister Rebecca’s beck and call, her personal slave.
He’d felt as if he’d been chained to the voluminous skirts of her dark habit and by the dark beads of her ever-present rosary. If he ever complained about his serfdom, Sister Rebecca threatened to tell Eve and Dr. Renner his dark secret, that he found pleasure in fondling himself while watching her.
“Just think what will happen then,” Sister Rebecca had warned him in a conspiratorial whisper. “Everyone here will soon know just what kind of a sinner you are….”
Sister Vivian, an underling of Sister Rebecca’s, had avoided and abandoned him. While Sister Rebecca had relished punishing him, the younger nun had wanted nothing to do with such a sinner.
But then, they had been impure themselves, had they not?
Hadn’t the Voice said as much?
Hadn’t God Himself led the Reviver to Eve, who was no longer a girl but a woman?
And a sinner.
A whore.
And as unclean as she was, he ached for her.
His mouth dried of spit, and he began to tremble inside as he thought of her, remembered standing in the closet, staring at her picture….
He needed to pray now, to beg forgiveness for his unclean thoughts and then finish with his own penance, his own private ritual.
Only then could he hope for the Voice to reach him again, to seek him out, to drown out the other tinny, aggravating voices that beleaguered him.
Gently holding the crucifix within the rosary between his thumb and forefinger, lightly touching the tiny image of Christ’s body upon the cross, his voice barely audible over the hiss of the fire, he began to pray.
“I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord…”
His blood began flowing more slowly, his heartbeat finding a regular cadence again, the beads of water upon his skin drying. As he had since he was a child, he touched each bead, murmured each prayer, until he was finished. “O loving. O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us. O holy mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.”
Slowly he rose, his naked body cleansed, his soul washed free, for he considered this his confession and communion. He didn’t need a priest, an intermediary between himself and the holy Father.
God talked to him.
At night.
When he was alone.
And He told him to mark himself to remind himself of his mission. He opened his small case and looked at the gleaming instruments inside.
He took out the needle, filled the syringe with blue ink, plugged in the machine. Staring at the image of his naked, shaved, and waxed body in the tall mirror, he began. With careful strokes, he inscribed the number 101 upon his skin, the tiny, sharp needle moving with rapid, stinging strokes as he worked a foot pedal. He was precise, adding the tattoo to a clean space where he could read it easily among the others that he’d drawn on his body. For his victims, of course, he had to use a smaller, battery-powered needle. His work on the bodies was quick and rough. But on himself, he had the luxury of time to make each letter and number perfect. Exquisite.
The pain was exciting, a turn-on. While he worked his needle, he had to concentrate intensely to keep his cock from coming to attention, to keep his mind free of images of sex and pain, to ensure the quality of his artwork. Over and over the numbers he worked, coloring them in, making certain the scab would form and the impression would be forever.
The number 101 tattooed onto his flesh…along with the others, including names and the number 212.
It was over all too quickly. The sensual pain suddenly banished as his job was completed.
Blowing out the candles, he doused the fire with water, cleaned the needles and the tubes, wound the cord around the compact machine, and tucked it all into its case. After replacing the tattoo machine inside the desk, he folded the plastic tarp and stowed it away. Then he examined his artwork, tended to it and lay down on his bed, no sheets covering him.
He was done for this night.
But there would be others.
As there had been before.
Some he’d killed quickly. Others more slowly. Releasing their souls to heaven. There had even been one who had been revived, but only one, and that was a long time ago…so long. Tears came to run in hot streaks from the corners of his eyes.
Now, though, that the killing had started once again, it would continue.
That thought pleased him.
The waiting was over.
He closed his eyes and soon the voices came, little chattering, irritating, and garbled pieces of conversation that whirred like bats’ wings in his head.
Go away, he thought. Leave me be…. Let me hear only God…. Let the Voice of the Father find me….
But it was not to be.
By the time sleep found him, the other hissing, crying, wailing voices had eaten away at his peacefulness, had made his muscles tense, his nostrils flare, and his fists clench. The tears that now welled in his eyes were not tears of sorrow but of frustration, and he bit his lip so hard that blood flowed. He nearly screamed aloud. He knew this would be one of those nights. Long, terrible nights. Nights where, when slumber finally did find him, it would be not with peace but with a raging storm of razor-edged nightmares.
Eve’s cell phone shrilled loudly.
Her eyes flew open.
Where am I? What…what is the ringing?…The phone? Where is it?
For a second, Eve was disoriented, the room unfamiliar. She sat up in bed.
“Ssssss!” Startled, Samson hissed, arched his back, then hopped quickly off the coverlet and scrambled to hide under the dresser.
Fumbling for the cell, Eve flipped on the night-table lamp. The room was suddenly bright. She blinked, her heart beating triple-time.
She managed to pick up the phone. “Hello?”
“He’s free,” warned the same low, raspy voice she’d heard before.
Eve sucked in a strangled breath. “Who is this?”
No answer. But he was still on the line. She knew it. Could feel him.
“Listen,” she said, trying to keep the fear from her voice, “whoever you are, I know that he’s free, okay? So you can quit calling me!”
“Heeee’ssss freeeeeee…” The caller’s voice was so low, so ophidian a hiss, she barely heard it.
The phone went dead.
“Son of a—” she whispered, pushing her hair out of her face and trying to calm down. Who the hell was harassing her? Phoning her in the middle of the night now, for God’s sake. She stared at the face of her phone, silently praying for a number or name. Of course the call was restricted, and no combination of punching numbers and reading screens and scrolling down menus gave her a clue as to the caller’s identity. Whoever the bastard was, he wanted to remain anonymous while scaring the tar out of her.
Turning out the light, she flopped against the headboard and glanced at her alarm clock where the time was illuminated in glowing red numbers.
Two thirty-six.
Who the hell in his right mind would be calling at…Her own question taunted her. That was the problem. There was no “right mind” about it. Whoever was doing this had one serious screw loose. Probably two or three.
She lay in the dark, waiting for her pulse to slow. Who was he? Where was he calling from? Why did he feel the need to tell her that Cole was a free man? It was all over the news. And these calls weren’t friendly warnings. No, these were sinister. Evil. Meant to intimidate.
Someone’s trying to terrorize you.
“And doing a damned good job of it,” she admitted as the cat hopped back onto the bed and curled up against her. She petted him absently, glad that she was forgiven.
Why would anyone—
Rap! Rap! Rap!
Her heart nearly stopped. She bit her tongue to keep from screaming. Someone was knocking on the door! Samson lifted his head and stared at the closed door to the bedroom.
Eve hardly dared breathe, but the knocking downstairs continued, a pounding that sounded as if it were coming from the back door. She thought of the bastard who’d just called. Maybe he was checking to see if she were home.
But no one knew she was here!
“Don’t freak out,” she whispered but was already in a near panic. She thought about calling the police but discarded the idea…for now. This was her neighborhood, not some deserted bayou.
Don’t think about the night Roy was killed.
Stay calm…. Be rational….
Without turning on a light, she threw on her robe and hurried to the room her grandfather had used as a den, an extra bedroom on the second floor that, twenty years after his death, still held some of his possessions: pictures of him and his wife, his medical degrees, his favorite old recliner, and his revolver. Thin light from the nearest streetlamp gave her enough illumination to find the gun in the bottom drawer of his desk. The gun wasn’t loaded, and there were no bullets anywhere in the house that she knew of, but she would carry the weapon, along with her cell phone, downstairs just the same.
If she encountered an intruder, he wouldn’t know that the revolver was useless.
Think, she told herself as she eased down the stairs, her eyes accustomed to the darkness. She’d walked down these hallways in the dark hundreds of times as a child and did so now rather than throwing her silhouette in relief and making herself an easy target by turning on a light.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Whoever it was, was banging hard enough on the back door to rattle the window set into the thick oak panels. Certainly no sneak thief would want to call attention to himself. But a crazy person, one hopped up on drugs, someone desperate, just might.
Her fingers tightened over the revolver’s handle as she headed down the long hallway separating the parlor from the dining room, past the bath to the kitchen. Her heart was beating crazily, anxiety firing her blood.
Don’t panic, she told herself, but as she stepped into the mudroom, where she could see through the window cut into the back door, she spied a man on the porch—a tall man, his face hidden in darkness. A little cry escaped her taut throat.
“Who’s there?” she demanded in a strained voice, her fingers gripped around the butt of the gun, her pulse pounding. She aimed the revolver at the window as if she intended to shoot then flipped on the switch for the porch light with her free hand.
The lamp lit weakly, the dim bulb casting the porch in a watery blue light that only seemed to accentuate the shadows as it flickered, threatening to die and leave the stoop in total darkness.
Nonetheless she recognized the man on the other side of the door.
Cole Dennis, big as life, stood on her porch.