A week later, they came to arrest Angela around ten in the morning—not for Amanda’s murder alone but for Philip’s as well.

She and I were having coffee together in her apartment, as had been our habit ever since Angela so kindly extended her daily invitation. She had a Braun grinder and a sleek Italian coffee machine with twin spouts. As I sat on the couch, I would hear the whir of the grinder once, twice, and then the sound of pressurized drips. Soon Angela—my nurse, as I called her when she delivered the caffeine—would glide carefully from the kitchen island to the seating area, holding her big mug and my small double espresso cup. The little red machine produced a brew that was dark, hot, and bitter. What more could one ask? Laced with sugar, the coffee tasted better than anything I could make for myself or find in the nearby SoHo cafes.

“It’s Hogan,” the voice said when Angela answered the intercom.

“How nice. I didn’t expect you. Jack’s here.”

When Hogan entered through the loft door, McGuinn was right behind him, looking sober and a bit stunned by the experience of morning sunlight.

“This seems very official,” Angela said when the two of them came in and sat down.

“It is,” McGuinn said. “It’s official as hell.”

I looked blankly at Hogan. The two men had not bothered to take off their coats. Underneath, I could see, they were both wearing their best polyester ties.

“You might want to go easy on that coffee,” McGuinn advised.

“Something wrong with it?”

Hogan looked first at Angela, then at me. “Do you know how Wolfsheim’s Syndrome works?”


“Basically, Jack, it rewires your brain. It blocks some of your neural pathways and overloads others.” He spoke a bit like a schoolboy reciting his lessons. “The circuits start making totally random connections, crazy hook-ups that come and go in a second.”

“Sounds like my old dating life.”

I waited for the joke to land, but Hogan remained stone-faced.

“Actually,” I said, “I have no idea what you mean.”

“No, you wouldn’t. That’s the point. Your brain gets starved and overwhelmed at the same time. Flooded like an old carburetor. You’re not aware of the damage until it affects your behavior and your own actions start to seem strange to you. You gradually lose control. In the end, your body forgets how to function.”

“Hideous,” Angela said, her voice tense and brittle. “The way it happened to Philip.”

“Except it didn’t just happen,” Hogan said.

My eyes went to Angela, to McGuinn, to Hogan.

“Someone made it happen,” McGuinn stated. “Or at least sped it along once it started.”

We all sat in silence. Slowly, the loft seemed to tilt around me. Still no one spoke.

“Is that what you were doing, Angela?” Hogan asked finally. “Helping nature take its course?”

She stared at him in wonder.

“You see, Jack, some kinds of toxic resin can do pretty much the same thing to your nerves as the disease. Resins like the ones Angela uses back there to patch up her dolls and statues.”

“Especially when administered in small doses over time,” McGuinn added. “We had a long chat with some doctors about it.”

The empty espresso cup was still warm in my hand.

“How have you been doing lately, Jack?” Hogan asked. “Ever feel that your judgment is slightly impaired?”

“Not until now.”

“Not until you started having coffee down here every morning, you mean?”

“What are you saying? That Angela has been poisoning me with this?” I extended the white demitasse, its interior streaked with coffee residue.

At that, Angela laughed—sharply.

“Ed, dear, you shouldn’t confuse Jack,” she said. “He has a lot of important things on his mind.”

“More important than murder? What would that be—his painting inventory?”

“He has Melissa to think about.”

“So do you, Angela. In fact, you need to think about her very carefully right now.”

“I have no idea what you mean.”

“She’s going to be sort of motherless soon.”

“You see,” McGuinn said, “we got a report. From Philip’s autopsy.”

“It documents how the resin compound built up in his brain,” Hogan explained. “From the shots you gave him, between his toes, once a week or so at the hospice.”

Angela, her face drained of color, glanced from one man to the other.

“Once Philip was diagnosed,” McGuinn said, “no one ever questioned his breakdown. No one thought to look for an external cause. Not until Hogan started to question the speed of it. A process that would normally take years playing out in just months.”

“Then I remembered your work here,” Hogan said to Angela, “all the things you showed me—including the syringes.”

“You bastard,” Angela snapped. “You can’t use anything you took from this loft as evidence.”

“That’s right.”

“You had no search warrant. You’re not even a policeman.”

“No,” Hogan replied evenly. “But the garbage you put out on the sidewalk is fair game. It sits right there in the public domain. Including your old syringes with their toxic residue.”

I could see the thought register on Angela’s face.

“Not the most considerate means of disposal, sweetheart,” Hogan said.

In response, Angela’s voice fell—to a tone at once affectionate and pleading.

“Ed, dear, do you remember what you said, what you promised? That first time you came home with me?”

“No. Not the exact words, just the tune of it.”

“You said you’d always be kind to me, Edward. In the way Philip should have been but wasn’t.”

Hogan leaned forward, peering coldly into Angela’s face. “Oh, I’m being kind. You’ll see exactly how kind.”

It felt like I was watching an argument in a dream, except that the confrontation was taking place in real life, unfolding there in front of me on the fourth floor of my Wooster Street building, my home, and not just in a chamber of my own poisoned mind.

“I’m curious,” Hogan said. “Did you think screwing me was a free pass for murder?”

“Don’t ask me that. You can’t, darling.”

“All right, try a different one. Which made you feel better—poisoning Philip or shooting Amanda?”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t kill Amanda.”

“Don’t fight me, Angela. Everything will be easier, once you confess.”

“Confess to Amanda’s murder? Are you mad? Why on earth would I do that?”

“You better think carefully before you answer. You better calculate very, very well. Because you’re only going to get one chance.”

“This is utterly vicious, a lie.”

“Is it, Angela? I have a videotape that shows who entered the Prince Street building that day, and who left it shortly afterwards, clutching Amanda’s laptop.”

Angela rose up. “Don’t bluff me, Edward. There’s no security camera over there.”

We were all on our feet now, three men standing in a half-circle around one frantic woman—ensuring that she wouldn’t bolt for a door, a window, a gun.

“No, there’s no security camera in the building. You can thank Jack for that,” Hogan said. “But there is a camera across the street, on the back wall of a very fancy little boutique. The lens points toward the jewelry counter.” He paused a moment to let Angela picture the scene. “And do you remember what’s next to the counter?”

“A display window.”

“That’s right. With a nice clear view across the street to the Olivers’ building.”

Angela’s expression fell, and darkened.

“The tape was long gone by the time I got there. The cops had impounded it, along with half a dozen others from the area, on the day after the murder. Of course, it takes friggin’ forever to watch those things, and McGuinn had no idea who or what he was looking for back then—except Philip, who didn’t appear. He put the tapes aside and didn’t touch them again until I asked him for a look. Then it was my turn to sit through the boring damn things. Boring until I spotted someone familiar, in the wrong place at a very wrong time.”

“I see.”

“We can all see now, Angela. That’s why you better play ball.”


“Or I can give the tapes back to McGuinn, and he can do a big messy police investigation of the new evidence—freeze frame, image enhancement, that sort of thing. Followed, in a few months, by a trial where everybody, including Melissa, goes up on the stand. She’ll have a long time, between now and then, to decide whether to turn on you. Whether to testify against her own mother.”

To my amazement, Angela said no more.

“Take a little walk with me, Angela. We can go to Melissa’s room. Nice and quiet.”

She stared at him desperately, sadly.

“Stop, can’t you?” Her command had become a throaty plea.

“Not yet. There’s something I want to show you. A couple things.”