Chapter Fourteen
Thursday evening
Crystal was late for her assignation with Aaron.
She probably should have called it off after the Dowager Duchess of Lomond’s intrusive announcement of his interest in her, but every ounce of Crystal’s body stirred with excitement. She wanted to have him all to herself.
She thanked Sir Walter and Lady Scott for the generous loan of their coach and climbed in, glad that Aaron had taken his leave long before her, accompanying his grandmother home.
When the Scotts’ coach stopped at Wilding Close, she alighted with alacrity, assuring Sir Walter’s coachman and maid that she could make her way down the flight of stairs to her townhome. But of course they insisted on escorting her all the way to her door.
In the distance, the town clock struck ten. Had Aaron given up on her? It had taken quite some time to meet and talk to the many ladies who had handed her their calling cards after her talk, requesting she call on them so they could hear more of her ideas. Thankfully, no gentlemen had stormed from the salon this time, and some had even inquired about sponsoring her teaching of the women. Another had wanted to discuss the terrible treatment of his sister, who had married a scoundrel.
She realized her words really were making a difference.
She stayed in the courtyard of her close until she heard the Scotts’ driver gee up the horses and drive off. Pulling her dark evening bonnet forward so it covered her face and tying the ribbons of her black pelisse coat so it showed nothing of her dress, she raced back up the stairs to the high street. If not for the street lamp, she would blend into the darkness. Searching the road, she couldn’t see Aaron’s coach. Perhaps he really had grown bored with waiting.
A common hackney cab stopped in front of her. “Need a cab?” the driver called.
“No, thank you,” she said, turning to leave. She was well aware that she could be mistaken for a woman of pleasure if she stayed where she was.
The driver climbed down from his box and strode toward her. “I have a gentleman inside who says you do,” he said quietly.
A ripple of apprehension traveled down her spine, and she stayed on the path. She didn’t want to be pulled into the coach by a villain.
The driver opened the door, and through the gloom she saw a particularly well-dressed man, handsome and well-proportioned, and her apprehension turned to elation.
The driver helped her into the hackney cab and closed the door.
“I thought I was about to be hired for my services,” she murmured.
Aaron reached out and took her hand. “How does a lady from a good family even know such services exist?”
She caught a flash of his fine white teeth and knew he was smiling. “I’m no fool. My sisters told me of such women, but I never saw them. My father had no tolerance of such things. If he discovered them in the castle, they were thrown out. In some wynds of Edinburgh, one cannae miss them. I’ve never seen so much flesh exposed.”
“True.” He chuckled. The hackney cab pulled out and began its descent down the high street.
“Where’s your coach?” she asked.
He pulled her into his arms as the cab rocked with the gait of the horses. He smelled of Albany cologne and freshly starched linen, the combination so enticing she snuggled into him, her hand sneaking under his coat to settle over the hardness of his abdomen. “After my grandmother’s comment, I didn’t dare send my coach near your premises. Dinnae fash; I know this driver, and he will be well paid for his discretion. No one expects me to travel in a hackney.”
“Good. For it seems I need to keep my reputation. I was prepared to risk my social standing to speak on behalf of women. The truth is, I didn’t think I’d be so successful when I first started my talks three months ago. Yet tonight, so many women crowded around me. They must all think as I do. Did you notice they weren’t shocked when I spoke of passion?”
“You did phrase it in a far less controversial manner, and there were more women at Sir Walter’s this time,” he said, his lips grazing her cheek. “I’m very proud of you. You are an excellent speaker.”
Warmth flushed her cheeks at his unexpected compliment…and at his intimacy. It felt so natural to be in his arms.
“I’m learning to change what I say for different audiences. I have many calling cards from those who wish to help my cause of educating women and also from those who want the property laws to change.”
She thought about what she’d said earlier—that one careless decision could destroy a woman’s life forever.
Though she put a brave face on being alone with Aaron, nervous twitters started to dance around in her stomach. She wanted to be here with him. She did. But this was the first time she would truly be alone with a man. Any man.
And if she was caught, she would lose everything important to her.