The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle). Welcome to the “now,” or the present moment. This book shows us that being present is the only way to have a joyful, meaningful life.
A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle). Read this and your life will change forever. Following The Power of Now, Tolle’s second book is even more incredible than the first. It dives into our ego, stress, the “pain-body,” fear, anger, and so much more.
I Weigh (website and social media). Created by Jameela Jamil, I Weigh is a resource for radical inclusivity. Its goal is to connect, empower, and amplify diverse voices. Join the revolution against shame!
“The Power of Introverts” (Susan Cain, TED talk). Part of embracing all our moods is harnessing our personality type. As an introvert, I always saw my quiet nature as a negative. Cain shows that introversion can actually be a superpower. Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert, or anywhere in between, you’ll enjoy this talk about our different personalities and how they function in our society.
Grain Brain (David Perlmutter). Why are so many people finding out that eating gluten gives them problems? Why are deadly disease rates skyrocketing? This is only the beginning of an amazing health and science book.
The Case Against Sugar (Gary Taubes). This is a great source for the history and science on our sugar consumption and its connection to chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and some cancers.
Chef’s Table (TV series). If you want to get inspired to cook, or just appreciate food more, watch this series. In it, the most inspiring and creative cooks from around the world make revolutionary food.
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (TV series). In this show based on her bestselling book, Samin Nosrat travels around the world exploring the four elements to good cooking—you guessed it—salt, fat, acid, and heat.
The Biggest Little Farm (documentary). This exciting documentary follows the creation of a regenerative farm in Southern California. But the story goes beyond one farm; it reveals how drastically we could change our planet and our lives by farming in a biodynamic way.
“How to Green the World’s Deserts and Reverse Climate Change” (Allan Savory, TED talk). Allan Savory opened my eyes to the epidemic of desertification, which is a huge contributor to climate change. Savory explains how raising livestock in the traditional way, which mimics nature, can help reverse climate change.
Deep Work (Cal Newport). Doing deep work is the only way we can get stuff done in our distraction-filled world. Once we hone our ability to focus, we’ll see some amazing results.
Why We Sleep (Matthew Walker). This book will freak you out—but we all need to read it. It could literally save our lives.
The Talent Code (Daniel Coyle). Some people are just born prodigies or geniuses, right? Wrong! Using examples like Mozart and Tiger Woods, Coyle shows us that the key to getting great at something is all about long, hard work—and any of us can do it.