- Accountability, 65
- Achievement and reading volume, 17
- Acknowledgment, 65
- Active listening, 54
- Advanced Placement courses, 47
- Advice seeking, 69
- Agam, Yaacov, 49
- Agreements, group, 93
- Airing of grievances, 78
- Alphabetics, 33–36
- Amazon’s Free Kids eBooks, 18
- American Psychiatric Association, 72
- American Sign Language, 58
- Anagrams, 26
- Anxiety, 71–73
- Apps for students with disabilities, 56–58
- Arts and music, value of, 48–50
- Art supplies, 50
- ASL Kids-Sign Language, 58
- Asynchronous learning, 5
- Autism, 57
- Autism iHelp, 57
- Autonomy, 125–126
- Background knowledge, 52
- Balancing act between developing autonomy, relatedness, and competence, 125–126
- Barnes & Noble Free Nook Books for Kids, 18
- Basics of distance learning, 1
- communicating with teachers in, 10–12
- creating a learning environment in, 3–4
- establishing routines in, 2–3
- learning management systems (LMS) in, 4
- monitoring screen time in, 9–10
- sleep in, 7–9
- SOAR Virtual Learning Matrix for, 6, 7
- taking care of yourself in, 12–13
- Zoom etiquette in, 5–6
- See also Distance learning
- Benefit of the doubt, 65
- BlackBoard, 4
- Blending of sounds, 30
- Board games, 26
- Boy-friendly literature, 22
- British Museum, London, 49
- Bullying, 84–88
- Canvas, 4
- Caregivers, self-care for, 12–13
- Centrality of child, 122–123
- Chagall, Marc, 49
- Challenging conversations, tips for, 76
- Children’s Choices Reading List, 21
- Choiceworks Calendar, 57
- Circadian rhythms, 8
- Clapping words, 30–31
- Classroom management plans, 92
- Classroom norms, 93
- Collaboration, 120–121
- Columbus Museum of Arts, 50
- Common Sense Media, 22
- Communication
- with other parents, 88–90, 120–121
- with teachers, 10–12, 127–128
- Competence, 125–126
- Confidence, 106
- Conflicts, management of, 75–79
- COVID-19, 63, 68–69, 89
- anxiety over, 72
- bullying during, 85–86
- friendships in, 79–82
- pod learning during, 90
- threats to well-being before, 61
- Creating Group Agreements activity, 95–97
- Creative materials, 50
- Cross Your Arms activity, 94
- Cues, 52
- Cultural contributions to mathematics, 46
- Current level of understanding, 103–105
- Cyberbullying, 85–86
- Cyberbullying Research Center, 85
- Daily life, mathematics use in, 46
- Deaf and hard of hearing students, apps for, 57–58
- Department of Education, U.S., 45
- Dialogue drama, 38
- Diaries, 41
- Dignity
- elements of, 65
- power of, 64–65
- separated from respect, 66–67
- Disabilities, apps for students with, 56–58
- Distance learning
- alphabetics and phonics in, 33–34
- anxiety over, 72
- arts and music in, 49
- basics of (See Basics of distance learning)
- bullying and, 85–86
- communication with other parents in, 89, 120–121
- emotional granularity and, 71
- friendships in, 80–81
- guiding, not telling, in, 51
- learning pods for, 90–97
- managing conflicts in, 75–76
- mathematics in, 45
- oral language development in, 27–28
- phonemic awareness in, 30
- putting principles of well-being into action for, 68–69
- reading aloud in, 23
- reading fluency in, 37–38
- reading volume in, 18
- scaffolded writing in, 43
- self-compassion in, 74
- separating dignity from respect and, 66–67
- social emotional learning in, 62
- supplemental mathematics instruction in, 47
- teasing and, 83
- value of practice in, 56
- value of writing in, 40
- vocabulary games in, 25
- wait time in, 54
- wide reading variety in, 20–21
- Dragon Dictation, 57
- Dweck, Carol, 101
- Dyslexia, 56
- Edmodo, 4
- Emotional granularity, 70–71
- Emotional intelligence, 70
- Emotional regulation, 70
- Epic, 56
- Errors as opportunities to learn, 110–112, 126–127
- Expectations
- appropriately high, 123–124
- managing, 102
- Explanations, providing, 52
- Fairness, 65
- Family mindframes. See Mindframes, family
- Family photos of the week, 28
- Feedback, 106, 110–112
- Fixed mindset, 101
- Fluency, reading, 37–39
- Friendships in COVID-19, 79–82
- Generative sentences, 43–44
- Genre wheel, 21 (figure)
- Goal setting, 107, 115
- Google Classroom, 4
- Google Meet, 5
- Gratitudes, list of, 41
- Growth mindset, 101
- Guessing games, word, 26
- Guiding, not telling, 51–53
- Hannigan, Jessica, 6
- Hannigan, John, 6
- Happiness, 63–64
- Harris, Bryan, 75
- Heitner, Devorah, 86
- Help, asking for, 69
- Hicks, Donna, 65
- Hinduja, Sameer, 85
- Home learning environment, creation of, 3–4
- I am an evaluator of my impact on my children’s learning mindframe, 119–120
- I am a parent, not a schoolteacher mindframe, 128–129
- I appreciate the power of feedback and the place for praise as well as errors mindframe, 126–127
- Identity, acceptance of, 65
- I have appropriately high expectations mindframe, 123–124
- I know how to work with the school mindframe, 127–128
- I know the balancing act between developing autonomy, relatedness, and competence mindframe, 125–126
- I listen, build trust, and know how to gradually release responsibility mindframe, 124–125
- Impact on children’s learning, family, 119–120
- Inclusion, 65
- Independence, 65
- Interactive writing, 43
- International Children’s Digital Library, 18
- International Literacy Association, 21–22
- I see the power of collaborating with others in parenting our children mindframe, 120–121
- I understand the centrality of my child mindframe, 122–123
- I value what my child brings to the family and world mindframe, 121–122
- Kahlo, Frida, 49
- Khan Academy, 47, 48
- Knowing your current level of understanding mindframe, 103–105
- Knowledge Matters Campaign, 20
- Know where you are going and have the confidence to take on the challenge mindframe, 105–107
- Language experience approach, 43
- Learning environment, creation of home, 3–4
- Learning management systems (LMS), 4
- Learning pods
- Creating Group Agreements activity, 95–97
- Cross Your Arms activity, 94
- defined, 90
- first parent meeting for, 92–93
- philosophy of teaching and learning in virtual space and, 92
- steps for successful, 91
- Learning tool selection, 107–110
- Letter identification forms, 35–36 (figure)
- Letterman, David, 118
- Letter School, 57
- Listening to children, 124–125
- List making, 41
- Manipulating of sounds, 30
- Manning, Peyton, 41
- Mathematics
- supplemental instruction in, 47–48
- value of, 44–47
- Metacognition, 116
- Microsoft Teams, 4, 5
- Mindframes
- family, 119–129
- I am an evaluator of my impact on my children’s learning, 119–120
- I am a parent, not a schoolteacher, 128–129
- I appreciate the power of feedback and the place for praise as well as errors, 126–127
- I have appropriately high expectations, 123–124
- I know how to work with the school, 127–128
- I know the balancing act between developing autonomy, relatedness, and competence, 125–126
- I listen, build trust, and know how to gradually release responsibility, 124–125
- I see the power of collaborating with others in parenting our children, 120–121
- I understand the centrality of my child, 122–123
- I value what my child brings to the family and world, 121–122
- student, 100–118
- defined, 100
- importance of, 100–102
- key messages on, 103
- knowing your current level of understanding, 103–105
- know where you are going and have the confidence to take on the challenge, 105–107
- monitor your progress and adjust your learning, 112–115
- recognize your learning and teach others, 116–118
- seek feedback and recognize that errors are opportunities to learn, 110–112
- select tools to guide your learning, 107–110
- taking action on, 102–103
- Mindsets, 101
- Miró, Joan, 49
- Monitor your progress and adjust your learning mindframe, 112–115
- Monthly challenge goals, 107
- Mrs. P’s Magic Library, 18
- Museum tours, virtual, 49
- Music and arts, value of, 48–50
- Mute tool, video conferencing, 5
- National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City, 49
- National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, 49
- National Parent-Teacher Association, 127
- New York Philharmonic Symphony, 50
- Open Library, 18
- Oral language development, 27–29
- Oral reading fluency norms, 39 (figure)
- Oxford Owl, 18
- PBIS Champion Model System, 6
- Phonemic awareness, 29–32
- Phonics, 33–36
- Phonics with Phonograms, 56
- Picture books, 31
- Pod teaching. See Learning pods
- Porras, Sylvia, 50
- Post office, setting up a home, 41
- Power writing, 44
- Practice, value of, 55–59, 106
- Praise, 126–127
- Progress monitoring, 112–115
- PSAT practice, 48
- Questions
- of the day, 28
- guiding, 52
- wait time and, 53–55
- Radio plays, 38
- Read-alongs, 38
- Reading
- alphabetics and phonics in, 33–36
- of books aloud, 23–24
- fluency in, 37–39
- genre wheel in, 21 (figure)
- phonemic awareness in, 29–32
- vocabulary games and, 24–26
- volume of, 16–19
- wide variety in, 20–22
- Reading aloud, 23–24
- Recognition, 65
- Recognize your learning and teach others mindframe, 116–118
- Relatedness, 125–126
- REL Northwest, 45
- Rereading of favorite books, 38
- Respect, separating dignity from, 66–67
- Responsibility, releasing, 124–125
- Robinson, Aminah Brenda Lynn, 50
- Routines, establishment of, 2–3
- Safety, 65
- San Francisco Symphony, 50
- SAT practice, 48
- Scaffolded writing experiences, 42–44
- Scieszka, Jon, 22
- Screen time, monitoring of, 9–10
- Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World, 86
- SEAL strategy, 76–78, 89
- Seek feedback and recognize that errors are opportunities to learn mindframe, 110–112
- Segmenting of sounds, 30
- Selecting tools to guide your learning mindframe, 107–110
- Self-care for caregivers, 12–13
- Self-compassion, 73–74
- Self-view feature, computer camera, 6
- Sight Words & Phonics Reading, 57
- Signed Stories, 58
- Silent counting, 54
- Sleep, 7–9
- SOAR Virtual Learning Matrix, 6, 7
- Social emotional learning, 62–63
- Solomon, Andrew, 103
- Songs
- of the day, 28
- word play, 31
- Sorenson BuzzCards, 58
- Sound Literacy, 56
- Storyline Online, 18
- Strength-spotting, 105
- Student mindframes. See Mindframes, student
- Study skills, 109, 114 (figure)
- Supplemental mathematics instruction, 47–48
- Syllables, clapping, 30–31
- Synchronous learning, 5
- Talking Calculator, 57
- TapTapSee, 57
- Teachers, communicating with, 10–12, 127–128
- Teasing, 82–84
- Thank-you notes, 41
- Time, wait, 53–55
- Time telling, 46
- Tools for guiding learning, 107–110
- Trust, building, 124–125
- 20 Questions game, 26
- Variety in reading, 20–22
- Verbal Me, 57
- Video conferencing tools, 5–6
- Video games, 63
- Virtual backgrounds, video conferencing, 5
- Virtual Drumming, 50
- Vision-related disabilities, apps for students with, 57
- Visual cues, 115
- Vocabulary games, 24–26
- Volume of reading, 16–19
- Wait time, 53–55
- Well-being
- anxiety and, 71–73
- bullying and, 84–88
- of caregivers, 12–13
- communication with other parents and, 88–90
- emotional granularity and, 70–71
- emotional regulation and, 70
- friendships in COVID-19 and, 79–82
- happiness and, 63–64
- learning pods and, 90–97
- managing conflicts for, 75–79
- power of dignity in, 64–65
- putting principles into action for, 68–69
- seeking advice and, 69
- self-compassion and, 73–74
- social emotional learning for, 62–63
- teasing and, 82–84
- Whole-body letter shapes, 34
- Wiley, Kehinde, 49
- Word Magic, 57
- Word play songs, 31
- Word problems, mathematics, 45–46
- World Health Organization, 9
- Writing
- apps for learners with difficulties in, 57
- scaffolded, 42–44
- value of, 39–42
- Writing Machine, 57
- Yopp-Singer Test of Phoneme Segmentation, 31–32
- Young Adults’ Choices Reading List, 21–22
- YouTube, 41