THE WARRIOR MUST BE PREPARED to risk his life at any time–but only in the right circumstances. He must also know when not to risk his life, as a brief
episode from Kokon Chomon J (sec. 341) illustrates.
About the protagonist, Taira no Sadatsuna, little is known. A shirabyshi, “white rhythm,” was a female dancer who danced in an elegant, courtly costume; she often worked as a prostitute. Wada Yoshimori
(1147-1213) was a renowned warrior with a brilliant military record. When H
Yoshitoki (1143-1224), regent of the Kamakura
Shogunate and de facto ruler of Japan, had his brother and others murdered, Yoshimori raised an army against him but was defeated
and killed. He is an important figure in the upcoming section on Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
When robbers forced themselves into his Kyoto house, Lieutenant of the Outer Palace Guards, Left Division, Taira no Sadatsuna,
of Furukri, was drunk and asleep with the shiraby
shi dancer Gyokuju. When the robbers broke into his bedroom, Sadatsuna drew his sword and struck them aside. He then pushed Gyokuju
ahead of him, retreated to the backyard, went over the cypress fence into his neighbor’s place, and got away along with his
People heard about this incident and said, “So he ran away from robbers. That’s terrible!”
When he heard this, Sadatsuna said, “If the same thing happened again, I’d do the same. I don’t want to risk my life with robbers. But if my lord ran into trouble, I would give up my life any number of times.”
Sadatsuna kept his word. When Lieutenant of the Outer Palace Guards, Left Division, Wada Yoshimori went into battle, Sadatsuna ran ahead of any troop he led – carrying a scarlet arrow-protector1 and riding a black steed during the day, and carrying a white arrow-protector and riding a white steed mottled with black during the night. He was a true embodiment of “a warrior worth a thousand men.” True to his word, he was gallant and brave.
However, meeting no one willing to accept his challenge for a duel, and his side losing the battle, Sadatsuna committed suicide.