Why is a seated meditation considered a mindful movement? Meditation teaches us how to be comfortable and present inside our own head and body. That inner clarity is the foundation of all the mindful movements. So, if you’re struggling to feel present with yourself in the moving exercises, practice this meditation for a little while. You can add the physical movement once you’re comfortable being seated and still.
Since this exercise is done with eyes closed, get familiar with these instructions before you start. You can also record them (slowly!) and play them back as you do the meditation.
1. Take a seat in a comfortable position, or lie down. (Just not in your bed, or you might fall asleep!) Set a timer for 10 minutes.
2. Close your eyes. Take 2 huge deep breaths: in through your nose, out through your mouth. Now let go of any breath pattern and allow your breath to fall into a natural rhythm.
3. What do you see with your eyes closed? Take a look around the world behind your eyelids. Do you notice brightness, colors, shapes? Don’t label what you see, just observe it. Notice all the space inside you, how calm it is here. Know that this place is always available to you, whenever you want it.
4. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. At the end of the exhale, pause for a moment of stillness. Don’t anticipate the next breath. Just stay here—still, present.
5. Feel your body on the earth. Notice the openness inside you. Tell yourself, I am.
6. Breathe in again, and out. Have another moment of stillness. I am. Breathe in for your last breath, then let everything out.
7. Continue to breathe in and out. Every time your mind wanders (which is a lot), just gently come back to the breath. When your timer goes off, take 1 last deep breath, let everything out, and gently open your eyes.
Keep this in mind: A lot of people think they can’t meditate because their minds constantly wander. Do not fear! This is normal and part of the process. The key is to keep coming back to the breath, over and over.