The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

Abbott, Douglas

Action Democratique du Québec (ADQ)


Alford, Robert

Allaire, Jean

Allan, Hugh

Anderson, Rick

Bakvis, Herman

Barrett, David

Beaudoin-Edwards Committee

Beck, Murray

Bennett, R.B.

Bennett, W.A.C.

Blais, André

Blake, Edward

Bloc populaire

Bloc Québécois

Borden, Robert

Bouchard, Lucien

Bourassa, Henri

Bowell, Mackenzie

Bracken, John

British Columbia

British Imperial Preference

Broadbent, Ed

Brokerage politics and parties

Brown, George

Byng, Governor General Lord

Cairns, Alan

Camp, Dalton

Campbell, Kim

Canada Temperance Act

Canadian Alliance

Canadian Pacific Railway

Caouette, Réal

Cartier, George Étienne

Cartwright, Richard

Carty, Kenneth

Charest, Jean

Charlottetown Accord

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Chevrier, Lionel

Chrétien, Jean

Churchill, Gordon

Churchill, Winston

Clarity Act

Clark, Joe

Clarke, Harold D.

Clarkson, Stephen

Claxton, Brooke

Cockfield, Brown

Coldwell, M.J.

Conservative Party of Canada (post-2006)

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)

Corry, J.A.

Crerar, T.A.

Crosbie, John

Crow, John

Customs Scandal (1925)

Davey, Keith

Day, Stockwell

Delacourt, Susan

Democratic Representative Caucus

Diefenbaker, John

Dion, Stéphane

Dominion Elections Act

Drew, George

Duplessis, Maurice

Ellis, Faron

Favreau, Guy

Flanagan, Tom

Fleming, Donald

Foreign Investment Review Agency


Fraser, Graham

Fraser, Sheila

Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ)

Frost, Leslie

Fulton, Davie

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Gallup Polls (see also individual polls reported)

Gidengil, Elisabeth

Goldenberg, Eddie

Goldfarb, Martin

Gomery, John

Goodale, Ralph

Gordon, Walter

Granatstein, J.L.

Gray, Deborah

Green Party

Gregg, Allan

Grosart, Allister

Harper, Stephen

Hatfield, Richard

Hees, George

Hellyer, Paul

Herle, David

Herridge, W.D.

Horner, Jack

Howe, C.D.

Howe, Joseph

Ignatieff, Michael

Irvine, William

Jenson, Jane

Johnston, Richard

Jones, Leonard

Jones, Leslie

Key, V.O.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Kinsella, Warren

Klein, Ralph

Kornberg, Allan

Lalonde, Marc

LaMarsh, Judy

Landry, Bernard

Lapointe, Ernest

Laurier, Wilfrid

Layton, Jack

LeDuc, Lawrence

Lee, Bill

Lévesque, René

Little New Deal (1935)

MacAdam, Pat

Macdonald, Donald

Macdonald, Flora

Macdonald, John A.

MacKay, Peter

Mackenzie, Alexander

MacLaren Advertising

Macphail, Agnes

Manion, Robert J.


Manitoba School Crisis

Manning, E.C.

Manning, Preston

Marchand, Jean

Martin, Lawrence

Martin, Paul, Jr.

Martin, Paul, Sr.

Marzolini, Michael

Massey, Vincent

McBride, Richard

McCall, Cristina

McDonough, Alexa

McLaughlin, Audrey

McLaughlin, David

McLuhan, Marshall

Meech Lake Accord

Meighen, Arthur

Meisel, John

Mercer, Rick

Military Voters’ Act

Mowat, Oliver

Mulroney, Brian

National Energy Program

National Policy (NP)

Neatby, Blair

Nevitte, Neil

New Brunswick

New Democratic Party


Newman, Peter C.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Northern Ontario Pipeline Crown Corporation Bill (1956)

Nova Scotia

October Crisis (1970)

Official Languages Act (1969)


Orchard, David

Pacific Railway Scandal (1874)

Pammett, Jon H.

Parti autonomiste

Parti Québécois

Party identification/partisanship

Party images

Party systems

Patenaude, Esioff-Léon


Pearson, Lester B.

Pelletier, Gérard

Perlin, George

Petro Canada

Pickersgill, Jack

Pilon, Dennis

Pinard, Maurice

Pipeline Debate (1856)

Pitfield, Michael

Plamandon, Bob

Pocklington, Peter

Political parties, nature of (see also individual parties)

Political picnics

Power, “Chubby”

Progressive Conservative Party

Progressive Party

Public opinion polls


Queen Elizabeth II


Radwanski, George

Rae, Bob

Rae, John

Raymond, Maxime

Reciprocity Treaty (1911)

Reconstruction Party

Red Book (1993)

Red Leaf Communications


Prohibition (1898)

Charlottetown (1992)


Quebec, (1980)

Quebec (1995)

Reform Party

Regenstreif, Petern

Reid, Escott

Reid, Scott

Riel, Louis

Riesman, Simon

Roblin, Duff

Rock, Allan

Rockefeller, John D.

Rose, Richard

Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism

Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada

Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing

Russell, Peter


Sawatsky, John

Saywell, John

Scallion, J.W.

Scarrow, Howard

Schull, Joseph

Schwartz, Mildred

Secret ballot

Segal, Hugh

Sévigny, Pierre

Sharp, Mitchell

Siegfried, André

Simpson, Jeffrey

Single member plurality electoral system

Skelton, O.D.

Smith, David

Smith, Denis

Smith, Jennifer

Social Credit Party

Spicer, Keith

Sponsorship scandal

St. Laurent, Louis

Stacey, C.P.

Stanfield, Robert

Stanley, George

Stein, Michael

Stevens, Geoffrey

Stevens, H.H.

Stevens, Sinclair

Stewart, Gordon

Stewart, Walter

Stronach, Belinda

Suez Canal Crisis

Symons, Tom

Tarte, Israel


Thompson, Dale

Thompson, John

Trudeau, Pierre

Tupper, Charles

Turcotte, André

Turner, John

Turnout, voter

Underhill, Frank

Unemployment insurance

Union Government (1917)

Union Nationale

United Alternative

United Farmers

United Nations

United States

Vastel, Michel

Waffle movement (NDP)

Wage and Price Controls (1974)

Wagner, Claude

Waite, Peter B.

War Measures Act

Ward, Normannn

Wartime Elections Act

Wayne, Elsie

Wearing, Joseph

Wells, Clyde

Westell, Anthony

Weston, Greg

Whitaker, Reginald

Whitehorn, Alan

Williams, John

Wilson, Michael

Winnipeg General Strike

Winters, Robert

Women’s suffrage

Woodsworth, J.S.

Woolstencroft, Peter

Wrong, Dennis H.

Young, Walter