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Chapter Forty-Two

We had a makeshift stage set up by the church step so we could talk to the troops. All two thousand of them were seated on the ground in front of me. I had the Estaban Brothers on the stage with me. It was time to reveal a part of the battle plan to them. I would be cautious in what I let the men know about ahead of time. You never knew if there was a man in our group that was working for the other side.

“Men, tomorrow we start the operation to end El Diablo’s reign of terror. For too many years he’s been able to rob torture and kill your people at will. This is going to end before very long.”

“The reason my men and I are in Cuba is to capture a man by the name of Philippe Quentes. But once we got here and saw what was being done to you we decided to step up and help. We can’t stand seeing women and children killed. When we leave El Diablo will be dead and El Diablo Alcazaba will be a burnt out shell.”

Carlos was translating for me as I gave the men my speech. The men had leapt to their feet and were cheering wildly. They were working themselves up to a wild frenzy.

Carlos stepped forward. “How many of you have had your crops stolen from you by El Diablo year after year? How many of you have been beaten by his troops? How many of you have watched helplessly while your women have been raped. How many of you have had loved ones tortured and killed by El Diablo?”

“Finally we have a chance to end his hold on us. Our American friends have come to help us. Together we can make it stop. We will end El Diablo’s hold over us once and for all. We have a chance to be a free people once again. This can be the first stepping stone to freedom for all of Cuba.”

“Viva Carlos, Viva Francisco!” were the shouts from the amassed troops in front of the stage.

“When you are needed to help Carlos and Francisco we will let you know. We will be laying siege to the fort. We will not allow anyone to leave it after the first initial attack. We will use you to help contain the men in El Diablo Alcazaba. Go over your weapons one more time to make sure they will function properly. Soon you will need to be able to rely on them so make sure they’re ready,” I said as I walked off the makeshift stage.