Acting Tips
When I played Saul
In Pineapple Express
I said, fuck it,
Acting should be fun.
No more twisted
James Dean demons.
There was one thing
That was important:
Saul should love Dale.
That was the secret
That made Saul
So much more
Than Harold and Kumar.
Then I played Scott Smith,
Harvey Milk’s lover.
I’m still surprised
By the response
To that character.
The secret there:
The film is called Milk,
Not Smith,
And that’s how I played it:
A supporting lover,
Thus, as a supporting actor
To support Sean
Whom I love so much.
In Howl I played Ginsberg,
And I was all alone.
My scenes were speeches
Given to an unseen interviewer
Like Shirley Clark’s
Portrait of Jason.
All I did was get down Allen’s
Cadence by listening to him
Read “Howl,” over and over,
All the versions
Over the course of forty years,
So many recordings.
He wrote the poem
And then the poem wrote him.
In 127 Hours I knew
The key would be show don’t tell,
Because the character just does.
I knew the audience
Would have an experience
Because I wouldn’t be telling
Them how I feel, I’d be feeling.
And when the character does talk,
He does it to his little video camera;
I look right into the lens,
Ostensibly talking to my family and friends,
But I’m looking right at the audience,
So it’s like a Shakespearean aside,
Without breaking the fourth wall.
And I talk about my feelings
In the most intimate way.
It’s like I’m talking to the people
In the theater, as if they’re all my friends,
And I’m telling them
Everything there is to know
About me.