Author’s Note

I’ve heard authors talk about the “book of their heart” and I used to think that was such a hokey thing to say until I wrote Shadow of a Girl. Normally I write very quickly, but this book took me years to complete. I wrote scenes, I deleted scenes, and I went round-and-round until it all finally came together.

I wrote this under my real name, Shannon Greenland, versus my pen, S. E. Green, because of the personal connection I feel to this story. Fear is an interesting thing. It makes weak people strong, strong people weak, frail people into just a shell of themselves, and numerous other scenarios. It’s how you finally emerge from the fear and take action that decides so much about your life.

In Shadow of a Girl, I really wanted to explore the life of a girl who finally decides to take action, who slowly begins to heal, and who realizes it is okay to say goodbye to the past and not let it dictate the person you become.

Know that if you are struggling in your life, it is okay to speak up and reach out. Know that there are people available to help. Friends, organizations, teachers, extended family. Don’t let fear dictate you anymore. If you need help, ask for it.