A-20 Havoc, 100 Army History, 293

Aachen, 230, 238, 253, 254, 256-60, 264,266, 317

Abilene, Kans., 37, 63, 181

Afrika Korps, 27-28, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48

Airborne Army, U.S., 232, 238

Aldbourne, 55, 65, 66

Alexander, Harold, 44, 45, 234

Alford, Parker, 82

Algeria, 42

Allen, Terry, 316-17

Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF), 69

British-U.S. relations in, 38, 39, 45, 47, 52-53

Eisenhower appointed as Supreme Commander of, 16, 51-54

number of divisions in, 210

Alpine Redoubt, 341

Alsace, 308

Ammons, Jack, 319

Anderson, Harry, 250, 251

Antwerp, 231, 232, 233, 247, 282

Arbatov, Gregori, 341n

Ardennes Forest, 233, 236, 254, 272, 273, 274, 275, 299-300, 308

Argentan, 227

Army, U.S.:

average ages in, 188, 280

building of, 22

Center of Military History of, 293

civilians and, 178-79, 228, 230

flexibility and initiative in, 214, 217

in Great Britain, 35, 36, 38, 54-58, 210

in Nazi Germany, 333-48

replacement troops in, 188-89, 260-264, 273, 280, 290, 292, 293-94, 311-12, 314, 334

segregation in, 23

size of, 15

as unprepared for war, 15, 16

Army Air Force, U.S., 40, 261

Army Group B, German, 48

Army History, 293

Army Specialist Training Program (ASTP), 263, 347

Arnhem, 160, 233, 238, 246-47

Arnold, James, 109

Arromanches, 169, 179, 180

Asnelles, 165, 167

Assault Training Center, 57

ASTP (Army Specialist Training Program), 263, 347

Atlantic Wall, 48, 58, 61, 102, 321

atomic bomb, 40, 143

Australia, 17-18

Austria, 335, 338, 341

Ayres, Johnny, 324

B-17 Flying Fortress, 98-102, 103, 140, 172

B-24 Liberator, 98, 101

B-25 Mitchell, 211

B-26 Marauder, 98, 99, 100-101, 103, 107, 216

Bach, J. S., 311

bagpipes, 171, 177

Bailey, Jack, 32, 84, 88

Baines, Darky, 80

Baker, Leland, 114, 116

balloons, 58

Baltic states, 15

Balzac, Honore de, 190

bangalore torpedoes, 135, 138, 139, 175, 250, 251

barbed wire, 135, 138, 139, 170, 256

Bare, Harry, 124

Barensfeld, Jack, 102-3, 104

Barnes, John, 119-20 210

Barton, Ray, 107, 111

Bastogne, 274, 275, 279, 284-85, 286, 290

battlefield promotions, 311

Baumgarten, Harold, 124-26

Bavaria, 335, 338, 341

Bayfield, USS, 111

beach obstacles, 57, 118, 165, 169-70, 171, 172, 173-74, 176, 180, 216

Beck, John, 113

Belfast, HMS, 165, 167

Belgium, 15, 223, 229, 230, 238, 255, 266, 274, 299

see also Bulge, Battle of the

Bell, Elmo, 347

Benning, Fort, 260, 261

Benouville, 159, 160, 163-64

Berggren, Bobby, 103

Berlin, 79, 208, 223, 233, 235, 253, 322, 345

divided into sectors, 337

Red Army’s drive to, 337-38, 341

Berlin, Battle of, 341n

Bernieres, 169, 179

Bernstein, Julius, 342

Bertenrath, Friedrich, 222, 226, 340

Bingham, Sidney, 127-28

Bizerte, 46

black soldiers, 58, 228-29

Blakeslee, Clarence, 268

Blamey, Pat, 165, 166-67

Blanchard, John, 90

Blankenship, Charles, 90

Blithe, Albert, 204-5

Block, Walter, 148, 149, 151, 153

Bocarski, Ray, 322

Boesch, Paul, 270

Boland, Oliver, 85

Bomber Command, British, 143

bombers, 98-102

key role played by, 58-59

Bouck, Lyle, 275-78

Bowen, George, 138

Bradley, Omar, 62, 63, 70, 207, 208, 231, 232-33, 235, 253, 269, 272, 273, 300, 323, 328, 329, 337

Battle of the Bulge and, 274-75

criticisms of, 223-24

in North Africa, 45, 46

Operation Cobra and, 210-11

Patton’s nickname for, 224

promoted to Twelfth Army Group commander, 221n

Replacement System and, 262-63

in Rhineland battles, 317, 327

Branham, Felix, 75, 185

Brecourt Manor, 94, 97

Brest, 224, 225

Bridge at Remagen, The (Hechler), 324

Brierre, Eugene, 112

Britain, Battle of, 15

British army, 16, 26-29, 220, 223

casualties in, 210

D-Day landing sites of,

see Gold Beach; Sword Beach

in North Africa, 27-28, 39, 42, 45, 48, 67

training in, 28, 30-34, 161, 162, 166

unpreparedness of, 15, 28

Brittany, 48, 224-25

Bronze Star, 98, 353

Brooke, Alan, 39, 53, 207, 209, 211, 232, 233, 235, 337

Brotheridge, Den, 31, 81, 85, 86, 87-88

Brown, John, 189

Browning, F.A.M. “Boy,” 28, 31

Brumbaugh, Frank, 78

Brussels, 232

Bryant, H. T., 90

Buchenwald, 341

Buchloe, 336-37

Bulge, Battle of the, 272-94, 317

combat conditions in, 285-89

Eisenhower’s Order of the Day issued in, 283-84

Elsenborn Ridge and, 281-83, 287

German retreat after, 308

German superiority at start of, 275

importance of individual soldiers in, 281

U.S. casualties in, 289-90

U.S. retreat in, 278-80, 281

Bull, Harold “Pinky,” 233, 327, 343

bunkers, 169, 172, 309

Burns, Dwayne, 82-83, 313

Burrows, Emmet “Jim,” 326

Burt, William, 114, 115

Butcher, Harry, 60-61, 73, 212, 344

Butgenbach, 299

Butler, Bill, 287

C-47 Dakota, 64, 65, 78, 80, 81-84, 91-92, 103, 104, 238

Cadish, Harold, 90

Caen, 84, 179, 206, 207, 209, 220, 225

Cairo, 51

Camien, John, 115

Canada, 54, 67

Canadian army, 169, 223, 225, 247

casualties in, 210

D-Day landing site of,

see Juno Beach

Canham, Charles, 130, 184


25-pound, 165, 166, 172

75mm, 118, 176, 213, 250

88mm, 109, 118, 119, 125, 161, 167, 176, 195, 213, 246, 263, 301

105mm, 253

155mm, 143, 150, 154-57, 176, 320

Carden, Carl, 100

Carenton, 205, 206

carrier pigeons, 78

Carson, Gordon, 56, 284, 336

Cartledge, Carl, 79, 82

Casablanca, 40

Cassidy, Patrick, 114

CBS, 341

CCS (Combined Chiefs of Staff), 39, 52, 59, 207, 327, 344

“Charge of the Light Brigade, The” (Tennyson), 127, 186

Chartres, 229, 230

Chequers, 39

Cherbourg, 116, 188

Cherokee code talkers, 58

China, 15, 17

China-Burma-India theater, 205

Chinchar, Mike, 324

Christenson, Burton, 304

Christmas, of 1944, 288-89

Chumley, Donald, 287

Churchill, Sir Winston, 39, 51, 59, 66, 212, 337

cigarettes, 27, 75, 85, 142, 228, 295, 297, 334

Citizen Soldiers (Ambrose), 216, 225, 296, 353


Belgian, 230

English Red Cross girl, 178-79

French, 126n, 168-69, 175, 227, 228, 309, 310, 311, 333

German, 333-35, 339, 342

nation-by-nation comparison of, 333

Civil War, U.S., 206, 254, 266, 279, 295-296, 338

Clark Field, 16

cliff climbing, 31, 57, 117, 119, 143, 145-50

Closing with the Enemy (Doubler), 217

Cobb, John, 340

Cobra, Operation, 210-13, 220, 221

Cochran, John, 330

codes, 39, 58, 80, 149, 151, 210

Colby, John, 191, 199-200, 306, 319, 320-21

Cold War, 340

Cole, Robert, 98, 354

Coleville, 134, 136, 137

Cologne, 230, 254, 317

combat conditions, 295-307

in Battle of the Bulge, 285-89

comradeship in, 222, 290-91

in forest fighting, 266-71

foxholes and, 55, 56, 298-99, 305, 307

inexperience and, 97-98, 184, 315

psychology of, 303-4, 306-7, 314-15

in Rhineland battles, 311-17

senior officers’ ignorance of, 262-66, 296

training as insufficient for, 66, 82-83, 199, 292-93

trench foot and, 269, 300-301, 311, 314, 317, 347

unpredictability of reactions to, 88, 199, 200-201

see also hedgerows; night fighting

combat exhaustion, 314-15, 322-23

Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS), 39, 52, 59, 207, 327, 344

Command and General Staff School, 224

commandos, British, 57, 144, 146, 179

communications, 217, 296

Compton, Lynn, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98

concentration camps, 336-37, 338, 341-342

Congressional Medal of Honor, 98, 116

conscription, 22, 170

Cook, Julian, 242, 244, 245-46

Cooper, Belton, 214, 222, 256, 263

Corry, A. H., 99, 101

Cota, Norman “Dutch,” 122, 127, 130, 184, 197-98, 268

Cotentin Peninsula, 96

Courseulles-sur-Mer, 169, 179

Coyle, James, 240, 242-43

Craft, J. A. “Strawberry,” 296, 322

Craft, William, 296

Creully, 169

Cronkite, Walter, 62, 186

Culin, Curtis, 217

Cunningham, Andrew, 52

Curtis, Rupert, 177, 179-80

Custer, George, 239

Dachau, 336, 341-42

Daniel, Derrill, 258

Davis, Chalmers, 297

Davis, Ralph, 148-49

Dawson, Joseph, 135-37, 138, 140, 184, 237-38, 253, 256-57, 258-60

D-Day, 69-187, 206, 254, 268, 269, 299

bombing runs on, 98-102, 105

British landing sites on,

see Gold Beach; Sword Beach

Canadian landing site on,

see Juno Beach

casualty figures for, 97, 123, 169, 179, 187

description of sight of, 99, 185

Eisenhower’s “failure” press release prepared for, 74

Eisenhower’s Order of the Day issued for, 74-75, 350

equipment carried by troops on, 64, 75-78, 80-81, 123, 128, 132

fighter pilots in, 102-4

final exercises held before, 63-65

first company to hit the beach on, 107

first German counterattack made on, 162

French railway system bombarded before, 59

German prisoners taken on, 96, 97, 108, 110-11, 113, 115, 131, 137, 139, 152, 153, 179

Johnson’s pep talk delivered before, 78-79

most important shot fired on, 164

opening hours of, 86-104

postponement of, 69-73

takeoff and cross-Channel flight in, 79-85

training for, 55, 57-58, 65-66

twentieth anniversary of, 62, 186-87

U.S. landing sites on,

see Omaha Beach; Utah Beach see also Overlord, Operation

“D-Day Plus 20,” 62, 186-87

Deevers, Murray, 325

DeFilippo, Arthur, 83

de Gaulle, Charles, 74, 308-9

de Guingand, Freddie, 231, 234

DeLisio, Joe, 325, 326-27, 328

Della-Volpe, Ralph, 112

Delury, John, 78

democracy, 281

citizen soldiers as product of, 67-68, 351-54

Eisenhower on, 182-83, 186-87, 351

leadership and, 130, 182-85

moral superiority and, 285

war effort and, 37

Dempsey, Miles, 211, 246

deserters, 81, 315

deuce-and-a-half trucks, 215

Dibbern, Hans-Heinrich, 227-28

Dillon, William, 139, 140

Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), 98, 116, 138, 186, 204

Ditmar, Robert, 125

Doenitz, Karl, 342-43

dogsled teams, 316

Doubler, Michael, 217, 328

Drabik, Alex, 325, 326, 328

dragon’s teeth, 256, 317, 318, 321

Dresden, 341

Driant, Fort, 249-53

duds, 215-16

DUKW amphibious vehicle, 57, 145, 146

du Maurier, Daphne, 28

Dunkirk, 28

Dusseldorf, 230

Dutch East Indies, 17

Duus, Martin, 322-23

Eagle, Exercise, 63-65

Eastern Front, 27, 35, 46, 47, 48, 51, 170, 183, 222, 223, 314

Eastern Task Force (ETF), 186

Eben Emael, Fort, 230

Egger, Bruce, 301-2, 340, 347

Egypt, 42, 51

Eifel Mountains, 254, 275, 282

Eighth Air Force, U.S., 143

Eighth Army, British, 27, 42

8th Infantry Division, U.S., 270

8th Infantry Regiment, U.S.:

1st Battalion of, 106

2nd Battalion of, 107-12

80th Infantry Division, U.S., 303

82nd Airborne Division, U.S., 49, 78, 81, 91, 200, 205, 274, 302, 312, 313, 318, 340

D-Day landing site of, 105

invasion HQ of, 189

in Operation Market-Garden, 238, 239, 247

84th Infantry Division, U.S., 264, 288, 296, 297, 305-6

87th Mortar Battalion, U.S., 113

Eikner, James, 57-58, 144n, 145, 149, 151, 152-53, 155, 156-57

Eilendorf, 253

Eindhoven, 240, 242

Eisenhower, Arthur, 46

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 35-63

appointed as commander of ETO, 36

appointed as Supreme Commander of AEF, 16, 51-54

Battle of the Bulge and, 273-75, 280, 283-84, 289

British-U.S. relations fostered by, 38, 39, 45, 47, 52-53

as celebrity, 36

character of, 16, 20-21, 36-37, 38, 43, 46-47, 49-50, 53, 60-61, 63, 206, 233, 235, 315

criticisms of decisions made by, 43-44, 49-50, 223-25, 235, 247-48, 273

and crossing of the Rhine, 327

D-Day failure press release written by, 74

Eisenhower, Dwight David, continued

D-Day “OK” given by, 69-73

D-Day Order of the Day issued by, 74-75, 350

on democracy, 182-83, 186-87, 351

diary entries of, 20-22, 35, 40, 70

direct vs. supervisory role of, 60, 73

early military career of, 16

ETO named by, 35

eyes of, 53

family sense of, 62, 63

fatigue and anxiety felt by, 53, 60-61, 344, 345

German surrender to, 343-45

in Great Britain, 36-39

grin of, 18, 20, 41, 53, 345

on his contribution to Overlord, 59-60

leadership style and philosophy of, 19, 22, 41-42, 43-44, 45, 49-50, 181-183

Marshall on accomplishments of, 346

Marshall’s relationship with, 18-19, 20-21

on Marshall’s staff, 16-22, 35-36

medals presented by, 138

media savvy of, 36, 37-38

military ranks held by, 16, 21, 272

as military theorist, 206-7, 211, 223-224

Montgomery compared with, 206

Montgomery’s relationship and disagreements with, 206-7, 208-10, 211-12, 224-25, 231-33, 234-35

in Normandy, 207-8, 211

North African invasion undercommand of, 39-48, 49

in occupied Germany, 345

Operation Northwind and, 308-9

and overrunning of Germany, 337-38, 341

Patton and, 59, 208, 224, 232-33, 234-35, 328

Philippines and, 16-18, 35

post-Overlord attack strategy of, 206-212, 223-24, 231-35, 254

promoted to General of the Army, 272

Replacement System and, 262-63

self-confidence of, 53-54

troops visited by, 62-63

on twentieth anniversary of D-Day, 62, 186-87

as U.S. president, 18, 22, 52

on war, 46, 61-62, 254, 263

Eisenhower, Ida, 46

Eisenhower, John, 41, 46

Eisenhower, Mamie, 46, 61, 328, 345

Eisenhower Center, 152n

Eisenhower Library, 181

Eisenhower’s Lieutenants (Weigley), 220-21

El Alamein, 42

Elbe River, 337, 341, 350

Elder, Gene, 147-48, 156

11th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 250-52, 329

A Company of, 250

B Company of, 250, 251

G Company of, 251, 252

Ellery, John, 140-41, 185

Elsenborn Ridge, 281-83, 287, 317

enfilade fire, 118, 147, 169-70

engineers, 255, 325-26

Enola Gay, 40

Erben, Fred, 138

Eureka/Rebecca Radar Beacon System, 78

European Theater of Operations:

Eastern Front in, 27, 35, 46, 47, 48, 51, 170, 183, 222, 223, 314

Eisenhower appointed to command of, 36

most popular division commander in, 239

naming of, 35

Falaise gap, 225-28, 280

Falvey, William, 226

Faust, William, 322

Feiler, Samuel, 79

Fellers, Taylor, 119

Feuchtinger, Edgar, 48

fighter pilots, 102-4

1st Airborne Division, British, 28-29, 160, 238, 246-47

1st Armored Division, Polish, 227

1st Armored Division, U.S., 262, 299, 302

First Army, U.S., 196, 199, 231, 232, 233, 236, 250, 273, 284, 311, 329, 337, 341

G-2 intelligence unit of, 190

in Operation Cobra, 211-13, 220

in pursuit of German army, 220-21

in push to Germany, 254, 265, 266, 269, 327

First Bull Run, 279

1st Infantry Division, U.S., 46, 74, 143, 191, 258

D-Day landing site of, 105

nickname of, 131

1st Panzer Division, German, 282

4th Infantry Division, U.S., 74, 97, 105-116, 191, 205, 215, 226, 229, 236, 255, 266, 269

D-Day landing site of, 105, 106

D-Day successes of, 116

14th Armored Division, U.S., 309

42nd Infantry Division, U.S., 309

5th Ranger Battalion, U.S., 57, 149, 156

F Company of, 185

Fifteenth Army, German, 210

XV Corps, U.S., 208

50th Infantry Division, British, 105

501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 79, 84

E Company of, 201-5

F Company of, 204

502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 82

1st Battalion of, 114

H Company of, 65

504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 242, 244-46

D Company of, 189, 192

F Company of, 90-91

2nd Battalion of, 242, 244

506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 79, 82, 90, 91, 186, 279

backgrounds of members of, 22-23

Battalion HQ Company of, 24

D Company of, 24

E Company of, 22-24, 25, 55, 63-65, 66, 92-98, 112, 290-92, 335-36, 349

F Company of, 24

2nd Battalion of, 24

training in, 25-26, 97

507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 83

508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 78, 82, 84

Fitzgerald, John, 82, 83

flamethrowers, 250, 310

Foch, Ferdinand, 298

Fordham University, 122

forest fighting, 266-71

Forsell, John, 268

forward observers (FOs), 97, 220, 267, 296

Fox, Dennis, 85, 158, 159, 161, 163

foxholes, 55, 66, 298-99, 305, 307

France, 15, 67, 353

Allied push across, 220-36, 237

civilians in, 126n, 168-69, 175, 178-179, 227, 228, 309, 310, 311, 333

destruction of railway system in, 59

German occupation of, 183

1944 invasion of,

see D-Day; Overlord, Operation

number of U.S. troops in, 188, 210

proposed 1943 invasion of, 35, 48, 49, 51

see also Normandy

Fredendall, Lloyd, 42, 43, 44, 49

Free French, 74

French army, 15, 341

French Colonial Army, 40, 42

Frost, John, 246, 247

Fruling, Robert, 152n

Furlong, Dan, 83

Fussell, Paul, 98, 260-61

G-2 intelligence units, 190

Galdonick, Clair, 302

Gallagher, Richard, 138

Gammon bombs, 64, 159, 161

Gardner, Charlie, 86, 87

Gardner, William, 129

gasoline supplies, 229-30, 236, 238, 249

Gault, James, 208

Gauthier, Sims, 106

Gavin, James, 239, 242, 246

Gellhorn, Martha, 341-42

Genget, Mlle, 168-69

Germany, Nazi, 230

air force of,

see Luftwaffe

Allied approach to, 220-36, 237-48

Allied forces in, 333-48

army of,

see Wehrmacht

civilians in, 333-35, 339, 342

divided into zones of occupation, 337

Gerow, Leonard, 44

Gerrie, Jack, 251-52

Gestapo, 309

Gianelloni, Edward “Buddy,” 197, 228-229

Gibbons, Sam, 75

Gibraltar, 40, 42

Giller, Edward, 103-4

GIs, 349-54

Glasgow, HMS, 153

Glider Pilot Regiment, British, 84

gliders, 29, 30, 80, 81, 84-85, 86, 91, 104, 241

Gold Beach, 105, 118, 164-69

bombing attack made on, 101-2, 164-165

landing at, 164-68

resort houses at, 164

sectors of, 167

Goodwood, Operation, 209, 210

Gordon, Walter, 25, 64, 279

Grant, Ulysses S., 206, 254

Gray, Billy, 31, 80, 81, 84, 86, 161-62

Gray, Glenn, 163, 291, 303, 335

Great Britain, 21, 210, 230

Eisenhower in, 36-39, 62-63

national character of, 333

Overlord buildup and training in, 54-68

Great Depression, 23-24

Green, Charles, 216

grenades, 30, 75, 87, 161, 296, 298

potato-masher, 94, 215

thermite, 155

Griffing, Len, 84

Griswold containers, 75

Guards, Armored Division, British, 242, 247

Guarnere, Bill, 92, 93, 94, 98

Guderian, Heinz, 227

Gunther, Helmut, 221

Haig, Douglas, 265

Haislip, Wade, 208

Halifax bombers, 84

Hall, Fred, 133-34, 253, 257

Hall, John D., 96

Halsted, Henry, 353

“Ham and Jam,” 80, 89-90

Hanks, Clayton, 132

Hansen, Herman, 25

Harris, Arthur, 59

Harrison, John, 284, 313

Harwood, Jonathan, 152, 153

Havener, J. K., 101

Hawaii, 18

Hawley, Paul, 300

Hayes, Harold, 290

Healey, Robert, 142

Hechler, Ken, 324

hedgerows, 92, 154, 185, 188-97, 200, 206, 208, 210, 221, 238, 254

description of, 190, 194-95

German artillery in, 191, 195

lack of prior intelligence about, 188-189, 190-91

tanks and, 195-97, 212-17, 220, 222

training for combat in, 191, 195

Heinz, W. C., 239, 257, 258-59, 260

Hendrix, Walter, 92, 98

Henry, Gerald, 171, 172, 175

Henry V (Shakespeare), 177

Herron, A. P., 290

Hester, Clarence, 24, 25, 96, 202, 203n

Heuer, Richard, 305

Hickey, Jim, 123

Hicks, Herb, 134

Higgins, Andrew, 69n, 144

Higgins, Marguerite, 342

Higgins boat (LCVP), 69, 106, 107, 112, 119, 120, 122, 124, 128, 131, 133, 144

Hill, Jacob, 154

Hill, Ralph, 279-80

Hindenburg, Paul von, 298

Hiroshima, 143

Hitler, Adolf, 15, 47, 48, 61, 67, 80, 103, 125, 183, 187, 193, 225, 242, 258, 273, 274, 275, 282, 308, 315, 331, 338, 340

suicide of, 342

Hitler Jugend (Youth), 168, 234, 330, 338, 339

Hobart, Percy, 165n

Hodges, Courtney, 221n, 224, 265, 266, 269, 272, 273, 323, 327-28, 337

Hoge, William, 324, 328


see Netherlands

Holmlund, Robert, 250

homesickness, 55, 286-87

Honan, Josh, 170-75

Honey, Oakley, 317

Hoobler, Don, 290, 291-92

Hooper, Tony, 85

Horrocks, Brian, 242, 246, 264

horses, German artillery drawn by, 170, 223, 226

Houch, “Rusty,” 96

Howard, John, 184

background of, 29-30

on D-Day, 86, 89, 158-59, 160, 161, 162, 164, 179

in D-Day takeoff, 80-81, 84-85

ranks held by, 30

training as led by, 30-34

Howell, Raymond, 131

Huebner, Clarence, 143-44, 155

Hurtgen, Battle of, 254, 266-71, 317

Idelson, George, 323

Indochina, 15

infantry, role of, 140

Ingersoll, Ralph, 269, 299-300

Iran, 51

Italian civilians, 333

Italy, 42, 48-49, 51, 56, 189, 234

Iwo Jima, 194

Jahnke, Arthur, 107-8

James, William, 276, 277-78

Janus, Raymond, 262

Japan, 35

Japanese army, 15, 16

jeeps, 215


blood “contamination” and, 332

in concentration camps, 336-37, 338, 341-42

Nazi program against, 47

slave labor by, 215-16

in U.S. Army, 79, 125

Jodl, Alfred, 47, 343-44

Johnson, Gerald, 241, 347

Johnson, Howard “Jumpy,” 78-79

Johnson, L. “Legs,” 113-14

Johnson, Sigie, 175-76

Julian, John, 290

Juno Beach, 105, 164, 169-76

description of, 169-70

landing at, 171-76

obstacles on, 169-70, 172, 173-74

Kalberer, Stanley, 305-6

Kall trail, 268

Kampfgruppe Meyer, 128

Kaspers, Walter, 227

Kasserine Pass, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 55

Keegan, John, 83, 169-70

Keep, Henry, 244, 245

Keller, John, 243

Kelly Field, 181

Kennedy, John F., 350

Kenser, Thomas, 124

Kerchner, George, 145, 147, 149, 150-151

Kindersley, James, 33

King, C. K., 177

King, Ernest J., 21-22

Kirk, Alan G., 71-72

Kischkel, Gottfried, 286

Klare, Tommy, 163

knives, 64, 75, 79, 90, 91, 171, 174, 255

Kobe, George, 129

Kraiss, Dietrich, 128

Krefeld, 321

Krinkelt, 283

Kuhn, Jack, 154

Laird, Sergeant, 120

Landsberg, 336-37

Landsberg-on-Lech, 342

Langrune, 169

La Riviere, 164, 179

Larsen, Harold, 324

Lauer, Walter, 317

LCA (landing craft, assault), 119-20, 144, 145, 146, 147, 164, 173, 174, 177

LCC (landing craft, control), 106

LCI (landing craft, infantry), 177, 179

LCM (landing craft, medium), 167

LCT (landing craft, tank), 106-7, 164, 165, 166, 172, 177

LCT(R) (landing craft, tank [rocket]), 105, 172

LCVP (landing craft vehicle, personnel) (Higgins boat), 69, 106, 107, 112, 119, 120, 122, 124, 128, 131, 133, 144

leadership, 32, 127, 128, 130-31, 140-141, 239, 241, 312, 353-54

Cota’s lesson in, 197-98

democracy and, 130, 182-85

Eisenhower’s style and philosophy of, 19, 22, 41-42, 43-44, 45, 49-50, 181-83

see also officers, junior; officers, non-commissioned; officers, senior

Leavenworth, Fort, 224

LeCrone, Penrose, 301

Lee, Robert E., 338

Lees, Howard, 108-9

Le Hamel, 164, 169, 179

Le Havre, 176, 188

Leigh-Mallory, Trafford, 70, 71, 73, 86

Leinbaugh, Harold, 302

Lend-Lease program, 214

Leningrad-Moscow canal, 27

Le Port, 160, 164

Les-Dunes-de-Varreville, 106, 108-9

Lewis, William, 130-31

Libya, 42

Lick, Leo, 299, 301

Liebgott, Joe, 92, 98, 203

Liebling, A. J., 119

Liege, 274

lieutenants, 269

Eisenhower on, 181-82

replacement, 260-62

Lindblad, Arnold, 304

Lion-sur-Mer, 176

Lipton, Carwood, 24, 25, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 203-4, 291, 306-7

Lisko, Louis, 152n

Lomell, Leonard, 154-55, 156

London, 36, 37, 38-39, 56, 65, 211, 258n

London Fire Department, ladders donated by, 57, 145-46, 156

Longest Day, The, 90, 129

Lorraine, Gerald, 93, 94, 98

Lovat, Lord, 57, 177, 179

Lovelace, Roger, 100-101

Low, Rex, 185

LST (landing ship, tank), 58, 156, 171, 172

Luck, Hans von, 27-28, 47-48, 160, 309-11

Ludendorff Bridge, 324-27

Luftwaffe, 55, 100, 102, 103, 239, 242

Lydon, John, 352-53

Maastricht, 254, 272

Mabry, George, 110, 111-12

MacArthur, Douglas, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 62, 272

McKeogh, Mickey, 272

McKinney, Benjamin, 126

MacNeely, Carlton, 109, 110

MacPhee, John, 132

Maginot Line, 309, 310

Mahlmann, Paul, 267

Maimone, Salva, 156

Malarkey, Don, 92, 93, 94, 98, 204, 205

Malaya, 15

Malmedy, 255

Maloney, John, 204

Mark, Irv, 317-18

Market-Garden, Operation, 238-48

assessment of, 247-48

Marshall, George C., 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51-52, 53, 62, 261, 272, 315, 328

Eisenhower on staff of, 16-22, 35-36

on Eisenhower’s accomplishments, 346

Eisenhower’s relationship with, 18-19, 20-21

Martin, John, 314

Masny, Otto, 151

Materne, Gunter, 225, 288, 338-39

Matheson, S. L., 24

Mazzara, Buddy, 138

media, 36, 37-38, 296

medics, 110, 122, 149, 197, 203, 204, 241, 284, 296, 305, 332

Mediterranean, allied offensives in, 28, 48-50, 67

Meier, Herbert, 225, 226

Meigs, Sylvester, 347

Mellett, Francis, 290

Merville battery, 176

Metz, 231, 236, 249, 254, 264

Meuse-Argonne, 266

Meuse River, 272, 275

Meyer, Werner, 100

Middleton, Troy, 272, 273

Millin, Bill, 177

Milosevich, Risto, 278

mines, land, 111, 135, 138, 139, 170, 176, 240, 255-56, 318

Mark IV antitank, 75

S- (Bouncing Betties), 110, 254-55

mines, water, 118, 119, 173

Miracle of the West, 231

Moder River, 310

Mohrle, Charles, 103, 104

Montebourg, 116

Montgomery, Bernard Law, 16, 63, 71, 73, 234, 272, 275, 337

and crossing of Rhine, 327

on Eisenhower, 54

Eisenhower compared with, 206

Eisenhower’s relationship and disagreements with, 206-7, 208-10, 211-12, 224-25, 231-33, 234-35

Goodwood and, 209-10

in North Africa, 42, 45

Operation Market-Garden and, 238, 247

Operation Plunder and, 321, 322, 323, 328, 329

Moore, Walter, 24

Morgan, Frederick, 343

Morgan, George, 266

Moriarity, William, 99

Morocco, 40, 42, 45

Morphis, Bert, 302

Morse code, 152

mortars, 31, 118, 155, 191, 193, 203, 295, 301, 305

percentage of U.S. casualties caused by, 195

Moscow, 27, 313, 341n

Moselle River, 236, 249, 264

Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 38

Muck, Warren “Skip,” 205, 290, 292

Mulberry harbors, 180

Murdoch, Gil, 122

Murphy, Donald, 319

Murrow, Edward R., 341

Myers, Bob, 113

N-13 highway, 169, 191

Nance, E. Ray, 121

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 22, 328

Nash, Leo, 121

National Guard, 24, 55

Navy, U.S., 20, 69n


see officers, non-commissioned

Neilson, Jock, 89

Netherlands, 15, 223, 230, 333

Operation Market-Garden in, 238-48

New York, N.Y., 19

New Yorker, 269

New York Herald Tribune, 342

New York Sun, 238, 257

New York Times, 341

New Zealand, 18

night fighting:

at Orne Canal bridge, 161-64

technology and, 295-96

training for, 33, 48, 55

Nijmegen, 240, 242, 246

Niland, Bob, 205

Niland, Fritz, 205

9th Armored Division, U.S., 267-68

Ninth Army, U.S., 337, 341

in push to Germany, 254, 265, 322

9th Infantry Division, U.S., 266-67, 324

9th Panzer Grenadier Division, German, 246

90th Infantry Division, U.S., 208, 226, 227, 302, 319, 330, 332, 346-47

99th Infantry Division, U.S., 276, 279, 281, 287, 302, 303, 317

902nd Panzer Grenadier Regiment, German, 227

959th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, German, 223

Nixon, Louis, 24, 112, 202

Norfleet, Willard, 129

Norfolk, Va., 40

Normandy, 48, 221, 225, 234, 240

British landing sites in,

see Gold Beach; Sword Beach

Canadian landing site in,

see Juno Beach

Eisenhower’s visits to, 207-8, 211

ex-soldiers’ return visits to, 126n, 152n, 153

hedgerows of,

see hedgerows

relative positions of beaches in, 105

stone farm houses of, 197

troop strengths in, 210

U.S. landing sites in,

see Omaha Beach; Utah Beach

Normandy, Battle of, statistics for, 228

Norris, F. W., 332

North Africa, 27, 39-48, 49, 50, 51, 67, 131, 223

German surrender in, 46

number of prisoners taken in, 46

U.S. casualties in, 47

Northern Ireland, 54

Northwest Europe, Battle of, 261

Northwind, Operation, 308-11

Norton, Kenneth, 152, 153

Norway, 15

Nutt, Dave, 303

observation posts (OPs), 297, 304

officer candidate school (OCS), 24


Eisenhower on responsibility of, 63, 181-82

German, 48, 183-84, 225, 226, 230-231

in SHAEF, 60

officers, junior, 32, 67, 127, 138, 140, 141, 193, 196, 212, 275, 281, 300, 311-12, 347, 351, 353

average age of, 188

in basic training, 25

Eisenhower on, 181-82

German, 225

replacement, 260-62

turnover among, 311

see also lieutenants

officers, non-commissioned (NCOs), 25, 67, 127, 138, 140, 141, 170, 193, 275, 281, 311-12, 347, 351, 353

officers, senior, 44, 267-68, 300

as ignorant of battle conditions, 262-266, 296

most beloved, 239

see also leadership

Okinawa, 194

Omaha Beach, 49, 58, 70, 105, 117-42, 143, 149, 151, 155, 156, 185-87, 188, 191, 196, 198, 201, 230, 238

bombing runs on, 101-2, 172

cliffs at, 117, 119

Dog Green sector of, 123

Dog Red sector of, 123

Dog White sector of, 124

Easy Green sector of, 123-24

Easy Red sector of, 131, 134

Fox Green sector of, 131, 134

Fox Red sector of, 131

German system of defenses at, 118-19

lack of German counterattack at, 128

landing at, 119-42

physical description of, 117-18

U.S. cemetery at, 136n

101st Airborne Division (Screaming Eagles), U.S., 22, 25, 81, 112, 115, 304, 306

in Battle of the Bulge, 274, 279, 284, 285

on D-Day, 91, 155

in D-Day dress rehearsal, 63-65

D-Day landing site of, 105

in Nazi Germany, 335

103rd Infantry Division, U.S., 261, 322

104th Infantry Division, U.S., 316-17

104th Medical Battalion, U.S., 304

106th Infantry Division, U.S., 280, 319

116th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S., 75, 119-31, 132

A Company of, 119-23, 124

B Company of, 124-25

C Company of, 124, 126

D Company of, 55, 124, 129-30, 131

E Company of, 124, 127

F Company of, 120, 123-24, 127

G Company of, 120, 124

H Company of, 124, 127

HQ Company of, 119, 127

I Company of, 124

K Company of, 124, 185

L Company of, 131

M Company of, 124

2nd Battalion of, 127

121st Infantry Division, U.S., 270

149th Combat Engineers, U.S., 142

158th Grenadier Infantry Regiment, German, 1st Battalion of, 192

Oran, 42

Orne Canal, 176

Orne Canal bridge, 80, 86-90, 91, 158-164

Orne River, 85, 158

Orne River bridge, 158

Ost battalion troops, German, 170, 183

Otts, Lee, 286, 301, 304, 323

Otway, T.B.H., 176, 184

Ouistreham, 169, 176

Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (Skinner), 142

“over here … under Eisenhower” quips, 56

Overlord, Operation, 49

Allied air superiority in, 58, 60, 70-71

Allied vs. German advantages in, 58, 161

delayed by North African campaign, 39

Eisenhower appointed as commander of, 51-52

importance of individual soldiers and officers in, 62, 67, 92, 110, 114-16, 127, 140, 164, 183-84, 199

number of troops in, 54-55

preparations and planning for, 51-68

size of, 60, 66

see also D-Day

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, British:

D Company of, 29-34, 84-85, 86-90, 158-64, 179

in D-Day takeoff, 80-81, 84-85

nickname of, 29

training of, 30-34

Oyler, Sherman, 84

P-47 Thunderbolt, 102-4, 222, 246, 312

German name for, 221

P-51 Mustang, 102, 208

Pacific Theater, 16-18, 35, 45

pacifism, 46

Padberg, Walter, 223, 225-26, 227

panzerfausts, 195, 196, 216, 230, 234, 251

Paris, 59, 207, 221, 225, 231, 233, 259-260, 275

Parish, Arnold “Ben,” 305

Parisians, 333

Parker, Charles, 156

Parr, Wally:

in Channel crossing, 80, 81, 84-85

on D-Day, 86-88, 159

Howard and, 29, 30, 32

Ox and Bucks joined by, 29

in training, 31, 32, 33

Pas de Calais, 210, 232

Patch, Alexander, 308

pathfinder planes, 99

pathfinders, 78

Patton, George S., 16, 62, 63, 210, 231, 236, 247, 264, 265, 272, 273, 316, 319-20, 323, 337

all-out attack sought by, 224-25

Battle of the Bulge and, 274-75

at Driant, 249, 252-53

on Eisenhower, 208, 232-33

Eisenhower and, 59, 224, 234-35, 328

in North Africa, 40, 44, 45

on offense vs. defense, 320

in pursuit of German army, 221, 223, 224, 225, 228

Replacement System and, 262-63

Rhine’s level raised by, 328-29

Pearl Harbor, 15

Peiper, Jochen, 282

Pemberton, James, 331

Penkala, Alex, 290, 292

Pennsylvania National Guard, 268

Perconte, Frank, 25

Perrett, Marvin, 112-13

Peszek, Henry, 135

Peterson, Kenneth, 138

Petrencsik, Joe, 325

Petty, Cleveland, 92, 98

Petty, William “L-Rod,” 148, 154

Peyton, Wesley, 287

Philippines, 15, 16-18, 35

“phony war,” 28

Piat (projector infantry antitank) gun, 30, 159, 161, 162-63

Pickersgill, Harold, 178

Pike, Malvin, 108, 111-12

Pilck, Joe, 135

pillboxes, 118, 256, 317-18, 319-21

Plesha, John, 92, 98

Plunder, Operation, 321, 322, 323, 328, 329

PLUTO (pipe line under the ocean), 230

Pointe-du-Hoc, 143-57, 196

bombardment of, 143, 145

cliff at, 57, 143, 145-50

description of, 143, 149-50

destruction of German artillery at, 57, 150, 152, 154-57

German defenses at, 143, 150

landing at, 143-45

location of, 143

U.S. casualties at, 151, 153, 156

Poland, 15, 170, 183, 215

Polek, Lee, 123

Popilski, Ben, 240

Porcella, Tom, 78, 82

ports, 224-25, 234, 247

Pouppeville, 111, 112

press, 36, 37-38, 296

Priday, Brian, 85, 89

prisoners of war, 223, 227, 288

German, 96, 97, 108, 110-11, 113, 115, 131, 137, 139, 152, 153, 179, 270, 304, 311, 317-18, 319, 326, 329, 334, 335-36, 338-40

U.S., 152, 156

productivity, U.S., 22, 67, 312

proximity fuses, 277

Pruden, Joe, 269

Pyle, Ernie, 139-40

Queen Mary, 55

Rabig, John, 192, 193

Rader, Robert, 23

Radzom, Paul, 138

railways, French, destruction of, 59

Ramsay, Bertram, 70, 71, 72, 73, 185-86

Ramsbury, 65

Ranney, Mike, 92, 93, 98, 354

Ranville, 158

Ray, John, 91

rear echelon, Craft’s definition of, 296

Rebarcheck, Lieutenant, 108

Red Army, 15, 27, 35, 46, 139, 168, 214, 234, 314, 334, 340, 343, 353

in drive to Berlin, 337-38, 341

Red Ball Express, 229

Red Cross, 178, 228

refugees, from occupied Europe, 54

Reilly, Pat, 310

Reimers, Ken, 300, 346

Reims, 343-45

Remagen, 324, 326, 327, 328, 330

Replacement System, 262-63, 293-94

replacement troops, 188-89, 260-64, 273, 280, 290, 292, 293-94, 311-12, 314, 334

Repple Depples (Replacement Depots), 262, 292, 293, 347

Resistance, 183

Reville, John, 185

Rhineland battles, 308-32

aftermath of, 330-32

combat conditions in, 311-17

and crossing of Rhine River, 324-29

German prisoners taken in, 317-18, 319, 326, 329

Operation Northwind, 308-11

Operation Plunder, 321, 322, 323, 328, 329

U.S. vs. German artillery strength in, 312

Rhine River, 223, 234, 247, 254, 266, 309

Allied crossing of, 321, 324-29

Patton’s relief at crossing of, 328-29

rhino ferries, 58

Richardson, Elliot, 110

Richter, Wilhelm, 169, 176

Riddle, Clinton, 318-19


Browning Automatic (BAR), 123, 152, 154, 155, 194, 278

M-1, 75

MG-42, 193

in 3rd FJ vs. 29th Division, 194

Rittershoffen, 309, 310-11

Roach, George, 122

Robertson, Clarence “Pilgrim,” 125

Robinson, John, 101

Rocherath, 283

rocket launchers, multibarreled, 48

Roer River, 266, 317

Rogosch, Adolf, 191

Roland, Charles, 263, 281, 293, 302

Romania, 47

Romanian army, 15

Rome, 49

Rommel, Erwin, 57, 216

and building of Atlantic Wall, 48

and defenses at Omaha Beach, 118

Germany’s defeat predicted by, 47

in North Africa, 27, 42, 43, 45, 47

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 18, 21, 39, 51-52

Roosevelt, Theodore, 107

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 107, 108-10, 111, 184

Rote, Larry, 130

Roundup, Operation, 48, 49, 51

Royal Air Force, British, 26, 166, 172

Royal Engineers, British, 164

Royal Marines, British, 168

Royal Navy, British, 26, 165-66, 172

Rudder, James, 143-44, 145, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155

Ruhr, 231, 232

Rulien, Warren, 132-33, 138

Rundstedt, Gerd von, 298

runners, 155, 158, 185, 296

Rupinski, Frank, 155

Russell, Ken, 90-91

Saarbru cken, 308, 323

Saar offensive, 273, 275

Sabia, John, 302-3

St.-Aubin, 169, 176n, 179

St.-Co me-de-Fresne, 168-69

Ste.-Marie-du-Mont, 92, 112

Ste.-Mere-Eglise, 90, 91, 92, 189, 192, 197, 241

Saint-Germain, 272

St.-Laurent, 180

St.-Lo, 215, 216, 229, 238, 255

St.-Malo, 224-25

St.-Martin-de-Varreville, 114

St. Paul’s Cathedral, 258 n

St.-Vith, 236

Salerno, 49

Sales, Robert, 124

Salomon, Sidney, 196

Sam Houston, Fort, 16

Sampson, Francis, 205

Sampson, Otis, 240, 242, 243, 244

Sanders, Gus, 347

Sanders, Ray, 101

Sandhurst, 63

sappers, 89, 161, 170, 173

Satterlee, USS, 145, 148, 152-53, 155

Schilling, Walter, 129

Schlemmer, D. Zane, 240, 312-13, 330-331

Schmeisser submachine-gun, 200

Schmidt, Hans, 267

Schoo, Donald, 303, 312

Schultz, Arthur “Dutch,” 83, 200-201, 238, 239, 302, 347

Schwarz, Heinz, 326-27

Scotland, 54, 57

Seaborne, Ronald, 167-68

seasickness, 112-13, 119, 126, 128, 132, 166, 167, 171

2nd Armored Division, U.S., 217, 267

743rd Tank Battalion of, 229, 230

Second Army, British, 209, 210, 211, 238, 246

II Corps, U.S., 45, 46

2nd Infantry Division, U.S., 281, 283, 305

2nd Panzer Division, German, 222

2nd Ranger Battalion, U.S., 57, 143-57, 196

A Company of, 149

B Company of, 149

D Company of, 143, 144, 145, 147, 151, 154

E Company of, 143, 151, 154

F Company of, 143, 151, 152, 154

6th Airborne Division, British, 176, 246

Air Landing Brigade of, 84, 91, 158, 160

D-Day landing site of, 105, 158

East Yorkshire Regiment of, 176, 177

South Lancashire Regiment of, 176

Suffolk Regiment of, 176

16th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 131-41, 185

C Company of, 138-39

E Company of, 134-36, 137-38

F Company of, 135

G Company of, 135-41, 237, 238, 253, 256-57, 258-60

in North Africa and Sicily, 131

2nd Battalion of, 127, 133-34, 137

69th Infantry Division, U.S., 306

644th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S., 283

7th Armored Division, U.S., 273

Seventh Army, German, 172

Seventh Army, U.S., 308, 309, 310, 311, 323, 341

17th Panzer Grenadiers, German, 221

70th Tank Battalion, U.S., 111

79th Armoured Division, British, 165n

79th Infantry Division, U.S., 197, 229, 309

709th Infantry Division, German, 107

716th Infantry Division, German, 169, 170

1st Panzer Engineering Company of, 160, 163

2nd Panzer Engineering Company of, 160

741st Tank Battalion, U.S., 283

743rd Tank Battalion, U.S., 58

747th Tank Battalion, U.S., 212, 213

segregation, in U.S. Army, 23

Seine River, 59, 223

self-inflicted wounds, 301-2

self-propelled vehicle (SPV), 48, 296, 320

sergeants, 311-12

Service of Supply, 229


see Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force

Shakespeare, William, 177

Shearer, Penrose, 90

Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, British, 264

Shettle, Charles, 79

Shindell, John, 290

Shoff, Guy, 156

Shroeder, John, 138-39

Sicily, 45, 48-49, 51, 131, 189, 299

Sidlowski, Walter, 57

Siegfried Line, 225, 230, 231, 236, 238, 253, 254, 255, 260, 264, 308, 317, 318, 319, 321, 323

signal lamps, 152-53

Silver Star, 98, 289, 299

Simmons, Conrad, 109, 110, 111

Simpson, William, 265, 337

Sink, Robert, 24-25, 93, 98

Sisk, Wayne, 25

Skinner, Cornelia Otis, 142

Skocz, Joe, 322

Slape, Bill, 276-77

Slater, “Duke,” 144

Slaughter, John R., 55, 74, 129-30

slave labor, 215-16, 231, 338, 342

sleep deprivation, 303

Smith, R. “Sandy,” 81, 85, 87, 88, 159, 161

Smith, Thor, 63

Smith, Walter B., 71, 72, 73, 74, 208, 209, 211, 231, 274, 343

Sobel, Herbert, 24, 56, 98

Somme, Battle of the, 132, 265

South, Frank, 145, 147, 149, 151

Southwick House, 70, 71, 72

Soviet Union, 345

army of,

see Red Army

German invasion of, 27, 183, 222, 223

Sowosko, Carl, 290, 292

Spaatz, Tooey, 59, 343

Spain, 40

Spaulding, John, 134-35, 137, 138, 140, 184

special units, 58

Speirs, Ronald, 96, 97

sports, 31

SPV (self-propelled vehicle), 48

SS, 227, 246, 257, 264, 285, 332, 336, 338, 339, 342

Stagg, J. M., 70, 71, 73

Stalin, Joseph, 15, 51, 341 n

Stalingrad, 46, 47, 223

Stark, Phillip, 288-89

Steckel, Francis, 293-94

Steele, John, 90-91

Stefanich, Anthony, 241, 347, 354

Sten guns, 80, 161

Stephens, Allen, 99

Stewart, Ed, 307

sticks, of paratroopers, 82

Stivinson, William, 146, 156

Stone, Major, 173-74

Storms, Sergeant, 126

Strasbourg, 309, 311

Strayer, Robert, 24, 201-2

Streczyk, Philip, 138

Street, Jack, 156

street fighting, 201

Strohl, Rod, 202

Strong, Kenneth, 71, 233, 273, 274, 343

Studebaker trucks, 214

“suicide squads,” 57

Sullivan, Richard, 184

Summers, Harrison, 114-16

Summersby, Kay, 80, 344

Sundby, Sigurd, 148

supply dumps, 228, 274

supply lines:

German, 43

U.S., 311

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 59, 69, 208, 209, 229, 231, 233, 264, 272, 273, 274, 327, 344, 353

G-2 intelligence unit of, 190, 228, 339

total strength of, 60

Susloparoff, Ivan, 343

Swanage, 57

Swanson, Vernon, 281, 282, 306, 317, 318

Sweeney, H. J. “Tod,” 31, 85, 90, 148, 158, 160

Sweeney, John, 299

Sword Beach, 101-2, 105, 118, 158, 176-79

Talbert, Floyd, 202, 204

Tallerday, Jack, 347

Talybont, HMS, 145

tankdozers, 250

tanks, 55, 158-59, 160, 176, 207, 221, 228, 238, 249, 270, 296, 297

“brewing up” of, 195

bulldozer, 106

tanks, continued

DD (swimming), 58, 105-6, 107, 131, 134, 175, 176

dozer, 212

dragon’s teeth and, 256

Goliath, 107

hedgerows and, 195-97, 212-17, 220, 222

Hobart’s Funnies, 165

Mark IV, 162-63, 214

men crushed by, 313

1944 production figures for, 213

Panzer (Panther), 213, 222, 257, 263, 273, 283

panzerfausts and, 195, 196, 216, 230, 234, 251

Piat gun used against, 161, 162-63

rhino, 58, 216-17, 220

Royal Navy rules for guidance for, 165-66

Sherman, 106, 109, 111, 165, 195-96, 212-17, 229, 230, 242, 243, 246, 250, 251, 257, 283

T-34, 214

Tiger, 213, 283

training in use of, 262

Tappenden, Edward, 32, 89-90

Tatara, Ed, 135

Taylor, George, 138, 140

Taylor, James, 102, 103

Taylor, John, 84

Taylor, Maxwell, 65, 112, 337

Tedder, Arthur, 59, 70, 71, 72, 73, 208, 209, 212, 233, 343

Teheran, 51

Ten Commandments, 78

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 127, 186

10th Airborne Division, U.S., 274

10th Armored Division, U.S., 273, 284, 299

10th SS Division, German, 264

tetrahedra, 165, 173-74

Texas, USS, 143

3rd Armored Division, U.S., 263, 266-267

Third Army, U.S., 16, 210, 220, 236, 247, 273, 311

casualties in, 264

at Driant, 249-53

in pursuit of German army, 220, 223, 224, 225, 228

in push to Germany, 254, 264, 265, 323

Rhine crossed by, 328-29

3rd Fallschirmja ger Division, German, 193-94

3rd Infantry Division, British, 105, 158

King’s Own Scottish Borderers Regiment of, 177

King’s Shropshire Light Infantry Regiment of, 177

Lincolnshire Regiment of, 177

Royal Norfolk Regiment of, 177

Royal Ulster Rifles Regiment of, 177

Royal Warwickshire Regiment of, 177

Third Infantry Division, Canadian, 105, 170

Regina Rifle Regiment of, 171

Royal Winnipeg Rifle Regiment of, 171, 172, 175-76

30th Infantry Division, U.S., 258

314th Infantry Division, U.S., 296

320th Barrage Balloon Battalion (Colored), U.S., 58

323rd Group, U.S., 216

325th Glider Infantry Division, U.S., 318-19

327th Infantry Division, U.S., 204

328th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 323, 347

333rd Infantry Regiment, U.S., 321-22

352nd Infantry Division, German, 195, 216

915th Regiment of, 128

353rd Infantry Division, German, 191, 267

394th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 282-83

I&R platoon of, 275-80

395th Infantry Regiment, U.S., C Company of, 281-82, 306, 317

397th Bomb Group, U.S., 99

12th Armored Division, U.S., 342

Twelfth Army Group, U.S., 221n, 231, 265-66, 274, 329

12th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 112-13

XX Corps, U.S., 252

21st Army Group, U.S., 231, 232, 233, 234, 274, 337

21st Panzer Division, German, 48, 179

192nd Regiment of, 160

25th Panzer Division, German, 309

27th Armored Infantry Battalion, U.S., 324-27

28th Infantry Division, U.S., 268-69

29th Infantry Division, U.S., 55, 74, 191, 193, 197, 212, 216

115th Regiment of, 185

D-Day landing site of, 105

monument dedicated to, 126n

“three divisions” saying of, 292

200th Flotilla, British, 177

237th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S., 106, 109

275th Infantry Division, German, 267

299th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S., 106, 109

Thomas, Charles, 133

Thompson, George, 307

Thornton, Jacqueline, 178-79

Thornton, John, 178

Thornton, M. C. “Wagger,” 85, 161, 162-63

Tibbets, Paul, 40

Tidrick, Edward, 121

Tidworth Barracks, 55

Tighe, Lieutenant, 111

Timmermann, Karl, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330

Tipper, Ed, 203, 349

Tlapa, Ladislaw, 90

Tobruks, 118

Toccoa, Camp, 23, 25-26, 291

Torch, Operation, 39-48, 49, 50, 52

Tournai, 229, 230

Toye, Joe, 93, 94, 95, 98

tracer bullets, 82, 84, 90, 146, 163

training, 44, 129, 140, 147, 156, 256

in British army, 28, 30-34, 161, 162, 166

for D-Day, 55, 57-58, 65-66

in 506th PIR, 25-26, 97

for forest fighting, 268

for hedgerow fighting, 191, 195

as insufficient for actual combat, 66, 82-83, 199, 292-93

for night fighting, 33, 48, 55

of replacements, 160-61, 293-94

shortcomings of, 198, 293

in Wehrmacht, 48, 128, 191, 193-94, 195

Transportation Plan, 59-60, 100

Tremblay, Frank, 78


at Omaha Beach, 118

at Pointe-du-Hoc, 150-51

in World War I, 298

trench foot, 269, 300-301, 311, 314, 317, 347

Trevor, Travis, 146

Troop Carrier Command, 65

trucks, 214, 215

True, William, 82

Tunis, 46

Tunisia, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

UDT (Underwater Demolition Team), British, 164, 165, 173, 176

Ultra, 39, 210

Uncle Red Beach, 106

Underkofler, Jim, 316-17

Uppottery airfield, 63-64

USO shows, 296

Utah Beach, 58, 70, 97, 99, 105-16, 118, 143, 154, 188, 191, 197, 201, 205, 269, 347

action inland from, 113-16

bombing runs on, 100-101, 105, 107

destruction of German battery at, 97

landing at, 105-14

Tare Green sector of, 106

Valance, Thomas, 120-21

Vander Beek, Howard, 106

Vandervoort, Ben, 189-90, 191, 192-93, 242, 243, 246

Van de Voort, Leo, 131

Van Fleet, James, 109-10, 111

Vaux, 169

Verdenne, 288, 289

Verdun, 274

Vermeer, Elmer “Dutch,” 146, 152, 153, 156

Versailles, 272

Vierville, 118, 119, 123, 126n, 144, 149, 150, 153

Virginia Wilderness, 206, 254, 266

Volkssturm divisions, German, 280, 339

volunteers, 170-71

Vonnegut, Kurt, 280

Waal River, 244-46

Wales, 54

Walker, Robert, 119, 126-27

Wallace, Richard, 303

Wallwork, Jim, 81, 84, 86, 159

Walter Reed Hospital, 239

War Department, U.S., 16, 181, 205, 274, 285, 312

War Office, British, 28, 34

War Plans Division (WPD), 17

Philippines and Far Eastern Section of, 18

Warriors, The (Gray), 163

Warspite, HMS, 176

Wartime (Fussell), 98

Washington, George, 288, 313

Washington, William, 137

Weast, Carl, 130, 184-85

weather conditions, 55, 216

in Battle of the Bulge, 281-82, 283, 299-300

on D-Day, 101

D-Day delayed by, 69-73

foxholes and, 298-99

weather conditions, continued

Operation Cobra and, 210-11

in Rhineland, 311, 312-13

Webb, Harold, 290

Webb, Kenneth, 290

Webster, David Kenyon, 26, 56, 290, 291-92, 306, 333-35

Wehrmacht, 15, 16, 33, 67

ages of troops of, 170

civilians and, 227

comradeship in, 222

fighting zeal of, 315

hedgerow training in, 191

in North Africa, 27-28, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48

number of divisions in Normandy of, 210

officers of, 48, 183-84, 225, 226, 230-231

political blunders made by, 183

in retreat, 220-31

in Soviet Union, 27, 183, 222, 223

surrender of, 343-45

training in, 48, 128, 191, 193-94, 195

troops of, 48

Weigley, Russell, 220-21

Wellington, Duke of, 261

Welsh, Harry, 23, 201, 202-3

Western Task Force (WTF), 186

West Point, 16, 41, 45

West Wall, 234, 275, 318

Whinney, Brian T., 169

Whiteley, J.F.M., 274

Whittington, George, 184

Widerstandnester, 169, 170

Wilck, Gerhard, 258

Wilkes, Sergeant, 122

Wilson, George, 215, 226, 229, 236, 255

Wilson, Woodrow, 183

Winters, Richard, 23, 24, 92, 94-96, 97, 98, 184, 186, 201, 203 n, 204-5, 279, 280, 336-37

Wisconsin-Madison, University of, 351

Witt, Henry, 121

Wood, David, 31, 80, 85, 88-89

World War I, 132, 193, 207, 220, 254, 265, 266, 289, 298, 352

World War II:

theaters of,

see China-Burma-India theater; European Theater of Operations; Pacific Theater

unpreparedness of democracies at start of, 15

Wray, Waverly, 189-90, 191-93, 241, 354

WTF (Western Task Force), 186

Wynn, Popeye, 93, 94, 98

Yalta conference (1945), 337

York, Alvin, 193

Zafft, Robert, 185

Zappacosta, Ettore, 124, 127

Zeitner, Herman R., 347

Ziegelmann, Fritz, 216

Zittats, Walter, 350-51