



illie was the first to hear the commotion out front. Da and Daniel had gone to the great room to wait, and Millie had made her first attempt at baking scones, knowing it was better to keep her hands and mind occupied. Caitlin was so important to all of them and Millie couldn't think how they would all get along without her. She wouldn't let her mind think of anything other than seeing her walk through the door.

Hearing the noise, however, she was almost afraid to go out. What if they hadn't found her? No. They would. She just knew they would. She breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Alex come striding through the door, carrying a very agitated Caitlin.

"Why do you insist on carrying me? I can walk very well on my own," Caitlin complained as she struggled against his arms. Alex laughed as he set her down.

"It's our wedding day or what's left of it. If ye recall, lass, it's tradition for the groom to carry the bride over the threshold."

The men were all laughing and clapping each other on the back. Da and Daniel had come running when they heard the horses and relief flooded their old bones too.

"Lass, 'tis good to hear ye giving me lads a piece of yer mind. Their mam was good at that, and she'd be right proud to know another lass still keeps 'em in line."

This new daughter-in-law will do. Yes sir, she'll do,

Millie embraced Caitlin and the two ladies shared a moment in which no words were needed. Millie had never felt such relief. This woman was more than a friend; she was more like the sister Millie never had.

"I knew these scones would come in handy. Come on. Let's have a spot of tea and see what you think of them."

Millie was close to tears, but she had discovered Jack absolutely couldn't deal with crying women. He seemed to think he had to make everything right for everyone. And for her, he always did.

Sitting at the table, Caitlin took a bite of Millie's latest creation. Licking her fingers, she nodded to Millie, then turned her attention to Alex, who had just made the most ridiculous statement.

"What? You think Deirdre kidnapped me? What kind of nonsense is that? Why would she do that? She couldn't have been any kinder to me. And the dresses she made? Why, she took extra care to make sure they fit properly. No, you're wrong. She didn't do that."

Alex kept his thoughts to himself, at least for the moment. As it was, Caitlin couldn't remember anything after she went to the rear storage room to have Deirdre help her with her dress.

"No, I tell you. She helped me change my dress, and she gave me a cup of cider. That's the last I remember. But I just don't think she's capable of such a devious act."

"Well, there's history with her that ye don't know about, mo chridhe. It's a verra boring story, but she was hoping I'd show her some attention a while back. But she's not my cup of tea, ye ken? I made it clear to her that I wasn't interested. And she promised to make me pay for humiliating her. I believe those were her words."

"But how do we really know she did kidnap Caitlin?" Hector asked. "I mean, we have no proof, even if we do think so."

"Aye. I realize that, but my instincts haven't been wrong often, and I trust them in this instance too." Alex would keep his plans to himself but he was definitely going to find a way to know what had happened here. Until then, he'd make sure Caitlin was never in the presence of Deirdre without one of the brothers being with her. The fury banked up inside him would not stop until he had found her and dealt with her. Presently, he knew he would kill her if he had the chance.

"Then what? We just assume someone else took her then?" Jack didn't like this at all. If it wasn't Deirdre, then who? Was there another person who wanted to hurt Caitlin? Or maybe they wanted to hurt Alex? Or another family member? Jack was at the boiling point with no place to vent his anger. He agreed with Alex. Deirdre was responsible for this. And he'd make sure she got her due.

"Ian, ye got any thoughts lad?" Alex had not missed the fact the boy had been responsible for them finding Caitlin. How had he done that? Alex didn't especially care how, he was just glad he had. 

"As I told ye at the cave, I felt a darkness there — and at the waterfall, too. I can't explain what I felt, but it was wicked, frightening. That much I do know."

There were nods around the table but no one questioned him. The only one who understood what he was saying was Caitlin. She'd been too drugged to feel much, but there was a vague memory of a dark entity, and it had left a mark in her mind. She decided to keep this knowledge to herself as well. Alex didn't need to know everything.

"So we just go about our usual business and we'll all keep our ears and eyes open. But Caitlin, yer not to go anywhere without an escort."

Caitlin's temper was aroused immediately. She stood and came to stand next to Alex at the table. "What? An escort? No. Alex, I won't be told what to do and where I can go. Do you hear me? Besides, I have a constant escort and he's protected me his entire life."

Pulling her close, Alex reiterated his statement. "Just the same, I'd feel better if ye would let one of us go with ye if yer going verra far." He bit back more words, trying to keep himself from saying too much. She liked her independence and he knew she'd resent his taking over. He'd just pay close attention to her until he got this sorted out. He had no doubt it was Deirdre's doing, but he'd have to prove it. He would, too.