
This glossary contains most, but not all, of the people and places referenced in this book. It is intended as a guide to those names that show up repeatedly, allowing readers to reference and refresh their memories. An approximate pronunciation is also included to facilitate reading.


Acamapichtli (ah-cah-mah-PEECHT-lee): a king of Colhuacan, son of Coxcoxtli

Achitometl (ah-chee-toh-MEH-tul): a ruler of Colhuacan who chased the Mexica into Lake Texcoco

Achiutla (ah-CHOOT-lah): mythical city of the Mixteca.

Acolnahuacatl (ah-kol-nah-WAH-kah-tul): a Tepanec king.

Alux (ah-LOOSH): a mystic elfish being, protector of nature and wielder of magic.

Azcapotzalco (ahz-kah-poht-SAL-koh): a Tepanec city-state with ties to the Mexica.

Aztlan (AHST-lahn): ancient homeland of the Nahua (Aztec) tribes.


Camaxtli (kah-MAHSHT-lee): leader of the Centzon Mimixcoah. Also known as Mixcoatl or Xipe Totec. Chief god of the Toltecs.

Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl (SEH AH-kah-tul quets-al-KWA-tul): ruler of Tollan. Incarnation of the Feathered Serpent.

Centzon Mimixcoah (CENT-son mee-meesh-KOH-ah): the “Four Hundred Cloud Serpents,” demigods who roamed the earth in the early years of the Fifth Age.

Centzontotochtin (cent-son-toh-TOHCH-teen): minor gods of drunkenness.

Chalchiuhatl (chal-chee-OO-ah-tul): the blood of the gods, “precious liquid.”

Chalchiuhtlicue (chal-chee-oot-LEE-kweh): goddess of rivers and lakes.

Chapultepec Hill (chah-pul-teh-PEK): located on the southwest bank of Lake Texcoco. Served as a base of operations for the Mexica.

Chichimecah (chee-chee-MEH-kah): the nomadic peoples of Northern Mexico.

Chicomecoatl (chee-koh-meh-KOH-ah-tul): goddess of agriculture. Wife of Tezcatlipoca.

Chicomoztoc (chee-koh-MOHS-tohk): a series of seven caves used by the Centzon Mimixcoah and the Nahua (Aztec) tribes.

Chimalman (chee-MAL-man): mother of Quetzalpetlatl and Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl.

Chinampa (chee-NAM-pah): a floating garden.

Cihuatlampa (see-waht-LAHM-pa): Western paradise for women who die during childbirth.

Cipactli (see-PAHKT-lee): the primordial reptile that becomes both the earth and the earth goddess.

Cipactonal (see-pahkt-TOH-nahl): the first man, created at the beginning of the First Age.

Citlalatonac (seet-lah-lah-TOH-nahk): god of the stars.

Citlalicue (seet-lah-LEE-kweh): goddess of the stars.

Coatlicue (koh-aht-LEE-kweh): a fierce but loving deity whose nature encompasses the duality of motherhood. Wife of Camaxtli. Mother of Coyolxauhqui, Huitzilopochtli, and the Four Hundred Gods of the South.

Colhuas (KOL-wah): a Nahua tribe that takes the Mexica captive (also Colhuahqueh).

Colhuacan (kol-WAH-kan): the kingdom of the Colhuas (also Colhuahcan).

Copil (KOH-peel): wizard king of Malinalco. Son of Malinalxochitl. From his heart grows a prophesized cactus.

Coxcoxtli (kohsh-KOHSHT-lee): king of Colhuacan who enslaved the Mexica.

Coyolxauhqui (koh-aht-LEE-kweh): a goddess who leads her four hundred brothers in a revolt against their mother, Coatlicue. Dismembered by Huitzilopochtli. Her head is transformed into the moon.

Cuauhcoatl (kwau-KOH-ah-tul): a high priest of the Mexica.

Cuauhtlequetzqui (kwaut-leh-KEHTS-kee): (1) Governor of the Mexica (2) His son, a godbearer who hurls Copil’s heart at the command of Huitzilopochtli.


Ehecatl (eh-HEH-kah-tul): god of the wind. An aspect of Quetzalcoatl.


Hapunda (hah-POON-dah): Purepecha princess of Yunuen.

Heart of Sky: brother to Feathered Serpent. God of chaos.

Huitziltzin (weet-SEELT-seen): high priest of the Mexica. Avatar of Huitzilopochtli.

Huitzilopochtli (weet-see-loh-POHCHT-lee): god of the war and patron of the Mexica.

Hunahpu (hoo-NAH-poo): one of the Hero Twins.

Hurricane: a name for Heart of Sky in his most destructive form.


Ihuimecatl (ee-wee-MEH-kah-tul): an evil priest of Tollan allied with Tezcatlipoca.

Ihuitimal (ee-wee-TEE-mal): king of Tollan before Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl.

Ilancueitl (ee-lahn-KWEH-ee-tul): a priestess who became the Mexica’s first cihuacoatl or counselor to the king.

Itza (EET-sah): the “Water Witches,” a Maya nation.

Itzpapalotl (eets-pah-PAH-loh-tul): patroness of women who died giving birth and children who died in infancy. One of the tzitzimimeh.

Itztacxilotzin (eets-tahk-shee-LOHT-seen): a Toltec queen.

Ixchel (eesh-CHEL): goddess of fertility, childbirth, and war.

Ixmukane (eesh-moo-KAH-neh): a maize goddess, mother of One and Seven Hunahpu.

Iztaccihuatl (eez-tahk-SEE-wah-tul): a Tepanec princess who is transformed into a dormant volcano upon her death.


Ku (KOO): divine energy.

Kukulkan (koo-kool-KAHN): a Mayan name for Feathered Serpent.


Lady Blood: daughter of Blood Gatherer (one of the Lords of Xibalba) and mother of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque.

Lady 1 Deer and Lord 1 Deer: creator gods of the Mixteca.

Lady Egret: mother of One Monkey and One Artisan.


Malinalco (mah-lee-NAL-koh): kingdom founded by Malinalxochitl.

Malinalxochitl (mah-lee-nal-SHOH-chee-tul): sister of Huitziltzin, a great shaman who led a schism within the Mexica.

Mayab (MAH-yab): land of the Maya people on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Mayahuel (mah-YAH-wel): goddess of the maguey plant. The only tzitzimitl to renounce destruction and join with Quetzalcoatl.

Mecihtli (meh-SEET-lee): Earth Goddess and source of fertility.

Mexica (meh-SHEE-kah): the last Nahuat tribe to emerge from Aztlan. Founders of Mexico Tenochtitlan.

Mexitin (meh-SHEE-teen): original name of the Mexica.

Mexitli Chalchiuhtlatonac (meh-SHEET-lee chal-chee-wut-lah-TOH-nahk): first recorded leader of the Mexica.

Michoacan (meech-wah-KAHN): a seaside kingdom established by Purepecha people and a rogue group of Mexica.

Mictecacihuatl (meek-teh-kah-SEE-wah-tul): goddess of death, queen of the Underworld.

Mictlantecuhtli (meekt-lahn-teh-KWIT-lee): god of death, king of the Underworld.

Mimich (MEE-meech): one of the Centzon Mimixcoah. Helps capture and kill Itzapapalotl.

Mixcoatl (meesh-KOH-ah-tul): another name for Camaxtli.

Mixteca (meesh-TEH-kah): the Cloud People, Nahuatl name for the Ñuu Dzaui of Oaxaca.


Nahualli (nah-WAHL-lee): double or animal spirit form.

Nanahuatzin (nah-nah-WAHT-seen): decrepit and old god, covered in pustules. Son of Quetzalcoatl. Becomes the sun at the beginning of the Fifth Age.

Nene: the first woman created in the Fourth Age.


Ometeotl (oh-meh-TEH-oh-tul): the dual god from which the universe was formed.

Omeyocan (oh-meh-YOH-kahn): place of duality, abode of Ometeotl.

One Hunahpu (hoo-NAH-poo): a minor god of the milpas, brother of Seven Hunahpu, father of One Monkey and One Artisan as well as the Hero Twins.

One Monkey and One Artisan: gods of the arts.

Oxomoco (oh-shoh-MOH-koh): the first woman created at the beginning of the First Age.


Patecatl (pah-TEHK-ah-tul): god of medicine and discoverer of peyote.

Patzcuaro, Lake (PAHTS-kwah-roh): a large, island-dotted lake in Michoacan.

Piltzintecuhtli (peelt-sin-teh-KWIT-lee): son of Oxomoco and Cipactonal.

Popocatepetl (poh-poh-kah-TEH-peh-tul): a volcano in the highlands of Central Mexico.

Popocatzin (poh-poh-KAHT-seen): a Mexica warrior descended from exiled nobles living in Azcapotzalco. Transformed into Popocatepetl.


Quetzalcoatl (quets-al-KWA-tul): Nahuatl name for Feathered Serpent, god of creation and order.

Quetzalpetlatl (quets-al-PET-lah-tul): older half-sister of Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl.

Quilaztli (kee-LAHST-lee): an earth goddess associated with the Mother.

Q’uq’umatz (koo-koo-MAHTS): a Mayan name for Feathered Serpent.

Seven Hunahpu (hoo-NAH-poo): a minor god of the milpas, brother of One Hunahpu.


Tabaosimoa (tah-bow-see-MOH-ah): the most respected women and men on earth at the beginning of the Fifth Age.

Tamoanchan (tah-moh-AHN-chahn): Nahuatl name for the home of the gods.

Tata: the first man created in the Fourth Age.

Tecciztecatl (tek-sis-TEH-kah-tul): handsome young god of shell and stone. Son of Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue. Becomes the moon at the beginning of the Fifth Age.

Tenoch (TEN-ohch): led the Mexica out of Colhuacan to establish the city of Tenochtitlan.

Tenochtitlan (teh-nohch-TEET-lan): city founded by the Mexica on an isle in Lake Texcoco.

Teotihuacan (teh-oh-tee-WAH-kahn): city of the gods and its copy on earth.

Teotl (TEH-oh-tul): divine energy.

Tepalcatzin (teh-pal-KAHT-seen): Toltec king who married Xochitl.

Tepanecas (teh-pah-NEH-kah): a tribe of Nahuas.

Tepeyollotl (teh-peh-YOHL-loh-tul): “Mountainheart,” the nahualli or double of Tezcatlipoca. A massive jaguar.

Texcoco, Lake (tesh-KOH-koh): southermost of the lakes in the highlands of Central Mexico.

Tezcatlipoca (tes-kaht-lee-POH-kah): Nahuatl name for the god of chaos. Brother of Feathered Serpent. Also referred to as Heart of Sky and Hurricane. Later incarnated as a priest of Tollan.

Tezozomoc (teh-soh-SOH-mohk)—a Tepanec king with blood ties to many Mexica rulers.

Tlaloc (TLAH-lohk): Nahuatl name for the rain god.

Tlacahuepan (tlah-kah-WEH-pahn): an evil priest of Tollan allied with Tezcatlipoca.

Tlalocan (tlah-LOH-kahn): Tlaloc’s paradise, where the spirits of the drowned, diseased, and deformed go upon death.

Tlaloques (tlah-LOH-kehs): Elemental spirits that serve the rain god.

Tlaltecuhtli (tlahl-TEKW-tlee): “sovereign of the earth,” an epithet of Mecihtli.

Tlatelolco (tlah-teh-LOL-koh): a sister city of Tenochtitlan established after a schism in the Mexica tribe.

Tollan (TOL-lahn): the legendary capital of the Toltec empire

Toltecs (tol-TEHKS): the Toltecah, a mighty people who controlled Central Mexico before the Aztecs.

Toltecayotl (tol-tehk-KAY-yoh-tul): Nahuatl term for master craftsmanship.

Tonacacuahuitl (toh-nah-kah-KWAH-wee-tul): the Mother Tree, source of human souls, which stands at the heart of Omeyocan.

Tonalli: spiritual essence contained in sunlight. The source of a nahualli.

Tonantzin (toh-NAHNT-seen): “Our Revered Mother.” Nahuatl name for the mother goddess.

Tonatiuhchan (toh-nah-TEE-oo-chahn): Eastern paradise of the sun where the souls of brave warriors go after death.

Tzitzimimeh (tseet-see-MEE-meh): an order of goddesses who seek to devour the sun.


Xaltocan (shal-TOH-kan): northernmost of the lakes that once dominated the highlands of Central Mexico.

Xbalanque (sh-bah-LAHN-keh): one of the Hero Twins.

Xibalba (shee-ball-BAH): the Mayan name for the Underworld.

Xinantecatl (shee-nan-TEH-kah-tul): a proud and fierce Tepanec warrior from an illustrious family. Rival of Popocatzin.

Xipe Totec (SHEE-peh TOH-tek): god of spring and renewal.

Xiuhtecuhtli (shoo-teh-KWIT-lee): god of time and fire.

Xiuhcoatl (shoo-KOH-ah-tul): nahualli of the God of Fire. Used as a weapon by Huitzilopochtli.

Xiuhtlahcuilolxochitzin (shoot-lah-kwee-loh-shoh-CHEET-seen): a Toltec queen.

Xiuhtlaltzin (shoot-LALT-seen): a Toltec queen.

Xmucane (sh-moo-KAH-neh): a Mayan name for the Grandmother. One of the two oldest gods, source of all others. Corresponds to the Nahuatl Omecihuatl.

Xochiquetzal (shoh-chee-KEHT-sal): goddess of flowers and fertility.

Xochimilco, Lake (shoh-chee-MEEL-koh): smaller lake to the southeast of Texcoco.

Xochitl (SHOH-chee-tul): Toltec queen who discovered pulque,

Xolotl (SHOH-loh-tul): the nahualli of Quetzacoatl. A massive hound that accompanies the sun through the Underworld.


Yaushu (YOW-shoo): the opossum who ruled the world in the early years of the Fifth Age.

Yacoñooy (yah-koh-NYOH-oy): legendary hero of the Mixteca.

Yunuen (yoo-noo-WEN): island on Lake Patzcuaro.