
1.James Connolly, Labour in Irish History (Dublin: Maunsell, 1910), chapter 8.

2.James Connolly, “The Working Class and Revolutionary Action,” Workers’ Republic, December 16, 1899.

3.George Dangerfield, “James Joyce, James Connolly and Irish Nationalism,” Irish University Review 16, no. 1 (Spring 1986): 5–21.

4.James T. Farrell, “A Portrait of James Connolly,” New International 13, no. 9 (1947).

5.Eric Hobsbawn, Labouring Men (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964), 277.

6.James Connolly, introduction to Erin’s Hope: The End and the Means, 3rd ed. (New York: Harp Library, 1909). First published in 1897 in Dublin.

7.James Connolly, “Irish Trade Union Congress,” Workers’ Republic, June 3, 1899.

8.James Connolly, “The New Danger,” Workers’ Republic, April 1903.

9.James Connolly, “Our Duty in This Crisis,” The Irish Worker, August 8, 1914.

10.James Connolly, “Last Statement,” as given to his daughter Nora, May 9, 1916.

11.James Connolly, “Socialism and Religion,” Workers’ Republic, June 17, 1899.

12.James Connolly, “Nationalism and Socialism,” Shan Van Vocht, January 1897.

13.James Larkin, founder of the Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union (ITGWU), was born in Liverpool, England.

14.See Christine Kinealy, A Death-Dealing Famine: The Great Hunger in Ireland (London: Pluto, 1997).

15.Irish for “The Great Hunger.”

16.Connolly, Labour in Irish History, chapter 13.

17.C. Desmond Greaves, The Life and Times of James Connolly (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1961; reprinted Berlin: Seven Seas Publishers, 1971), 15. Page citations are to the reprint edition.

18.Donal Nevin, James Connolly: “A Full Life” (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006), 5.

19.James Connolly, “Soldiers of the Queen,” Workers’ Republic, July 15, 1899.

20.James Connolly, “Economic Conscription,” Workers’ Republic, December 15, 1915.

21.James Connolly to Lillie Reynolds, April 1890, Between Comrades: Letters and Correspondence 1889–1916, ed. Donal Nevin (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2007), 83.

22.See Emmet O’Connor, “New Unionism and Old, 1889–1906,” in A Labour History of Ireland, 1824–2000 (Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2011).

23.O’Connor, A Labour History of Ireland, 51.

24.Nevin, James Connolly, 33.

25.Ibid., 28.

26.James Connolly, “Notes from Edinburgh,” Justice, July 22, 1893.

27.James Connolly, “Plain Talk,” Labour Chronicle, November 5, 1894.

28.James Connolly, “Party Politicians: Noble, Ignoble and Local,” Labour Chronicle, December 1, 1894.

29.Greaves, Life and Times of James Connolly, 45.

30.James Connolly to James Keir Hardie, M.P., July 3, 1894, in Between Comrades, 86–87.

31.David Howell, A Lost Left: Three Studies in Socialism and Nationalism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 24.

32.Frederick Engels, interview with the New Yorker Volkszeitung, September 20, 1888.

33.The Inaugural Manifesto of the Irish Socialist Republican Party (September 1896).

34.Quoted in Carl Reeve and Ann Barton Reeve, James Connolly and the United States: The Road to the 1916 Rebellion (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1978), 290.

35.Karl Marx to Sigfrid Meyer and August Vogt, April 9, 1870, in Selected Correspondence (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), 220–24.

36.See Kevin B. Anderson, “Ireland: Nationalism, Class, and the Labor Movement,” in Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010).

37.Connolly, Labour in Irish History, foreword.

38.Connolly, Erin’s Hope (1897 edition).


40.Kieran Allen, The Politics of James Connolly (London: Pluto Press, 1990), 36.

41.Thomas Pakenham, The Year of Liberty: The History of the Great Irish Rebellion of 1798 (New York: Random House, 1993).

42.James Connolly, “The Men We Honour,” Workers’ Republic, August 13, 1898.

43.James Connolly, “Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, 1897,” in Writings of James Connolly, vol. 1, Political Writings 1893–1916, ed. Donal Nevin (Dublin: SIPTU, 2011), 623.

44.Fintan Lane, The Origins of Modern Irish Socialism, 1881–1896 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1997), 221.

45.David Lynch, Radical Politics in Modern Ireland: The Irish Socialist Republican Party 1896–1904 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2005), 23.

46.See also Connolly, “Socialism and Religion.”

47.Allen, Politics of James Connolly, 24–29.

48.James Connolly to Matheson, in Lorcan Collins, James Connolly: 16 Lives (Dublin: O’Brien Press, 2012), 155.

49.James Connolly, “Bruce Glasier in Ireland,” Justice, March 31, 1900.

50.James Connolly, “The New Evangel: State Monopoly versus Socialism,” Workers’ Republic, June 10, 1899.

51.James Connolly, “Physical Force in Irish Politics,” Workers’ Republic, July 22, 1899.

52.Greaves, Life and Times of James Connolly, 127.

53.Quoted in Collins, James Connolly, 103.

54.Ibid., 104.

55.Connolly, Erin’s Hope, introduction (1909 edition).

56.James Connolly, “Wages, Marriage and the Church,” Weekly People, April 9, 1904.


58.Reeve and Reeve, James Connolly and the United States, 128.

59.Preamble to “The International Workers of the World Constitution and Bylaws,” Chicago, July 7, 1905.

60.James Connolly, Socialism Made Easy (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1909).


62.James Connolly, “Industrial Unionism and Trade Unions,” International Socialist Review, February 1910.


64.Songs of Freedom: The James Connolly Songbook, ed. Mat Callahan (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2013), 14.

65.Ibid., 15.

66.Ibid., 59.

67.James Connolly, “Our Purpose and Function,” The Harp, January 1908.

68.James Connolly, “Sinn Féin and the Language Movement,” The Harp, April 1908.

69.Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, The Rebel Girl: My First Life 1906–1926 (New York: International Publishers, 1973).

70.Nevin, James Connolly, 265.

71.Connolly, Socialism Made Easy.


73.Collins, James Connolly, 166.

74.Allen, Politics of James Connolly, 96.

75.Connolly, “Sinn Féin and the Language Movement.”

76.James Connolly, “Sinn Féin, Socialism and the Nation,” The Irish Nation, January 28, 1909.

77.Reeve and Reeve, James Connolly and the United States, 206.

78.James Connolly, Labour, Nationality and Religion (Dublin: New Book Publications, 1969), chapter 6.

79.Greaves, Life and Times of James Connolly, 252.

80.James Connolly, “July the Twelfth,” Forward, July 12, 1913.

81.James Connolly, “Belfast Dockers: Their Miseries and Their Triumphs,” The Irish Worker, August 26, 1911.

82.James Connolly, “Direct Action in Belfast,” The Irish Worker, September 16, 1911.

83.Nevin, James Connolly, 398.

84.Collins, James Connolly, 189.

85.Nevin, James Connolly, 402.

86.Allen, Politics of James Connolly, 108–9.

87.James Connolly, The Re-Conquest of Ireland (Dublin: Liberty Hall, 1915), foreword.

88.Ibid., chapter 6.

89.Margaret Ward, Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism (London: Pluto Press, 1995), 252.

90.Mary Smith, “Women in the Irish Revolution,” Irish Marxist Review 4, no. 14 (2015): 34. See also Mary McAuliffe, “Our Struggle Too,” Jacobin 21 (Spring 2016).

91.Proclamation of the Irish Republic, April 24, 1916.

92.James Connolly, “Glorious Dublin,” Forward, October 9, 1913.

93.James Connolly, “Some Rambling Remarks,” The Irish Worker, December 25, 1912.

94.Pádraig Yeates, Lockout: Dublin 1913 (Dublin: Gill & McMillan, 2001), xxix.

95.Emmet Larkin, James Larkin: Irish Labour Leader, 1876–1947 (London: Pluto Press, 1990), 93.

96.Yeates, Lockout: Dublin 1913, xxiv.

97.Ibid., 7.

98.James Connolly, “Arms and the Man,” The Irish Worker, December 13, 1913.

99.James Connolly, “The Police and Peaceful Picketing,” Forward, October 18, 1913.

100.James Connolly, “The Dublin Lock Out: On the Eve,” The Irish Worker, August 30, 1913.

101.Greaves, Life and Times of James Connolly, 311.

102.Quoted in John Newsinger, Jim Larkin and the Great Dublin Lockout of 1913 (London: Bookmarks, 2013), 45.

103.James Connolly, “Labour and Nationalism,” The Irish Worker, November 29, 1913.

104.Paul O’Brien, “James Connolly and the Irish Citizen Army,” Irish Marxist Review 5, no. 15 (2016).

105.Connolly, “Labour and Nationalism.”

106.James Connolly, “The Isolation of Dublin,” Forward, February 7, 1914.

107.James Connolly, “Old Wine in New Bottles,” The New Age, April 30, 1914.

108.Connolly, “The Isolation of Dublin.”

109.James Connolly, “Address to the Delegates,” The Irish Worker, May 30, 1914.

110.The Fenian Brotherhood was founded in the United States in 1858. Its Irish counterpart, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, was founded in the same year. The Fenian Brotherhood and the IRB’s objective was to overthrow British rule in Ireland.

111.James Connolly, “Sweatshops behind the Orange Flag,” Forward, March 11, 1911.

112.James Connolly, “Belfast and Dublin Today,” Forward, August 23, 1913.

113.George Dangerfield, The Damnable Question: One Hundred and Twenty Years of Anglo-Irish Conflict (Boston: Little, Brown, 1976), 66.

114.From Dublin, Carson rose to prominence as a lawyer in the persecution of Oscar Wilde for homosexuality in 1895.

115.Greaves, Life and Times of James Connolly, 290–91.

116.James Connolly, “Address to the Electors of Dock Ward,” January 1913.

117.James Connolly, “North-East Ulster,” Forward, August 2, 1913.

118.James Connolly, “Belfast and Dublin Today,” Forward, August 23, 1913.

119.James Connolly, “Ireland and Ulster: An Appeal to the Working Class,” The Irish Worker, April 4, 1914.

120.James Connolly, “Labor and the Proposed Partition of Ireland,” The Irish Worker, March 14, 1914.

121.James Connolly, “The Far Eastern Crisis,” Workers’ Republic, August 1898.

122.James Connolly, “A Continental Revolution,” Forward, August 15, 1914.

123.Connolly, “Our Duty in This Crisis.”

124.James Connolly, “In Praise of Empire,” Workers’ Republic, October 9, 1915.

125.Connolly, “A Continental Revolution.”

126.James Connolly, “Revolutionary Unionism and War,” International Socialist Review, March 1915.


128.Connolly, “Our Duty in This Crisis.”

129.James Connolly, “Ruling by Fooling,” The Irish Worker, September 19, 1914.

130.Quoted in James Heartfield and Kevin Rooney, Who’s Afraid of the Easter Rising? 1916–2016 (Winchester, UK: Zero Books, 2015), 68.

131.James Connolly, “A Forward Policy for Volunteers,” The Irish Worker, October 10, 1914.

132.James Connolly, “The National Danger,” The Irish Worker, August 15, 1914.

133.Connolly, “Our Duty in This Crisis.”

134.James Connolly, “The Friends of Small Nationalities,” The Irish Worker, September 12, 1914.

135.James Connolly, “A Union of Forces,” Workers’ Republic, March 18, 1915.

136.James Connolly, “The Ballot or the Barricades,” The Irish Worker, October 24, 1914.

137.James Connolly, “The War upon the German Nation,” The Irish Worker, August 29, 1914

138.James Connolly, “Socialists and the War,” The Worker, January 16, 1915.

139.James Connolly, “America and Europe,” The Irish Worker, August 22, 1914.

140.Quoted in Nevin, James Connolly, 628.

141.O’Brien, “James Connolly and the Irish Citizen Army.”

142.Ward, Unmanageable Revolutionaries, 99.

143.Ibid., 99.

144.James Connolly, “Labour Mans the Breach,” The Irish Worker, November 21, 1914.

145.James Connolly, “Moscow Insurrection of 1905,” Workers’ Republic, May 29, 1915.

146.James Connolly, “We Will Rise Again,” Workers’ Republic, March 25, 1916.

147.James Connolly, “The Irish Flag,” Workers’ Republic. April 8, 1916.

148.Allen, Politics of James Connolly, 151.

149.Charles Townsend, Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2005), 284.

150.Collins, James Connolly, 305–6.

151.Connolly, “Last Statement.”

152.Samuel Levenson, A Biography of James Connolly: Socialist, Patriot and Martyr (London: Quartet Books, 1973), 327.

153.Kieran Allen, “The 1916 Rising: Myth and Reality,” Irish Marxist Review 4, no. 14 (2015): 4.

154.Geoffrey Bell, Hesitant Comrades: The Irish Revolution and the British Labor Movement (London: Pluto Press, 2016), 12.

155.V. I. Lenin, “The Discussion on Self-Determination Summed Up,” Sbornik Sotsial-Demokrata 1 (October 1916),

156.James Connolly, “Notes on the Front,” Workers’ Republic, October 16, 1915.

157.Kieran Allen, 1916: Ireland’s Revolutionary Tradition (London: Pluto Press, 2016), 64.

158.Conor Kostick, “The Irish Working Class and the War of Independence,” Irish Marxist Review 4, no. 14 (2015): 18.

159.Allen, 1916: Ireland’s Revolutionary Tradition, 90.

160.Seán Mitchell, A Rebel’s Guide to James Connolly (London: Bookmarks, 2016), 85.

161.James Connolly, “Nationalism and Socialism.”

162.Connolly, “The Men We Honour.”

163.Flynn, The Rebel Girl.

164.James Connolly, “The Czar’s Little Joke,” Workers’ Republic, September 3, 1898.