He stretches his hind-leg, and, bending his spine, extends his body
Curving his neck, he rests his muzzle on his chest, and tosses his
dust-grey mane.
The steed, his nostrils ceaselessly quivering, with desire of fodder
rises from his bed, gently whinnies, and paws the earth with his
He bends his back and turns his neck sideways, till his face
touches his buttock,
and then the horse, the curls matted about his ears,
rubs with his hoof the red corner of his eye, itching from sleep,
his eye, struck by his dew-drop scattering mane, waving and tossing,
his eye, to the point of whose quivering eyelash there clings a tiny
fragment of chaff.
Translated from the Sanskrit by A.L. Basham