draká (“druh-KAH“): the original “dragons.”
amá (“ah-MAH“): human(s); the sentient inhabitants of Earth.
dramá (“druh-MAH“): the term for the race that emerged from the combination of draká and humans.
Blood Manifestations
drakón (“drah-KOHN“): dramá chosen to have far greater magic and gain a drakáform.
amón (“ah-MOHN“): dramá who are not chosen, yet still have the Blood of the Covenants and cannot accurately be called “human.”
Rough equivalents
ild: inch.
foot: literal translation.
erd: yard (only a couple dramá feet).
ald: 100 dramá feet.
eld: half an English Imperial mile.
elden: an English Imperial mile.
dek: Roughly 1 minute, made of 56 moments.
deken: Roughly 1 hour, made of 56 dek.
day: 28 deken.