WHAT A PERSONAL DELIGHT IT HAS BEEN TO PARTNER WITH Maurice Possley in crafting this book. Maurice is an incredible researcher and writer. In his capable hands, the story of Teen Palm came very much alive — birthed from letters, newspaper and magazine articles, journals and books and multiple interviews. My deepest thanks to Maurice for giving of his creative genius to the telling of this amazing story of faith and courage.
Thanks too to Maurice’s friend Rick Kogan of the Chicago Tribune for his genuine insights concerning the writing of the manuscript.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Susie Wort, Teen Palm’s daughter, for her friendship, hospitality, and generosity in making available to Maurice and myself Teen Palm’s papers —a veritable treasure trove of letters and photos.
Special thanks are in order to Moe Girkins, the President and CEO of Zondervan, for her personal support for this project from its inception and to Sue Brower, our skillful editor at Zondervan, for seeing the project to its completion.
A number of individuals were interviewed for this project. Some graciously made available their personal archives to us. Dr. Jürgen Wittenstein was especially generous in sharing a portion of his life story.
Sincere thanks to my colleagues at Trinity, Scott Manetsch and Dennis Magary, and to my sisters, Pat, Rosemary, and Norma, who were all very supportive of this project. My sisters in particular provided invaluable firsthand knowledge about Teen Palm.
And finally, I would like to thank my wife, Susan, for her encouragement and wise counsel. I am grateful to God for her Christian example and her love. And so are her children.
THIS BOOK WOULD NOT HAVE COME TO LIFE WITHOUT THE aid, counsel, and reassurances of many people, but particularly Christopher Ferebee, my agent, for his integrity and perseverance; Cookie Ridolfi, my colleague, for her patience and understanding; Bob Richardson and Tatjana Vujosevic, my friends, for their generosity of spirit and use of their couch; and Rick Kogan for his wordsmithing genius and more importantly, a friendship that spans more than thirty years
I want to thank my extended family at Little Church by the Sea for prayers and support, particularly David and Lisa Burchi, David and Sarah Vanderveen, and Sarah Metherell.
The unexpected entry into my life of John Woodbridge, who came bearing this most extraordinary tale, is yet more proof that when we make plans, God laughs. I cannot thank John enough for his confidence in me.
I am indebted to Teen Palm’s daughter, Susie, and her family for opening their hearts, sharing their memories, and entrusting me with the moving story of Teen Palm’s courage and enduring faith.
I want to thank my son, Vasco Fitzmaurice Mark David Possley, who patiently and generously allowed me to spend hours at my desk working on this book. I love you very much.
In the mid-1990s, when I was a journalist in Chicago, I asked a young woman who was striving to become a religion writer how one would go about reconnecting with God.
“All you have to do is ask Him,” she said.
She was right, I soon discovered.
For that moment alone, I will ever and utterly be thankful to my wife, Cathleen. For her support, counsel, patience, sharp eye for detail, and, most of all, her love, I am profoundly grateful.