The key to feeling blessed is to acknowledge your blessings every day, out loud and with exuberant gratitude. In this spirit I acknowledge my blessings the minute I receive them and then again each night before I go to sleep. Unless we acknowledge our blessings, it is quite possible that we actually do not recognize and receive them as they fall so sweetly upon us. The best way to acknowledge a blessing is to utter a simple and heartfelt thank-you to both the Universe and the deliverer of the blessing at the same time.

For example, I deeply thank you, my reader, and thank God, my Source and Creator, for giving me, through this book, the privilege, the opportunity to share with you some of the most powerful healing words and prayers in my life. I thank you, my reader, for the trust and time you have given me through your willingness to read this book. I am so grateful for your presence on earth, and I am blessed by your beautiful Spirit, a kindred soul moving with me to the light. I thank you for the gift of your readership and for your willingness to consider the ideas set forth in this book. I also thank the Holy Mother-Father God, Source and Creator of my life and all things in it, for giving me this glorious opportunity to connect with you through this book and for giving me the privilege of sharing this knowledge with you. Our connection is something I could have never created without this blessed assistance from God.

I also thank, with a heart fully open, my publishers, Louise Hay and Reid Tracy from Hay House, for their belief in me and the privilege that they have afforded me to share my work with you. I am deeply grateful for the platform of support that they have offered me in publishing this and many of my other books, and for making them available to so many people around the world. This has been an unbelievable gift from the Universe, made possible through them and all the fabulous support people who work at Hay House to make this and all their beautiful books available to the world. I want to thank my editor, Alexia, who worked so patiently with me to help make this prayer book meaningful. Thank you so very much, Alexia.

I also thank, with all my heart and spirit, the helpers and teachers in my life who have assisted me over the years to recognize and empower my Spirit, have helped enlighten and guide my soul, and have shared invaluable blessings of companionship, friendship, and truthful feedback with me for so many years of my life. I especially want to thank Debra Grace Graves, my dear and beloved friend, who spent many hours helping me write and shape this book to serve others in the simplest, most beneficial way. Debra, your straightforward, “tell it like it is” feedback makes me laugh, pay attention, and learn. I thank my family, Patrick, Sonia, and Sabrina, and all the rest (as there are many) who bless and enrich my life with your glorious and Holy Spirits every day. I cannot believe my good fortune to have you in my life. My gratitude list can truly go on forever, and does. I thank the Holy Mother-Father God for giving me this incredible journey of life. Every day I recognize, more and more what a blessing it is to be alive on this glorious planet at this time.

Thank you, Source. Thank you, Creator. Thank you, life. I am grateful for all the blessings you shower upon me, my family, my friends, my students, my readers, my enemies, and the human race every single day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

