Interior circulation systems typically consist of corridors, elevators, and stairways that connect the floors and areas of the facility, providing avenues for the movement of people and materials. Circulation areas are also places where patients and visitors spend time waiting, gathering information, and talking. They are places where equipment is stored. They are places where members of the medical staff confer. And they are also places where patients, visitors, and staff can become disoriented or lost (Carpman and Grant, 1989).
This chapter begins by examining how people find their way around large, complex buildings—the kinds of buildings that often house healthcare services. We will describe various components of a wayfinding system, such as floor numbering, sign terminology, and You-Are-Here (YAH) map design, and emphasize that these elements need to work in a mutually reinforcing way to make sense to first-time and other unfamiliar users. We then look at design features within the circulation system, discussing how corridors, stairways, and elevators can be designed to meet the needs of patients and visitors.
For patients and visitors, time spent in a healthcare facility is often filled with anxiety. With the demands of illness or a family crisis occupying their minds, people may not be able to pay attention to their routes through the corridors of a complex environment. When patients and visitors are under stress and preoccupied with their own concerns, they cannot necessarily rely on previous knowledge about how to make their way through an unfamiliar facility. Consequently, what might otherwise be considered annoying inconveniences, such as mazelike corridors, may tax the emotional strength of a patient facing surgery or a visitor concerned about a critically ill relative (Carpman, Grant, and Simmons, 1984; Shumaker and Reizenstein, 1982). (See also chapter 9.)
The term wayfinding refers to what people perceive, what they think about, and what they do to find their way from one place to another. Wayfinding involves five deceptively simple steps: knowing where you are, knowing your destination, knowing and following an effective route to your destination, recognizing your destination upon arrival, and finding your way back or on to your next destination (Carpman, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c).
Unfortunately, many healthcare environments are not designed for easy navigation by unfamiliar patients, visitors, and staff. Healthcare facilities are often housed in large, complex buildings. These are often built over time, with the inadvertent result that common patient and visitor destinations are not necessarily near one another. A single trip to see a physician, and its associated diagnostic tests, may seem like a tour of the entire medical complex. Wayfinding difficulties may be made worse by the physical limitations of illness. Confusing signs that use unfamiliar medical terminology can make the customer experience even more challenging.
Wayfinding signs at decision-points, including intersections, will reassure unfamiliar patients and visitors that they are on the right path as they traverse long hallways.
Photo credit: Courtesy of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor
As unfamiliar patients and visitors make their way through a health facility, they will be hindered or helped by the availability of a variety of environmental cues. Effective wayfinding systems use a combination of signs, maps, directories, landmarks, artificial and natural lighting, and site and building layouts to help guide people to their destinations (Carpman, 1991a; Eubanks, 1989). The close proximity of common destinations, the availability of visual cues that provide landmarks (such as windows, plants, artwork, or changes in floor coverings), the use of easily understood terminology, clear systems for floor and room numbering, and the availability of understandable directions provided by well-trained staff, should all work together, along with wayfinding signs, as an integrated system (Carpman, 1991a; Weisman, 1982).
Successful wayfinding experiences—say, easily navigating from the main Information Desk to an inpatient room—are seldom thought about. On the other hand, when patients and visitors become disoriented or lost, they are likely to remember it, and not in a good way. When they are disoriented or lost, patients and visitors may take extra time to get places and may be late for appointments. In confusing buildings, work time may be lost when employees give directions or escort patients and visitors (Christensen, unpublished report; Carpman et al., 1984a; Corlett, Manenica, and Bishop, 1972; Zimring, 1982).
And there are other costs associated with disorientation. Disorientation is disruptive and causes stress: the amount depends on the individual's ability to cope with uncertainty and varies with specific situations, such as the need to be on time for an appointment (Best, 1967; Weisman, 1981; Wener and Kaminoff, 1983). Stress caused by disorientation may result in feelings of helplessness, raised blood pressure, headaches, increased physical exertion, and fatigue (Shumaker and Reizenstein, 1982). In addition, patients may be affected by the wayfinding troubles of their visitors who, because they became lost, may have less time to spend with patients. In one study of visitor stress, it was found that the largest source of stress for visitors was trying to find their way around the hospital (Reizenstein and Vaitkus, 1981; Wayfinding design research, 1987).
Wayfinding in healthcare facilities often requires unfamiliar patients and visitors to make complex, potentially confusing journeys comprising multiple steps, as in this example (St. Joseph's Health Care London, 2015):
Stress brought about by disorientation may lead to anger, hostility, discomfort, indignation, or even panic. Disorientation felt by those visiting a particular facility may surface as a generalized hostility toward the organization (Berkeley, 1973). Health facilities may even experience indirect wayfinding costs such as personnel turnover and absenteeism because of the stress brought about by employees continually trying to find their way (Christensen, unpublished report; Zimring, 1982). (See Research Box 4.1.)
For older patients and visitors, problems with spatial orientation may have a significant, long-term effect. One study suggests that problems with wayfinding may affect an older person's sense of control (Weisman, 1982). Special simulation techniques have been developed to familiarize older people about to move to a care facility with the layout of their new environment. The premise for this work is that having wayfinding information prior to moving may partially diminish the negative effects of relocation, such as increased incidence of illness and death (Hunt, 1984). Digital technology makes it relatively easy to develop images, maps, photos, and videos to assist with transitions to new and unfamiliar environments.
The importance of the link between stress and wayfinding is reinforced by additional empirical evidence. One study found that wayfinding aids, such as directional signs, decrease reported stress levels (Wener and Kaminoff, 1983). However, another study showed that large numbers of signs may be an indication of a confusing environment. In such cases, signs may be used as an attempt to remedy a fundamentally disorienting building (Weisman, 1979).
It's important to remember that simple buildings, as well as complex ones, can be confusing to unfamiliar users.
Navigating in complex buildings requires spatial problem-solving (Passini and Arthur, 1992). To find their way, people use previous experience in conjunction with directions and/or environmental cues. They make choices about where to turn and where not to turn, based on these cues (Downs, 1979; Kaplan, 1976; Weisman, 1981). However, to make the necessary choices, patients and visitors must be able to recognize where they are in relation to their destinations. Without this sense of location, they may become disoriented or lost.
It would be easy to assume that signs and directories are the most effective elements of a wayfinding system. But in a study of university buildings, the form of the building (including the number of corridors, the placement of decision-points, and the symmetry of the building) constituted the strongest predictor of successful wayfinding (Weisman, 1979). The availability of environmental cues and architectural features, such as visual distinctiveness, well-differentiated spaces, and easily recognized landmarks (plants, artwork, and furniture arrangements, for example), all provide useful information (Appleyard, 1969; Kaplan, 1976; Weisman, 1981). Instead of simply moving sequentially from one sign or spot along the path to another, with no idea of how it all connects, patients and visitors moving through a building with effective landmarks, views to the outside, and easily differentiated spaces can more easily understand the building's layout and how its spaces fit together. For example, one clinic made extensive use of columns, varied patterns in flooring, and natural lighting to direct patients and visitors from “public zones” to reception areas (Taylor, 1995). Another study showed that maps sent to patients and visitors before their arrival at a healthcare facility improved their ability to navigate to their destinations (Wright, Hull, and Lickorish, 1993).
General considerations for developing a coherent health facility wayfinding system include the following:
Noticeable landmarks, such as this internally lit glass sculpture, can help unfamiliar patients and visitors find their way around a health facility.
Photo credit: Courtesy of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor
To arrive at a healthcare facility, patients and visitors have had to negotiate city streets, parking areas, and pathways to the facility's entrance. For the most part, such exterior travel remains within the same plane; route decisions primarily involve which way to turn. But once people are inside the facility, an additional level of complexity is added: floor choice. Moreover, floor choice is made more complex when potential destinations are located below grade level, when buildings are linked by corridors or overhead walkways, and when floors are labeled in ways not understandable to first-time users. (See Research Box 4.2.)
From the user's point of view, finding the right floor may prove more troublesome than finding a destination on a particular floor. This was illustrated by a study of people trying to find their way in a town hall: the majority of wayfinding errors related to floor choice (Best, 1967). Similarly, studies have found getting off on the wrong floor to be a common and frustrating experience for older users (Devlin, 1980).
Floor number confusion can be reduced in several ways:
Once patients and visitors reach the appropriate floor, they continue to search for their destinations. Although some rooms will be identified by name (for example, the Surgery Waiting Area), patients, visitors, and staff may need to find a room or office with only a room number to guide them. The logic and placement of room numbers along a corridor facilitates their search. At corridor intersections, room numbers help patients and visitors decide whether to turn left or right or to go straight. Monitoring room numbers they pass by and watching for a specific room number lets them know when they have reached their destination.
Although there is no foolproof way to ensure the usefulness of room-numbering systems to first-time users, there are ways to make systems effective. Simplicity, consistency, flexibility, and visibility should be major criteria.
A numbering scheme should be simple. For instance, in buildings with a single long corridor, rooms could be numbered sequentially, beginning at one end of the facility and continuing to the other. In this example, odd numbers would be located on one side of the hall and even numbers on the other. Adjacent numbers such as 12 and 13 should be roughly across the hall from one another. Or in a building area with “racetrack” corridors, patient rooms could be numbered consecutively along the outside of the corridor, with staff rooms located along the inside of the corridor and having a different numbering system. Simplicity also suggests a correspondence between the room number and the floor number; for instance, all rooms on the fifth floor would begin with the number 5.
Another consideration related to simplicity is to avoid using a combination of letters and numbers to identify a space (such as NIB416), because complex sequences are difficult to read and remember. The letters I, O, Q should be avoided since they can cause confusion with the numerals 1 and 0.
Room-numbering schemes should be used consistently from floor to floor, especially when floors have similar layouts. Again, the system should begin with the lowest number at one end and should progress in the same direction on each floor.
One seemingly pervasive characteristic of health facilities is that they undergo frequent renovation (McLaughlin, 1976). A side effect of renovation is that corresponding room numbers come and go. Consequently, the room-numbering system needs to be flexible enough to allow for future renovation without unduly disrupting its logic. Leaving out (“skipping”) a few numbers at planned intervals is one approach.
Efforts to create a room-numbering system that is simple, consistent, and flexible should be supplemented by attention to the visibility of the actual room numbers. For rooms that patients and visitors will identify primarily by number, numbers need to be large and should contrast well enough with the background so they can be easily recognized. It's important to keep in mind the needs of older users and people with vision limitations.
Room-numbering schemes for successful wayfinding cannot be a design afterthought, but should be planned from the earliest stages of the design process. When buildings are designed, rooms are labeled (numbered) on floor plans in order to keep track of each room during design, construction, and activation. The logic of these architectural numbering systems often has little to do with wayfinding clarity. Yet in the absence of other room-numbering schemes, clients often simply adopt these architectural room numbers as actual room numbers for wayfinding purposes. This practice can lead to wayfinding confusion. Patients and visitors are better served if the architectural numbering system is designed for its ultimate use as a wayfinding aid or, failing that, if owners understand that a separate wayfinding-related room-numbering system is needed. Wayfinding room-number planning is best dealt with before room numbers appear on architectural drawings. Changing room numbers after the building is activated is likely to be difficult and costly.
When developing a room-numbering system:
Messages on wayfinding signs should be targeted to their audiences, but selecting wording is not always easy (Salmi, 2007). As described in chapter 3, many groups will use wayfinding signs in a health facility, including medical staff; patients; visitors; administrators; medical, nursing, and allied health students; and others. Users may not be literate, or may not read or speak English.
Healthcare facilities with significant numbers of customers speaking languages other than English should consider bilingual signs, translators, technology, and other ways to communicate. Health facilities that provide information in a customer's native language convey an important message of sensitivity and respect. This may be an important marketing strategy. In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services has stated that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of having a primary language other than English (US Department of Health and Human Services, 1980). Research shows that the absence of limited English proficiency (LEP) services can create a barrier to care (Principles for Health Reform, 2015).
Signs that include more than one language will have more words per sign or more signs per location and will be more costly to produce (Selfridge, 1979). Some healthcare facilities employ or outsource interpreters to work with LEP and non-English-speaking patients and visitors, while others may offer incentives for assistance by employees who are proficient in additional languages (Derose and Baker, 2000).
Although wording used on wayfinding signs and in spoken directions represents an important way in which health facilities communicate with consumers, some technical and medical terms in the patient's own language may not be widely understood by patients and visitors (see Research Box 4.3). Problems stemming from use of technical terms are illustrated by the following anecdote:
An older woman was spotted in the hospital by a hospital staff member who thought she looked lost. He asked the woman where she was trying to go and she said, “Gerontology?” The staff member started to give detailed directions, but because the Institute of Gerontology was located several blocks away, he asked whether she was sure that this was her destination. “Oh, yes,” she said, “I have it right here on this slip of paper.” On the slip of paper was written “Gastroenterology.”
Confusion caused by misreading or misunderstanding technical or medical terminology increases the likelihood that some people, like the older woman in the earlier anecdote, may have a difficult time finding their way and wind up being late for, or even missing, appointments. Patients or visitors may refrain from asking questions because they think they understand a term when they really do not. Or the term may cause needless worry about their illness. For example:
A patient told one hospital staff member that earlier in his treatment he had been scheduled to go to Nuclear Medicine for some tests. He became so frightened at the thought of being bombarded with radiation that he almost canceled his appointment. To him, Nuclear Medicine meant radiation. He also assumed it meant that he had a terminal disease for which there would be little hope. To his surprise and joy, his fears on both counts were unfounded.
Patients interviewed in one study did not think there would be a difference in the quality of medical care at a hospital using lay terms as compared with one using medical terms. But they did say that the terminology used would influence their choice of a hospital. In other words, all things being equal, the majority of these patients said they would choose to go to a hospital that used lay terms on its wayfinding signs (Carpman et al., 1984a).
The following are some guidelines for selecting understandable messages on wayfinding signs:
Symbols (also known as icons or pictograms) are sometimes used in conjunction with written messages on wayfinding signs. Symbols for accessibility, male and female restrooms, and no-smoking areas are commonplace in most public buildings. They provide an easily recognizable form of information patients can use even if they don't read or have knowledge of a particular language. When a subject lends itself to graphic representation and when properly designed, symbols can make it easier for users to understand how to proceed.
However, pictograms don't always provide a benefit. Many health-facility terms cannot be easily translated into pictograms, and a pictogram system can quickly become contrived. In addition, pictograms used in conjunction with wording on directional signs can create complexity and diminish overall legibility. In order to be useful for wayfinding, pictograms need to make immediate, intuitive sense to the viewer.
The universal symbol of accessibility identifies features of the environment—including routes, bathrooms, and parking areas—designed to accommodate everyone, regardless of ability or disability.
Consider the following when choosing pictograms for health-facility wayfinding signs:
Healthcare facilities, especially hospitals, undergo frequent renovations and relocations (McLaughlin, 1976). Such changes can wreak havoc with an otherwise finely-tuned sign system. When destinations move, related signs need to be changed.
There are several ways health facilities can approach sign updating. To facilitate consistency and accuracy, sign-related information and decisions should be the responsibility of a single staff member. Sign data (number of signs, location, messages, arrows, and the like) are typically part of a database. In this way, when a destination moves or its name changes, all signs that mention that destination can be easily identified, allowing the sign system to be proactively managed.
Signs can be designed so that individual messages can be altered or replaced easily. Healthcare facilities with in-house sign fabrication and installation will reduce out-of-pocket costs and turnaround time (MacKenzie and Krusberg, 1996). However, in order to mitigate unintentional damage or vandalism, signs should not be too easy to alter.
In order to ensure that the sign system continues to be functional, periodic evaluation is needed, similar to a regularly scheduled car tune-up. Each sign in the system needs to be inspected for accuracy, legibility, and condition.
Patients, visitors, and staff attempting to make their way around an unfamiliar building require a great deal of information. They “read” the environment, not only in the literal sense of reading signs and maps, but also in terms of gathering information from other cues, including corridors, windows, stairways, doors, and lighting, among others. Patients and visitors use these visual cues to decide whether particular pathways are likely to lead to their destinations.
To the person trying to find a particular destination, everything on signs is critical: fonts, color, contrast between text and background, letter size, and wording. But no matter how good the sign is or how legible or clearly worded, the sign's usefulness is drastically diminished if it is not in the right location. Paying attention to the placement and spacing of signs is essential to reducing disorientation in health facilities.
In determining where signs should be placed, a common rule of thumb is to place them at decision-points: places along a path or corridor where users decide whether to continue in the same direction or turn (Daniel, 1979; Kamisar, 1979; Selfridge, 1979). The purpose of the study, reported in Research Box 4.4, was to determine where signs should be placed along hospital corridors and to develop a design-relevant definition of the concept of decision-point (Downs, 1979).
Consider the following guidelines for locating wayfinding signs in healthcare facilities:
In chapter 3, we described ways in which exterior You-Are-Here (YAH) maps can help people orient themselves outside a building and find their way from one building to another. Similarly, interior YAH maps can help patients and visitors gain an overall understanding of a building's (or smaller area's) layout. However, the map must be well designed if it is to be a useful addition to the overall wayfinding system. (See Research Box 4.6 and Research Box 4.7.) People who use YAH maps should be able to locate themselves accurately in relation to their destinations and gain enough information from the maps to select an effective route.
Consider the following when designing interior You-Are-Here maps:
Successful wayfinding depends, in part, on reading the physical environment as well as on reading and comprehending signs and other wayfinding cues. As individuals make their way, they will be helped or hindered by available cues.
In the past, colored lines on the floor were often used in hospitals as easy ways to guide patients and visitors to their destinations. Although this component of a wayfinding system was favored by patients and visitors, colored lines on floors or walls are no longer considered a good solution to wayfinding confusion in most facilities. In large healthcare facilities with many destinations, it is impossible to have colored lines leading to each patient-and-visitor destination without creating a multi-colored spaghetti of wall or floor lines. A system of floor lines might work in such facilities if they lead to only one or two destinations that are difficult to find using conventional wayfinding strategies. However, floor lines have some downsides, including sometimes being covered by carpeting, disappearing due to renovations, having colors that are hard to distinguish, having unclear starting and ending points, and the like. Similarly, lines on the wall may conflict with signs, artwork, doorways, or other design features (Shumaker and Reizenstein, 1982). (See Research Box 4.8.)
Color coding is often wrongly thought to be an easy solution to wayfinding problems (Fusillo, Kaplan, and Whitehead, unpublished report). For example, in large, complex buildings there will be more floors and potential destinations than any simple color scheme can accommodate. Because many people (and certainly those under stress) may not be able to distinguish or remember a particular shade within a large number of colors, colored floor lines may add to, rather than mitigate, feelings of confusion.
Another drawback of color coding, even in relatively simple, small-scale facilities, is that it is not used solely for wayfinding purposes. Color may be used for decoration in the same area where it is supposed to have wayfinding meaning. If people cannot tell when color has meaning and when it does not, color is ineffective as a wayfinding cue.
Consider the following guidelines for color coding:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted to provide equal access, opportunities, and employment to Americans with disabilities. The ADA seeks to end discrimination against an estimated 54 million Americans (2008 American Community Survey, 2008). The most relevant sections related to wayfinding are contained within the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. (See chapter 9 for a general discussion of the ADA's requirements. Information may also be found at
Some people need human reassurance regardless of the extent and quality of the overall wayfinding system. Although trained staff at Information Desks may be available, other staff and volunteers should be prepared to answer requests for directions (Carpman et al., 1984a). However, untrained staff may not have the skills necessary to give directions well. Large healthcare facilities should consider instituting an ongoing staff training program in giving consistent, accurate directions.
For example, before occupancy of more than 1 million square feet (~92,903 square meters) of new facilities, the University of Michigan Medical Center recognized the need to train its 800+ staff members about details of the new wayfinding system, with special emphasis on direction giving. Training sessions were designed for three groups:
During periods of construction or renovation, familiar circulation patterns are often interrupted, and patients, visitors, and staff cope with construction-related confusion. However, when mitigating wayfinding strategies are well planned, users should be able to find their way during periods of construction. Maintaining order in the face of significant change is challenging, possible, and necessary, as the following guidelines suggest:
The technology revolution has reached the realm of wayfinding. Systems and devices that utilize sound, touch, and geographic sensing are available. They can help individuals select destinations, personalize selected routes, generate maps (and voice guidance) they can take with them, and provide constantly updated maps and directions en route. Interactive wayfinding, including websites, kiosks, and GPS capability in cars, handheld devices, smartphones, and tablets, is now common and can often assist first-time users and those with vision or hearing limitations to find their way (Baldwin, 2003). Although such wayfinding technology may not yet be affordable to all healthcare facilities, the availability of such systems highlights the need to consider a variety of wayfinding elements in addition to traditional signs and maps. Wayfinding technology will continue to evolve and be relied upon by an increasingly large segment of patients and visitors.
Corridors in healthcare facilities are often long, with few distinctive or visually interesting features (Spivak, 1967). Since inpatients and others may need to get up and walk around for therapeutic reasons, corridors need to be safe and inviting.
Consider the following guidelines:
Corridors with windows or other visual features are likely to attract more use than will plain hallways. However, the simple layout of the corridor should not be sacrificed in order to add visual complexity and richness (Weisman, 1982). (See also chapter 9.) Corridor interest can be increased in a number of ways:
Unique landmarks that feature sound, like this fountain, can be effective wayfinding elements.
Photo credit: Courtesy of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor
Carpeted corridors and patient rooms are a way to soften a harsh-seeming healthcare environment. In general, carpeting is considered more comfortable and psychologically warm than hard-surface flooring and has even been associated with longer visits by family and friends (Cheek, Maxwell, and Weisman, 1971; Counsell et al., 2000; Eagle, 2010; Harris, 2000). Carpeting has also been found to reduce ambient noise levels and injuries from falls (Philbin and Gray, 2002; Pierce, 1973; Spivak, 1967; Willmott, 1986). Due to infection-control concerns, carpet must be carefully selected and maintained. With proper care, carpeting should pose no microbiological hazard to the typical patient (Lankford et al., 2006; Simmons, Reizenstein, and Grant, 1982; Skoutelis et al., 1994). In 1985, the Centers for Disease Control lifted their recommendations against use of carpets in patient-care areas, stating that “there is no epidemiologic evidence to show that carpets influence the nosocomial infection rate in hospitals” (Selhulster et al., 2004; Wise, 1994).
Along with its benefits, carpeting in corridors has a few drawbacks. Carts, beds, gurneys, diagnostic equipment, and wheelchairs are more difficult to move on carpeted surfaces than on hard floors, although special casters and a low-pile, unpadded carpet can alleviate the problem (Deschambeau, 1965). The ADA mandates a maximum pile height of ½ inch, as measured from the bottom of the tuft (US Department of Justice, 2010). Carpeting specifications that need to be carefully considered include fire safety, stain resistance, static-electricity resistance, friction resistance, and the presence of a permanent antimicrobial finish (Conductive Carpet Tile, 2013; Facility Guidelines Institute, 2010; Gulwadi and Calkins, 2008; Odell, 2007).
Consider the following guidelines when selecting carpeting and other floor coverings:
Lighting can significantly influence the overall ambience of corridors and the effectiveness of a variety of wayfinding elements. The use of task and mood lighting is hardly new, but lighting can serve a number of other functions, especially in areas where the accurate assessment of patients' skin tones is less important. Corridors should be illuminated in a way that facilitates safe and comfortable movement. For example, lighting can be used to signal changes such as the beginning of a ramp or a different floor surface. Variations in corridor illumination can also become an element of the wayfinding system when the variations indicate turns, distinguish the circulation path from other spaces, and highlight meaningful spaces and important information along the way. Lighting can also help define areas along a hallway and visually break up a long corridor into segments, helping to avoid a tunnel effect.
Consider the following guidelines for improving corridor lighting:
For some patients, a walk down the hall may feel like a major expedition. Frail from surgery, illness, or age, some patients (and some visitors) need physical support while walking and places to sit and rest along the way. Handrails positioned along a corridor can give patients and visitors the psychological and physical support they need to get up and walk. Patients unsure of their strength may be encouraged to venture down a hallway when handrails are available. Strategically placed benches or seating alcoves provide needed rest stops for patients and visitors.
In some facilities, handrails are incorporated into the design of wall bumper guards. Although this allows one design feature to serve two purposes, it is important to make sure that these bumper guards perform effectively as handrails. To ensure that patients and visitors can firmly grasp handrails, the handrail portion of the bumper guard should be rounded to fit a hand, with a sizable indentation on the back to allow the fingers to grip. It should be ~1¼–1½ inches (~3.2–3.8 centimeters) in diameter. The handrail should be mounted ~1½ inches (~3.8 centimeters) from the wall and ~32–34 inches (~81.3–86.4 centimeters) from the floor. This clearance allows gripping without the chance of a person's arm becoming lodged between the wall and the handrail in the event of a fall (American National Standards Institute, 1980; Carpman and Grant, 1983; Harkness and Groom, 1976).
Patients and visitors appreciate being able to sit along corridors in a health facility. Benches featuring armrests and space under the seat make it easier for customers to sit and rise.
Photo credit: Courtesy of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor.
Just as corridors are used to get from one part of the same floor to another and from one building to another, elevators and stairways are used to travel from floor to floor. In many ways, the related design and behavioral issues are similar: patients and visitors need to travel comfortably and safely and they need to find their way without difficulty.
Patients and visitors need to be able to easily enter elevators, reach elevator control panels, and understand how to use them. Consider the following guidelines:
Inside elevator cabs, call buttons are easier to understand when they are arranged vertically, to represent floor-to-floor relationships (as in option A), rather than horizontally (as in option B).
In 1974, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission called stairs the most hazardous consumer product. Eight years later, it estimated that there were over twice as many injuries resulting from stairway use as from the next-greatest hazard, bicycles, and that about 4,000 people die each year as a result of stair-related injuries. A later study indicates that older people account for 85 percent of those deaths (Hunt and Ross, 1989).
In hospitals, stairways are potentially dangerous places. Frail patients under the influence of medication, distracted visitors, and rushing staff are potential victims of stairway accidents that can result in anything from bumps and bruises to broken bones and fatal injuries.
Yet in addition to their usefulness in emergencies, when elevators are not in use, stairways fill a necessary role as a vertical circulation alternative to slow or crowded elevators. Stairs can also provide exercise. One study showed that the inclusion of “motivational” signage and music may successfully attract more stair users, but may also pose safety risks (Hölscher et al., 2006; Kerr et al., 2004).
According to reviews of stairway accident research, safety researchers in several countries have videotaped the successes and failures of tens of thousands of stair users in many types of public settings (Archea, 1985; Pauls, 1985; Templer and Archea, 1983).The goal of the research was to determine optimal stairway design characteristics. Researchers found that successful stair use depends on navigating the first two or three steps, that is, on making the transition from a level surface to the circumscribed foot placement necessary to go down or up. In descent, where most accidents occur, users make a series of rapid visual and kinesthetic tests, first estimating where to place their feet and then verifying that estimate by getting a feel of the treads. In this context, stair accidents occur when the user's testing process is disrupted. Distractions—such as other people, noise, loose handrails, and visual changes in stair and wall placement or design—often cause accidents. Unanticipated hazards such as trash or loose treads are other typical causes of falls on stairs (Templer and Archea, 1983).
A singular and unambiguous indication of the edge of each tread is essential information for users as they look down (or up) a flight of stairs (Archea, 1985). Treads should not seem to merge together like a ramp; rather, adjoining treads should contrast with one another through the use of contrasting colors or lighting (Hunt and Ross, 1989).The chances of overstepping are increased when the design of stair coverings uses repetitive, random, or geometric patterns with vivid colors, stripes running parallel to the tread edge, or subtle dimensional irregularities and three-dimensional textures, which can all obscure the visual information needed to distinguish the edge of each tread (Pauls, 1985).
Consider the following guidelines with regard to stairway coverings such as carpeting, in order to achieve maximum clarity:
One researcher notes that codes and standards in the United States do not always conform well to human ergonomics. For example, stairwells may be so wide and handrails placed so low that users in the center area of any stair cannot reach the handrail if they happen to stumble. Similarly, one study analyzing videotaped accidents found that the maximum effective stair-riser height should be 6 inches (~15.2 millimeters), not the commonly used 7-inch (~17.8 centimeters) standard (Pauls, 1985).
Given the needs of healthcare facility users, it is important to optimize these sorts of dimensions, rather than just meeting minimum criteria. As a starting point for effective stairway design, researchers offer three conditions for creating safe stair use: steps should be readily visible, treads should be large enough to provide effective footing, and handrails should be easily reached and grasped.
Consider the following guidelines for safe stairway design:
Corridors, elevators, and stairways are often the unclaimed territories of a health facility. They are not always attended to by departmental managers and may receive less day-to-day attention than they need. Circulation areas may become ad hoc storage areas for wheelchairs, linens, and gurneys; impromptu conference rooms for physicians and other medical personnel; and informal waiting areas for patients and visitors. With all of their unplanned uses, corridors can become cluttered and noisy.
These unplanned uses affect patients, visitors, and staff by reducing privacy and creating a poor image of the facility. When staff members confer in hallways or elevators, patient information may be overheard by unauthorized people. Not only may this breach the standard of confidentiality, it may also cause unnecessary alarm in those overhearing the information.
Although it is probably unrealistic to assume that all unplanned corridor use can be eliminated, clutter and noise can often be reduced. Constructing alcoves and other storage areas, providing ample conference room space, and designing comfortable waiting areas and lounges can go a long way toward solving the problem.