An indicative list of publications by Walter Nash

Academic publications

Our Experience of Language (1971, Batsford)
Designs in Prose: A Study in Compositional Problems and Methods (1980, Longman)
The Language of Humour: Style and Technique in Comic Discourse (1985, Longman)
English Usage: A Guide to First Principles (1986, Routledge)
Rhetoric: The Wit of Persuasion (1989, Blackwell)
Language in Popular Fiction (1990, Routledge)
Seeing Through Language: A Guide to Styles of English Writing (with Ronald Carter) (1990, Blackwell)
The Writing Scholar: Studies in Academic Discourse (1990, Sage)
An Uncommon Tongue: The Uses and Resources of English (1992, Routledge)
Jargon: Its Uses and Abuses (1993, Blackwell)
Creating Texts: An Introduction to the Study of Composition (with David Stacey) (1997, Longman)
Language and Creative Illusion (1998, Longman)
A Departed Music: Readings in Old English Poetry (2006, Anglo-Saxon Books)

Creative and autobiographical writing

Kettle of Roses (1982, Hutchinson)
The Day of the Airship (2001: First Century /Cromwell).
East West Risen (2002, Feather Books)
Of Time and Small Islands (2006, Beyond the Cloister)
For Old Times Sake: Childhood in the 1930s (2007, Bright Pen [colophon of Authors Online])
In Good Faith (2007, Feather Books)
Memorabilia: Poems from time to time (2009, Beyond the Cloister)