

Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

acrobatics, 48

Ah Sin (Twain and Harte), 136–37, 139

Ala’uddin of Miafarakain, 8

alcohol, 33

American Revolution, 63

Analects of Confucius, 171–73

ancestor worship, 34, 36, 42, 88

Andrade, Simão de, 20

Anhui, 180

Anna Christie (O’Neill), 175

Annam, 149–50

Anson, George, xii, xiii, 51–56, 71, 80, 102, 187

Chinese dishonesty decried by, 53–54

on Chinese language, 55–56, 81

Chinese writing criticized by, 55–56

dues-paying refused by, 52

influence and readership of, 56, 92, 98

Argonauts, The (Harte), 137

arts, 55

astrology, 34

astronomy, 36

Atalante, 149

atheism, 88

“At Sword Point” (Segalen), 158–59

Augustine, Saint, 37

Austen, Frank, xiv, 101–2

Austen, Jane, xiv, 101–2

Awakening China (Wittfogel), 208

Aziyadé (Loti), 149

Bacon, Francis, 63, 72, 81–82

Bacon, Roger, 3

banquets, 43, 45, 48

beggars, 116, 202

Bell, John, xiii, 45–51, 58, 59, 61, 79, 80

on Chinese language, 51, 81

tobacco sales noted by, 103

benevolent societies, 138–39

Bernhardt, Sarah, 152

Bierce, Ambrose, 126

Birth of a Nation, 166

Book of Changes, The, 82

Book of Poetry, 169

Book of Songs (Pound), 174

Borges, Jorge Luis, xvii, 226, 232–37

Borodin, Michael, 209

Boxer, Charles, 24

Boxer Uprising, 117, 121, 139, 141, 148, 150, 166, 187

Brecht, Bertolt, xvi, 193, 199, 205, 206, 207

“Bridge, The” (Crane), v, xi

Bridgman, Elijah, 104

Bridgman, Eliza Jane Gillett, xiv, 104–9, 117

attack on boat of, 108–9

Broken Blossoms, xv, 166–68

Bryanton, 73

Buck, John Lossing, 212

Buck, Pearl, xv, 180–83, 187, 200, 212

Buddhism, 34, 35, 208

Hoange on, 88

Bunker, Adelaide Yeates, 123

Bunker, Chang, 123

Bunker, Eng, 123

Bunker, Sarah Ann Yeates, 123

bureaucracy, 33

Burke, Edmund, 56

Burke, Thomas, 167

Burma, 28

California, Chinese in, 123, 126, 133, 141–42

calligraphy, see Chinese writing system

Calvino, Italo, xvii, 226

Calvo, Vasco, 31

Cambodia, 24, 190

Campanella, Thomas, 72

Campbell, Bartley, 137

Candide (Voltaire), 95

Canton, 52, 54, 60, 104, 189

traders at, 102–3

Cantos, The (Pound), 170–71, 173, 177

Cathay (Pound), 169

Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia, 56

Catholicism, Catholic Church, xii–xiii, 42, 83

China histories sponsored by, 41

Chinese converts to, 65

Dominicans, 24, 36, 41

Franciscans, 11, 12, 24, 31

Jesuits, 20, 24, 31–33, 35–36, 41, 42, 82, 86, 92, 145

Pinto’s critique of, 28–29

Catz, Rebecca, 29–30

Centurion, 52

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 17

Chavannes, Edouard, 156–57, 163

Cheat, The, 166

Chiang Kai-shek, 188, 190, 191, 192, 198, 199, 203, 204


cult of, 62–66, 74–80, 146

economy of, 210–13, 217

exhaustion ascribed to, 99

exotic views of, xv, xvi, 145–86, 188, 223

foreigners threatened and attacked in, 108–9, 119, 121

generosity in, 122

imitation ascribed to, 40, 55, 99

noninvolvement noted in, 116–17

radical visions of, 187–205

stagnation noted in, 97–98, 99

in twentieth-century fiction, 226–41

utopian views of, 30

“Chinago, The” (London), 142–44

Chinese Emperor, The (Lévi), 223

Chinese immigrants, in Tahiti, 142–44

Chinese immigrants, in U.S., xiv, 122–44, 166

Doyle on, 139–40

Harte on, 123, 126–29, 133, 134–37

London on, 141–42

portrayed as evil, 139–41

Twain on, 123–26, 129–32, 133, 136–37, 138, 139

Chinese language, 33, 81–82, 120

Bell on, 51, 81

Bridgman’s study of, 106–7

Edkins’s study of, 111–12

as first language, 65, 82

"God” in, 34–35

Montesquieu’s study of, 89

Webb’s investigation of, 65, 82

Chinese visitors, in Europe, 85–86

Chinese writing system, 2, 11, 24, 26–27, 55–56, 89, 94

Bridgman’s study of, 106–7

Herder on, 99

Kangxi’s reform of, 89

Montesquieu on, 94

Voltaire on, 98

Chinoiseries, xiii, 62, 75, 79, 80, 110, 146, 229, 235

Ch’in Shih Huang-ti, see Qin Shihuangdi, Emperor of China

Chongqing, 203

chopsticks, 23, 26, 38

Christianity, 72, 85, 87, 95

Chinese sect of, 103–4

Protestantism, xiii, 83, 103–4, 166

see also Catholicism, Catholic Church

chronologies, 235–37

Circus of Dr. Lao, The (Finney), 183–85

Citizen of the World, The (Goldsmith), 75–76, 103, 105, 189, 234

“City at Night, The” (Claudel), 154–55

City of the Sun (Campanella), 72

civil service examinations, 90

Claudel, Paul, xv, 153–56, 157, 160, 188

climate, 93

clothing, 89

of Kangxi, 47

Columbus, Christopher, xi, xii

Polo as read by, 17–18

Comintern, 190, 193, 194, 206, 207, 208–9

communism, 165, 208, 212

in Brecht, 194–98

Wittfogel and, 206–13, 217–18

Communist Party (China), xvi, 195, 198

in Malraux, 188, 190, 191, 193

Snow and, 199–203, 212

Wittfogel and, 217–18

Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government, The, 168, 169

concubines, 17, 34, 202

Condition Humaine, La (Man’s Fate) (Malraux), 188–93, 209

confession, public, 217

Confucianism, 33, 35, 36, 42, 85, 86, 168, 189

Chiang and, 204

Hoange on, 88

Kafka and, 227

Pound’s interest in, 168–74

Weber on, 211

Wittfogel on, 216

Confucius, 33, 82, 86, 88, 100, 174–75

Conger, Laura, 116, 117

Conger, Sarah, xiv, 115–17

“Consolidator, The” (Defoe), 66

Controversias (Navarrete), 37

cormorant fishing, 11, 25–26

courtship, 89

Crane, Hart, v

Critchley, John, 11, 13–14, 16

Cultural Revolution, 222

customs, 94

da Cruz, Gaspar, 24–27, 28, 35, 41, 187

da Gama, Vasco, 19

Dante Alighieri, 17

Dapper, Olfert, 42

Daughter of Heaven, The (La fille du Ciel) (Loti and Gautier), 152–53

Daughters of China (Bridgman), 104

Debussy, Claude, 160

Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 211

Defoe, Daniel, xiii, 66–71, 87, 92, 187

de Gaulle, Charles, 221

de Mille, Cecil B., 166

democracy, 166

Descartes, René, 81–82

Description of the World, The (Travels) (Polo), 1–18, 35, 175, 237

Deserted Village, The (Goldsmith), 75

Desire Under the Elms (O’Neill), 175

despotism, 91, 93–95

dog meat, 29

Dominicans, 24, 36, 41

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 167

Doyle, C. W., 139–40

Dream of the Red Chamber, The (Hung Lou Meng), 233

duck-farming, 26, 28

du Halde, Jean, 56, 74–75

East India Company, British, 103

economy, 210–13, 217

Economy and Society in China (Wittfogel), 209

Edict of Nantes, Revocation of (1685), 83

Edkins, Jane, xiv, 109–14, 117

crowds described by, 110–11

death of, 113

moral doubts of, 111–12

Edkins, Joseph, 109

education and scholarship, 68, 166, 216

Egypt, 148

Eliot, T. S., 168

English, pidgin, 54, 132–33, 135

Enterprise, 123, 132

Essai sur les Moeurs et l’esprit des nations (History of the Manners and Spirit of Nations) (Voltaire), 96–97

Euclid, 32

Evelyn, John, 63, 64, 65, 72

“Excelsior” (Longfellow), 133

fascism, 174

Fenollosa, Ernest, 168–69

Fenzhou, 118, 122

feudalism, 212

Figaro, Le, 149

fille du Ciel, La (The Daughter of Heaven) (Loti and Gautier), 152–53

films, 166–68

Finney, Charles, 183–85

fishing, cormorant, 11, 25–26

Flaubert, Gustave, 147–48

food, 22, 29, 38

banquets and, 43, 45, 48

butchering and, 45

eating habits and, 69

footbinding, 11, 24, 33, 38–39, 49–50, 202

Fraser on, 114–15

Forbidden City, 150, 152, 160, 161, 163

“Forbidden Purple City” (Segalen), 159–60

Four Books, 169

France, 33

exotic perception in, xv, xvi, 145–64, 165, 188, 223

four elements of exotic perception in, 146, 157

Protestants in, 83

theater in, 95–96, 152–54

Franciscans, 11, 12, 24, 31

Fraser, Mary Crawford, 114–15, 117

French Revolution, 63

Frost, Robert, 168

Fuzhou, 20

Galaxy, 129

Gama, Vasco da, 19

gambling, 102

“Garden of Forking Paths, The” (Borges), 226, 232–37

gardens, 62–63, 99

Chinoiserie, 80

Gautier, Judith, 152

Genghis Khan, 8, 95–96, 97

in O’Neill, 176

Genthe, Arnold, 138

geomancy, 89

Geometry (Euclid), 32

George III, King of England, 56, 57

Germany, 232

Germany, East, 207

Gestalt psychology, 208

Gillett (Bridgman), Eliza Jane, see Bridgman, Eliza Jane Gillett

Giquel, Prosper, 146–47

Goa, 20, 32

“God,” Chinese characters for, 34–35

Godwin, Francis, 64

Gold Rush of 1849, 122

Goldsmith, Oliver, xii, xiii-xiv, 72–80, 103, 105, 133, 134, 189, 233–34

background of, 72–73

luxury and virtue discussed by, 77

Goncourt brothers, 149

Good Earth, The (Buck), 180–83

Good Woman of Setzuan, The (Brecht), 207

government, 210–17

Manchu influence on, 90

Marx on, 210–11

Montesquieu’s study of, 90, 91–94

Gozzi, Carlo, 105–6

Great Britain, xiii, 52

China compared with, 71–72

Chinese war with, 103

cult of China in, 62–66, 74–80

Marx on capitalism of, 211

missions of, 51–61

Montesquieu on monarchy of, 91

official embassy sought by, 58

traders from, 102–3

in World War I, 236

Great Wall, 11–12, 46, 71, 214–15

“Great Wall of China, The” (Kafka), 226–32

Griffith, D. W., xv, 166–68

Guomindang, see Nationalists

handicrafts, 39–40

Han dynasty, 216–17

Hankou, 190, 191, 198

Harper’s, 133, 142

Harte, Bret, xiv, 123, 126–29, 133, 134–37

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 138, 210

Herder, Johann Gottfried von, xiv, 56, 99–100, 138, 210

Hieroglyphic Tales (Walpole), 79

History of the Manners and Spirit of Nations (Essai sur les Moeurs et l’esprit des nations) (Voltaire), 96–97

Hitler, Adolf, 207, 212

Hitler-Stalin Pact (1939), 213

Hoange, 88–91, 132–33

homosexuality, 23, 27, 28, 35, 38

prostitution and, 50

Hong Kong, 103, 104

Hu, John, 133

Hung Lou Meng (The Dream of the Red Chamber), 233

Hyde, Thomas, 65, 132–33

Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 175

If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller (Calvino), 237

Ilioni, Antonio, 10

Ilioni, Domenico, 10

Ilioni, Katerina, 10, 104

Imagism, 168

“Imperial Message, An” ("Eine kaiserliche Botschaft") (Kafka), 230–31

India, 103

industrialization, 217

infanticide of girls, 39, 106, 202

Invisible Cities (Calvino), 226, 237–41

irrigation, 211, 214, 215, 217

Ismael of Herat, 8

Italians, Italy, 10–11, 104, 174

Izmailov, Leon Vasilievitch, 44–45, 47, 58

Jacopo de Oliverio, 10

James II, King of England, 65

Japan, 28, 54–55, 203, 212

in Mukden, 197–98

in Shanghai, 198–99

Jesuits, 20, 24, 31–33, 35–36, 41, 42, 82, 86, 92, 145

“Johnny Bear” (Steinbeck), 185

Johnson, Samuel, 56

Journal of the Plague Year (Defoe), 68

Joyce, James, 168

juggling, 48

justice system, 21, 22–23, 88–89, 94, 217

U.S., 126, 131–32, 138, 144n

Kafka, Franz, xvii, 226

“kaiserliche Botschaft, Eine” ("An Imperial Message") (Kafka), 230–31

Kambaluk, 18, 64

see also Peking

Kangxi, Emperor of China, 44, 59, 83, 85, 145, 173

language reforms of, 89

physical description of, 47

Karakorum, xii, 1–2, 7, 13

Kissinger, Henry, xvi–xvii, 218, 219, 220–22, 223

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 65

Knickerbocker, 133

Korean War, xvi

kowtowing, 42, 43, 47, 58–59, 101, 216

Kublai Khan:

in Calvino, 237–41

in O’Neill, 176–78

Polo and, xi, xii, xvi, 1, 6–7, 8, 12, 17, 221

in Pound, 173

Saianfu besieged by, 6–7

language, see Chinese language; Chinese writing system; pidgin English

Last Days of Peking, The (Loti), 148–49

“Latest Chinese Outrage, The” (Harte), 128

Lawrence, D. H., 168

legal system, see justice system

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, xiv, 56, 82–88, 146, 173, 210

on Chinese religion, 85–87

Europe and China compared by, 84–85

Lenin, V. I., 208

Lévi, Jean, xvii, 222–23

Li Bo, 169

Liddell Hart, B. H., 236

Liebknecht, Karl, 208

logic, 35, 84

London, Jack, 141–42

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 133

“Long March,” 198, 199

Lopez, Robert, 10

Los Angeles riots (1870), 126

Loti, Pierre (Julien Viaud), xv, 148–52, 160, 188

Louis IX, King of France, 1, 3

Louis XIV, King of France, 83, 145

Luxemburg, Rosa, 208

Macao, xii, 19, 32, 102

Macartney, Lord George, xiii, xiv, 56–61, 80, 81, 103, 109, 187, 209

curiosity of, 59–60

English criticized by, 60

gardens described by, 62–63

influence of, 101

kowtowing minimized by, 58–59

on women in China, 102

McCarthyism, 213

Madame Butterfly, 166

Madame Crysanthème (Loti), 149

Madras, 56

Magellan, Ferdinand, 19

Mailla, Joseph de, 169

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 154

Malraux, André, xvi, 188–93, 205, 208, 209

Nixon’s meeting with, 218–19

Manchus (Tartars), 37, 50, 90–91, 97, 114, 160, 187

see also Qing dynasty

Mandeville, Sir John, 12, 27, 28, 70, 71, 81

Man in the Moone, The (Godwin), 64

Man’s Fate (La Condition Humaine) (Malraux), 188–93, 209

Mansfield Park (Austen), xiv, 101

Mao Zedong, 198, 199–200, 201–2, 217–18, 219–20, 223

Kissinger on, 222

Malraux on, 218–19

Marco Millions (O’Neill), 175

mariage de Loti, Le (Loti), 149

marriage, 33

Martini, Father, 41

Marx, Karl, 210–11

Marxism, 206, 208, 212

Massnahme, Die (The Measures Taken) (Brecht), 194, 199, 206

Medhurst, Elisabeth, 104

Medhurst, Sophia, 104

medicine, 2, 36

men, effeminacy of, 50

Mendoza, Juan, 41

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 65

military, 21, 36, 51, 54, 67–68, 84

exams for, 90

see also wars

Milton, John, 64

Ming dynasty, 36, 42, 187

missionary efforts, 36, 42, 83, 92, 103–4, 118, 120, 122, 166

da Cruz on potential for, 24–25

Edkins on, 111–12, 113

Leibniz on, 85

Louis XIV and, 145

Pereira on, 22

of Ricci, 31–32, 34–35

monarchy, 91

money, paper, 2, 12

Möngke, Khan, 1

Mongols, 95–96, 104, 173, 185

monotheism, 82

Montesquieu, Baron de La Brède et de, xii, xiv, 56, 72, 87–95, 98, 116, 138, 146, 210

governments studied by, 90, 91–94

Hoange interviewed by, 88–91, 132–33

Wittfogel’s intellectual affinity with, 213

moral sense, 85, 87, 100, 102

More, Thomas, 72

mores, 94

Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 175

Mukden, 194, 197–98

Murphy, Arthur, 74–75

music, 26

Mussolini, Benito, 174

Nanjing, 32, 104, 112, 146

as Chiang’s capital, 199

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 148

Nationalists, 180, 188, 190, 198, 199, 203, 204

Navarrete, Domingo, 36–40, 41, 86, 187

influence of, 98

trade possibilities considered by, 39–40

Nazi party, 212

Netherlands, xiii, 33

official embassies of, 42, 44

Nevada, Chinese in, 123–26, 133

New Atlantis (Bacon), 63, 72

New Life Movement, 204

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 208

night-soil collection, 23, 25, 28

Nixon, Richard M., xvi–xvii, 222, 223

Malraux’s meeting with, 218–19

Novissima Sinica, or Latest News from China (Leibniz), 83, 173

Odoric of Pordenone, 11, 12, 27

Olcutt, Sidney, 166

O’Neill, Eugene, xv, 175–80, 187

opera, 65–66

opium, 102, 103, 124, 138, 146, 155, 167

Opium War, 156

Oriental Despotism (Wittfogel), 207, 213, 214, 215, 217

Orientalism, 148

Orphan of Chao, The, 74–75, 95, 97, 176

Orphelin de la Chine, 95–96

Outline of a Philosophy of the History of Man, The (Herder), 99

Overland Monthly, 128

painting, 36

Panigarola, 32

papacy, official legations of, 42

paper money, 2, 12

Paradise Lost (Milton), 64

Parsloe, Charles T., 136, 137

Partner, The (Campbell), 137

Pauthier, M. G., 169

Peck, Graham, xvi, 203–5

Pegolotti, Balducci, 12

Pegu, 28

Peking, 12, 18, 32, 35, 50, 115–16

as Kambaluk, 18, 64

Loti on, 150–52

Pimentel’s criticism of, 43–44

renamed Beiping, 199

Segalen on, 160–63, 222

Snow in, 199

tobacco sales in, 103

Peng Dehuai, 202–3

Peregrinations (Pinto), 28, 29

Pereira, Galeote, 20–24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 35, 187

Persian Letters, The (Montesquieu), 72, 91

Peter I (the Great), Tsar of Russia, 44, 45, 83

Peter the Tartar, 4

Philippines, xii, 19

Pickford, Mary, 167

pidgin English, 54, 132–33, 135

Pimentel, Francisco, 42–44, 45

Pinto, Mendes, 27–31, 35, 41, 66–67, 81, 187

Pires, Tomé, 31

“Plain Language from Truthful James” (Harte), 126–28, 136

Plato, 86

Polo, Bellela, 4

Polo, Donata, 3–4, 14

Polo, Fantina, 4

Polo, Maffeo (Marco’s brother), 4

Polo, Maffeo (Marco’s uncle), 4, 6, 7, 13, 175, 221

Polo, Marco, xi, xii, xvi, 1–18, 25, 35, 41, 64, 74, 141, 175–78, 221–22

in Calvino, 237–41

Columbus’s reading of, 17–18

daughters of, 4, 15–16

key topics omitted by, 11–12, 26

last will of, 3–4

linguistic knowledge of, 81

manuscripts of, 3, 5

readers’ use of, 16–17

reasons for writing of, 14–16

self-promotion by, 15–16

transcription of, 5–6

Polo, Moreta, 4

Polo, Niccolo, 4, 6, 7, 13, 175, 221–22

population, 23, 93, 210

Portugal, xii, 19–20, 28, 29–30

official embassies of, 42–43, 44

Pound, Ezra, xv, 168–75, 177

Prester John, 18

Price, Charles, 118, 120, 122, 123

Price, Don, 119, 120

Price, Eva Jane, xiv, 118–21

Price, Florence, 120, 121

Price, Stewart, 119

printing, 26

prostitution, 12, 24, 25, 30–31, 35, 50, 155

male, 50

Protestantism, xiii, 83, 103–4, 166

Proust, Marcel, 180

public confession, 217

Public Ledger, 75

Purcell, Henry, 65

Pu-yi, Emperor of China, 160

Qianlong, Emperor of China, 57, 59, 60, 101

Qin dynasty, 214–15, 222, 223

in Lévi’s work, 222–25

Qing dynasty, 36, 42, 55, 57, 60, 103, 104, 121, 146–47, 150, 152

collapse of, 160, 163, 166

Qin Shihuangdi, Emperor of China, 214–15, 222

in Lévi’s work, 222–25

Rashid ad-Din, 12

Red Star Over China (Snow), 200


ancestor worship and, 34, 36, 42, 88

atheism and, 88

Buddhism, 34, 35, 88, 208

Hoange on, 88–89

monotheism, 82

Montesquieu on, 94

Protestantism, xiii, 83, 103–4, 166

Voltaire on, 98

see also Catholicism, Catholic Church; Confucianism; missionary efforts

René Leys (Segalen), 160–63, 187, 222

republicanism, 91, 92

revolution of 1911, 187

Reynolds, Joshua, 56

Ricci, Matteo, 31–33, 34–35, 41, 42, 50, 86, 187

Chinese monotheism studied by, 82

Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagony, The (Brecht), 94

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 66–71, 81

Rohmer, Sax (Arthur S. Ward), 140–41

Romance of Bauduin de Sebourc, Third King of Jerusalem, 17

Roman Greatness and Decline, The (Montesquieu), 91

Rome, ancient, 2

Roy, Maurice, 160

Russia, 83

official embassies of, 42, 44–46

Russian Orthodox church, 44

Rusticello of Pisa, 1, 4–5, 8, 175

Saianfu (Xiangyang), 6, 7, 14

sailors, 57

San Francisco, Calif., 126, 144n, 156

Sauma, Rabban, 12

scholarship and education, 68, 166, 216

sculpture, 163–64

Segalen, Victor, xv, 156–64, 165, 169, 187, 188, 222

Chavannes’s association with, 156–57, 163

Chinese sculpture studied by, 163–64

Sentimental Education (Flaubert), 147–48

sexual practices, 38, 49

concubines and, 17, 34, 202

homosexuality, 23, 27, 28, 35, 38, 50

prostitution, 12, 24, 25, 30–31, 35, 50, 155

Shakespeare, William, 57, 64, 65

Shanghai, 104, 112–13, 154–55, 190, 191, 198, 209

Japanese in, 198–99

sheep, butchering of, 45

Shen Fu-tsung, 65

She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith), 75

Siam, 28

“Siamese Twins,” 123

Sima Qian, 216–17, 224, 225

Smith, Adam, 210

Snow, Edgar, xvi, 198–203, 205, 220

Wittfogel’s talks with, 212

Somme, Battle of the, 232, 236

“Song of the Bowmen of Shu” (Pound), 169

Soviet Union, 190, 194, 217

Brecht and Wittfogel on, 207, 209

Spain, xii, 19–20

Sparticism, 208

Spengler, Oswald, 211

Spinozism, 88

Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), 91

stagnation, 97–98, 99

Stalin, Joseph, 207, 209

Stalinism, 212

Staunton, George, 59, 60

Steinbeck, John, xv, 185–86

Steles (Segalen), 157–60

Sun Yat-sen, 189, 190

Wittfogel on, 209

“Supplication” (Segalen), 157–58

Supreme Court, U.S., 144n

Sze Ping, 108

Tahiti, 142–44, 149

Taiping Rebellion, 112–13, 114, 146–47, 187, 211

Tang dynasty, 168, 169


Hoange on, 88

Kafka and, 227

Tartars (Manchus), 37, 50, 90–91, 97, 114, 160, 187

see also Qing dynasty

tea, 11, 24, 26, 27

Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 57

tentation de l’occident, La (The Temptation of the West) (Malraux), 188–89

theater, 26, 48–49, 74–75, 95, 153, 154, 194, 207

British, 74–75

French, 95–96, 152–54

U.S., 135–37, 139, 152–53, 175–80

Thibaut of Cepoy, 15

Thirty Years War, 33

Thomas, Saint, 37

Threepenny Opera, The (Brecht), 194

Tientsin, 235

time, 235–37

tobacco, 103

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 214

tongs, 138–39

Tordesillas, Treaty of (1492), 19

torture, 21, 27, 39, 216, 217

Tour Thro’ the Whole Island of Great Britain (Defoe), 68

Tratados (Navarrete), 37, 41

Travels (The Description of the World) (Polo), 1–18, 35, 175, 237

Treatise (da Cruz), 24

Trotskyists, 209

Tsingtao, 232

Turandot, Princess of China (Gozzi), 105–6

Twain, Mark, xiv, 123–26, 129–32, 133, 136–37, 138, 139

Two Men of Sandy Bar (Harte), 135–36

United Front of 1925, 208

United States, xiv, xv

China policy of, 218

exotic perception in, 165–86

film in, 166–68

missionaries from, 103

theater in, 135–37, 139, 152–53, 175–80

see also Chinese immigrants, in U.S.

Utopia (More), 72

Van Hoorn, 42

Viaud, Julien (Pierre Loti), xv, 148–52, 160, 188

Vicar of Wakefield, The (Goldsmith), 75

Vietnam, 190

Villon, François, 194

Virginia City, Nev., 123–26

Voltaire, xiv, 56, 95–98, 105, 146, 170, 176, 187, 210

Chinese writing criticized by, 98

unrealized Chinese potential noted by, 97

Walpole, Horace, xiii, 79, 80, 129, 133

“Wan Lee, the Pagan” (Harte), 136

Ward, Arthur S. (Sax Rohmer), 140–41

wars, 103

Boxer Uprising, 117, 121, 139, 141, 148, 150, 166, 187

Korean War, xvi

Opium War, 156

Taiping Rebellion, 112–13, 114, 146–47, 187, 211

Thirty Years War, 33

World War I, 165, 166, 193–94, 211, 232, 235, 236

World War II, 174, 213

Waste Land, The (Eliot), 174

Webb, John, 65, 82

Weber, Max, 208, 211

Whitehead, William, 74

Wilhelm, Richard, 227

William of Rubruck, xii, 1–3

Wittfogel, Karl, xvi, 206–18, 222, 227

arrest of, 212

background of, 207–8

women, xiv, 57

Bridgman’s conversations with, 104–5

concubinage and, 17, 34, 202

and exposure of girls, 39

footbinding and, 11, 24, 33, 38–39, 49–50, 114–15, 202

under Manchus, 91

as observers of China, 101–21

prostitution and, 12, 24, 25, 30–31, 35, 50, 155

seclusion of, 88, 102

Western, in China, 104

World War I, 165, 166, 193–94, 211, 232, 235, 236

World War II, 174, 213

Wren, Christopher, 62

writing system, see Chinese writing system

Xavier, Saint Francis, 28

Xiangyang (Saianfu), 6, 7, 14

Yangzhou, 9, 10–11, 14, 104

Yeats, William Butler, 168

“yellow peril,” 185

Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 144n

Yllioni, Antonio, 10

Yllioni, Domenico, 10

Yllioni, Katerina, 10, 104

Yong Luo, Emperor of China, 19

Yuan dynasty, 74, 95, 104

Yule, Henry, 14

Yung Wing, 123, 139–40