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Chapter Thirty-Five

It was nearly a week before the village of Bayarno had all of their dead buried. There were just so many of them to take care of. Word of the atrocities here wouldn’t be found out by the outside world until we revealed them. In third world countries mass murders are often kept quiet. Carlos finally sought me out for a talk on our plans.

I started out by telling Carlos everything about myself and my team. He learned about the Sea Demons and why we were here in Cuba. Finally it was his turn to share his history with me.

“Maria and I dated back before I decided I wanted a better life for myself in the United States. I rode in a small boat with a dozen others to Florida. You have a law there that if you are able to set foot on shore you can stay and become a citizen. But if the Coast Guard catches you then you are returned to Cuba. I was able to make it on the very first try.”

“I lived in Little Cuba in Miami for four years. I scrimped and saved every penny that I could. Once I had enough money saved I went to college at the University of Florida and majored in business administration.”

“I was so naïve back then. I thought with my education I could come back to Cuba like a knight in shining armor and save my people. Instead I was beaten down like always. Every time I was able to make life a little better for my village El Diablo came and stole it away. We were kept downtrodden.”

“I got back to my village and discovered that I was a father and didn’t know it. Maria had become pregnant before I left and kept it from me. She wanted one of us to have a better life. Juan was eight years old when I met him for the first time in my life. I have been back in Cuba for three years now. I should have taken Juan and Maria back to Miami instead of trying to fight.” Carlos sat with his head hanging down. “Maria would be alive now if I had left like she wanted us to.”

“Don’t beat yourself up Carlos. You tried to unselfishly help out your village instead of worrying about your own needs. I think what you tried to do is admirable. You couldn’t have known that they would come into your village and cause this bloodbath.”

“I have taken care of burying my Maria. What are your plans for El Diablo?” Carlos asked.

“Let’s go get your brother Francisco and Chief Morrison and we’ll sit down and hash this out. I think you’ll like what I have in mind.”