Addison, Paul
Aegean (Nicholson fake), provenance fabrications for
Airtech Systems
Alloway, Lawrence
Antiques Roadshow
attempt to restore integrity of
chain of ownership and
derivation of term
security increased at
Tate Gallery
archivists, role of
arrests of Drewe
Drewe’s response to
release of Drewe following
search of house during
second interrogation following
branding of
crime. See art crime
fakes and forgeries. See fakes and forgeries
as investment
Art and Antiques Squad
Drewe investigation of
non-Drewe cases of
post-Drewe downsizing of
understasffing of
Art Beat
Art Carabinieri
art crime
efforts to combat
fakes and forgeries. See fakes and forgeries
in London
profitability of
Art Forger’s Handbook (Hebborn)
Art Loss Register
art market
Art Research Associates
Atget, Eugène
Atomic Energy Authority
Auden, W. H.
Avanti Galleries
Barndance (Nicholson fake)
Barrington-Drew, Kathleen Beryl
lawsuit against Goudsmid of
Bartos, Armand, Jr.
Drewe and
Drewe investigation and
Palmer and
professional background of
Standing Nude, 1955 and
Bataille, Georges
Baumeister fakes
Beauvoir, Simone de
Belgravia Police Station
Belman, Clive
Aegean sale by
arrest of
complicity of
Drewe and, relationship between
family of
Nahum and
Nicholson fakes and
professional background of
Sutherland fakes and
Benjamin, Walter
Benwell, Nicky
Berenson, Bernard
Berger, Danny
Bissières fakes and
Drewe and, first meeting
Drewe and, relationship between
Drewe investigation and
garage of
initial provenance problems of
Le Corbusiers fakes and
starts as art runner
Tate Gallery archives and
Berkeley, Stuart
Bernal, J. D.
Bevan, John
Bissières, Roger fakes of. See Bissières fakes
Bissières fakes
Berger and
Composition 1958
Mibus and
Tate Gallery and
“Black Museum”
Blake, Peter
Blake, William
Boggs, J. S. G.
Booth, Jennifer
Drewe and
Giacometti fakes and
Palmer and
Searle and
Botticelli, Sandro
Bowness, Alan
Braques fakes
Brausen, Erica
Bredius, Abraham
British Council
British Journal of Psychiatry
British Museum
British Rail
Brixton Prison
Campbell, Duncan
Carroll, Terry
ICA archives and
Catch, John
Catch-22 (bar)
Cézanne, Paul
Chappie, Limehouse
Chelmwood, Viscount
Christ at Emmaus (Vermeer fake)
Christensen, Jan
Dubuffet fakes and
Mexican and
reputation of
Standing Nude, 1955 and
Sutherland fakes and
Cockcroft, Richard
Cockett, Basil Alfred Richard
Cockett, Bernard
Cockett, John, Drewe’s use of name
“Cockett” recommendation letter
Cole, Lyn
Collecting: An Unruly Passion (Muensterberger)
Composition 1958 (Bissières fake)
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Confidence-Man, The (Melville)
con men
Higgs’s dislike of
pride of
techniques of
term coined
Conqueror paper
Copley, William
Corbusier, Le fakes of. See Le Corbusier fakes
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
Cour de Rohan
Couwenberg, Patrick
Coverdale, Robin
Craig, Barbara
Craske, Adam
Curtis, Tony
Dadd, Richard
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
dealers and runners
credulity of
tactics of
Demara, Ferdinand
de Staël fakes
Mibus and
provenance fabrications for
Deux Figures (Giacometti fake)
Diary of an Art Dealer
Drew, Jane
Drewe, Atarah
Drewe, John
appearance and manner of
arrests of. See arrests of Drewe
arrival in Golders Green
attempts to blame others
Bartos and
Belman and
Berger and, first meeting
Berger and, relationship between
Booth and
Carroll and
Carroll and, first meeting
childhood of
“Cockett” recommendation letter of
collaborators with, search for
correspondence with Giacometti Association
denial of charges
de Staël fakes and
disappearances of
Drew and
earnings of
equipment of, exhibition of
as father
fire at 19 Lowfield Road and
Fox-Pitt and, relationship between
Giacometti fakes and
Goudsmid and, breakup of
Goudsmid and, relationship between
guns of
Harris and
Higgs and
Hill and
ICA archives and
illnesses faked by
imprisonment of
intellectual interests of
investigations of. See investigations of Drewe
lawyer of
length of scam
Macaroni case and
McAlister and
mental state of
Mibus and
mother and
motivations of
Myatt and, break between
Myatt and, first meeting
Myatt and, relationship between
Nahum and
Nicholson fakes and
number of works passed off
office space of
official records on
as pack rat
paint aging techniques of
paper trail of
as pathological liar
personal fabrications of
personal life of
post-jail life of
provenance forgeries of . See also “Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Stage Designs . . .”
pub friends of
real jobs of
real name of
Redfern and
release of
remarriage of
researchers of
St. Philip’s Priory and
second interrogation of
Sperr and
stepfather of
Stoakes and
Stoakes and, break between
Sutherland fakes and
Swiss bank account of
Tate Gallery and
time served by
trial of. See trial of Drewe, Myatt, and Stoakes
Drewe, Nadav
droit moral
Dubuffet, Jean
catalogue raisonné of
Dubuffet fakes
ICA and
provenance fabrications for
Dubuffet Foundation
Dufy, Raoul
Dunne, Raymond
Dutton, Denis
Ecrits (Palmer)
Eliot, T. S.
Ellis, Dick
arrest of Drewe and Volpe by
Fox-Pitt and
Searle and
Ellis, Joseph
Ellis-Jones, David
European Court of Human Rights
evidence against Drewe
“Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Stage Designs . . .”
original of
fakes and forgeries
American credulity and
dealers’ credulity and
exposure of
Myatt’s. See Myatt, John
necessity of
number of
through history
tricks used in
Fake’s Progress, The (Keating)
Fake? The Art of Deception
Femme Nue (Le Corbusier fake)
F for Fake
Findlay, Wally
fire at 19 Lowfield Road
Drewe and
Goudsmid and
Fish, Wendy
Fisher & Sperr
Footless Woman. See Standing Nude, 1954
Fowler, Norman
Fox-Pitt, Sarah, xii
Drewe and, relationship between
Ellis and
reputation of
Fuller, Buckminster
Furguson, Arthur
Gainsborough, Thomas
Galerie de Seine
Gallery Maeght
Gallery One
Gardiner, Margaret
Genuine Fakes
Ghirlandaio, Domenico
Giacometti, Alberto
appearance and manner of
Brausen and
catalogue raisonné of
fakes of. See Giacometti fakes
lack of record keeping by
Giacometti, Annette
death of
will of
Giacometti, Diego
Giacometti Association
Drewe’s correspondence with
legal battles of
Giacometti fakes
Bartos and
Booth and
Deux Figures
Drewe and
Drewe investigation and
Palmer’s investigation of
provenance fabrications for. See also “Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Stage Designs . . .”
Sotheby’s and
Standing Man and Tree. See Standing Man and Tree
Standing Nude, 1954. See Standing Nude, 1954
Standing Nude, 1955. See Standing Nude, 1955
Standing Nude, 1956. See Standing Nude, 1956
Sylvester’s suspicions of
Giacometti Foundation
Gibson, Thomas
Gimpel, Rene Nicholson fakes and
Gimpel Fils Gallery
Gleizes fakes
Gogh, Vincent van
Golden Bough (Turner)
Golders Green
Göring, Hermann
Goudsmid, Batsheva
appearance and manner of
army experience of
Barrington-Drew’s lawsuit against
Catch and
Drewe and, breakup of
Drewe and, legal battles between
Drewe and, relationship between
Drewe investigation and
Drewe’s fakes and
familial role of
financial role of
fire at 19 Lowfield Road and
Higgs and
Konigsberg and
post-Drewe life of
purported mental illness of
Searle and
trial of Drewe and
Great Imposter, The (Curtis)
Greco, el
Gregory, E. C.
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guggenheim Museum
Hamilton, Richard
Hanover catalog
Hanover Gallery
archives of
photo albums
Haring, Keith
Harris, Peter
Harrison, Rex
Hebborn, Eric
Hepworth, Barbara
Higgs, Richard
dislike of con men
Drewe and
Goudsmid and
investigation of Drewe
professional experience of
Hill, Charley
Hockney, David
Hogarth, William
Hory, Elmyr de
Houghton, Beth
Hoving, Thomas
Hughes, Robert
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)
archives of
Dubuffet fakes and
Giacometti fakes and
Le Corbusier fakes and
Tate Gallery and
investigations of Drewe
Art and Antiques Squad’s
attempt to trap Drewe
Bartos and
Berger and
building of case
circumstantial evidence in
collaborators, search for
credible witnesses, search for
Giacometti fakes and
Goudsmid and
Mibus and
Myatt and
Nahum and
Palmer and
second forger
Sperr and
Sutherland fakes and
Irises (van Gogh)
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Irving, Clifford
Jaeger, Jean-François
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Tim
Jones, Mark
Josephson, Brian
Kay, Janet
Keating, Tom
Klee fakes
Konigsberg, David
Koons, Jeff
Koopman, Catherine “Toto”
Lander, Stephen
Lapin Agile (Picasso)
Le Corbusier fakes
legal appeal, Drewe’s
Leicester Galleries
Leslie & Collier Partners
Levy, Maxine
Lewison, Jeremy
Liebermann fakes
Loeb, Albert
Lord, James
Lowry fakes
Lustig, Victor
Macaroni case
McGregor, Gregor
Madonna of the Veil, A (Botticelli fake)
Mail on Sunday
Maskell, Sheila
Massey, Anne
Mastering the Art
Matisse fakes
McAlister, Bill
Meegeren, Han van
Melville, Herman
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mexican (Nicholson fake) Christie’s and
Meyer, Hans
Mibus, Adrian
Bissières fakes and
de Staël fakes and
Drewe and
Drewe investigation and
Sutherland fakes and
Millbank Penitentiary
Miller, Lee
Mills, John
Minnelli, Vincente
Mock, Jean-Yves
Monet, Claude
Moore, Henry
Morland, Dorothy
Morning on the Seine (Monet)
Muensterberger, Werner
museums, chain of ownership archives
Myatt, Amy
Myatt, John
appearance and manner of
artistic background of
Baumeister fakes of
Bissières fakes of
Braques fakes of
childhood of
compartmentalized life of
complicity of
de Staël fakes of
Drewe and, break between
Drewe and, first meeting
Drewe and, relationship between
Drewe investigation and
Dubuffet fakes of
Dufy fakes of
early fakes of
early suspicions of Drewe
earnings of
fakes of, initial provenance problems of
Giacometti fakes of. See Giacometti fakes
Gleizes fakes of
Goudsmid names
imprisonment of
Klee fakes of
Le Corbusier fakes of
legitimate art career of
Liebermann fakes of
Lowry fakes of
Matisse fakes of
Monet fakes of
musical career of
Nicholson fakes of
number of fakes
paint used by
personal life of
post-Drewe life of
quality of work
religious awakening of
remarriage of
Reynolds fakes of
Searle and
Segal fakes of
sentence for
sentence served by
Sutherland fakes of
techniques of
television deals of
transaction records of
trial of
Turner fakes of
unexposed fakes of
Volpe and
work habits of
worries of
Myatt, Rosemary
Myatt, Sam
My Search (Pollock)
Nahum, Peter
Belman and
Drewe and
Drewe investigation and
fraud suspicions of
professional background of
National Art Library
National Library
Neeser, Martine
New Scotland Yard
Art and Antiques Squad. See Art and Antiques Squad
Crime Museum
Serious and Organised Crime Unit
Nicholson, Ben
Nicholson fakes Barndance. See Barndance
Drewe and
Gimpel and
Mexican. See Mexican
provenance fabrications for
Norseland Industries
Obelisk Gallery
O’Brien, Michael
O’Hana, Jacques
O’Hana catalog. See “Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Stage Designs . . .”
O’Hana Galleries
Order of the Servants of Mary
paint aging techniques
Palmer, Mary Lisa
appearance and manner of
Bartos and
Booth and
Drewe investigation and
Drewe’s correspondence with
Giacometti’s catalogue raisonné and
gossip about
investigation of Giacometti fakes by
Searle and
Paolozzi, Eduardo
Pasha, Tewfik
pathological lying
Patrologiae Cursus Completus
Penrose, Roland
Phillips auction house
Picasso, Pablo
catalogue raisonné of
Pierre Loeb Gallery
Pierre Matisse Gallery
Pissarro, Camille
Pissarro, Lelia
Pollock, Jackson
Pomeranian Bitch and Puppy (Gainsborough)
Portrait of Adeline Ravoux (van Gogh)
Portrait of an Army Doctor (Gleizes)
Portrait of a Woman (Giacometti fake)
Portrait of Dr. Gachet (van Gogh)
Power, E. J.
press coverage of case
Private Eye
product disparagement
Drewe’s fabrications . See also “Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Stage Designs . . .”; specific artists
pseudologia phantastica
Psychology of Fraud, The
rare books
Rauschenberg, Robert
Read, Herbert
Reddihough, Cyril
Redfern, Paul
Regina v. John Drewe, John Myatt, and Daniel Stoakes. See trial of Drewe, Myatt, and Stoakes
Resurrection, Cookham, The (Spencer)
Reynolds, Joshua
Riley, Bridget
Rivlin, Geoffrey
Rizzo, Bob
Ronner-Knip, Henriëtte
Rose, Ben
runners. See dealers and runners
Saarinen, Aline
St. Philip’s Priory
Saito, Ryoei
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Schnabel, Julian
Searle, Jonathan
Barlow and
Booth and
Drewe investigation of
Ellis and
Goudsmid and
interrogation of Drewe by
Macaroni case and
Mibus and
Myatt and
Nahum and
on necessity of fakes
Palmer and
personal life of
retirement of
trial of Drewe and
Segal fakes
Self-Portrait with Dog (Hogarth)
Serota, Nicholas
Shaw, George Bernard
“Silly Games” (song)
Sky TV
Smoker (Wesselmann)
Giacometti fakes and
reputation of
Standing Nude, 1955 and
South African High Commission
Southwark Crown Court
Special Branch
Spencer, Stanley
Sperr, John
Spring Woodland (Bissières fake)
Staël, Madame de
Staël, Nicolas de
fakes of. See de Staël fakes
Standing Man and Tree (Giacometti fake), provenance fabrications of
Standing Nude, 1954 (Giacometti fake)
Palmer’s investigation of
provenance fabrications for
Standing Nude, 1955 (Giacometti fake)
Bartos and
Christie’s and
Palmer and
provenance fabrications for
Sotheby’s and
Standing Nude, 1956 (Giacometti fake)
Stern, David
Stern Pissarro Gallery
Stoakes, Daniel (Hugh Roderick)
acquittal of
arrest of
Drewe and
Drewe and, break between
failures of
name change of
trial of
Summerson, John
Sussman, Helen
Sussman, Howard
Sutherland, Graham
Sutherland fakes
Christie’s and
Drewe and
Drewe investigation and
Mibus and
provenance fabrications for
Sylvester, David
Taglialatella, Dominic
Tate, Henry
Tate Gallery
archives of
Bissières fakes and
brand marketing collaborations
collections of
Drewe and
history of
ICA and
location of
reinvigoration of
Taubman, Alfred
Thatcher, Margaret
Thaw, Eugene
Thomas, Dylan
Thompson, William
Tinguely, Jean
Tominaga, Horoko
Town, Norman
trial of Drewe, Myatt, and Stoakes
building of case for
closing argument
cross-examination of Drewe
date of
defense strategies during
defense witnesses
Drewe’s mother and children at
Drewe’s nervous tic during
Drewe’s self-representation during
evidence for
fakes chosen as evidence in
Goudsmid at
length of
Myatt at
press coverage of
prosecution case
prosecution witnesses
Searle at
sentence for Drewe
sentence for Myatt
Stoakes at
summary of case
verdict of
Trois Femmes à la Fontaine (Picasso)
Turner, Henry
Turner fakes
typewriters, Drewe’s use of
Unilever Series
Ustinov, Peter
Vermeer, Jan
Victoria and Albert Museum
Volpe, Miki
arrest of Drewe by Ellis and
interrogation of Drewe by
Myatt and
personal life of
style of
transfer of
wraps up case
Volpe, Robert
Waddington, Leslie
war fibbers
Warhol, Andy
Watson, Peter
Wechsler, Andrew
Welles, Orson
Wesselmann, Tom
Wildenstein Gallery
Willard Gallery
Yo Picasso (Picasso)
Zagel, Jane
appearance and manner of
Nicholson fakes and
Zagreb museum