Open the book, Brother Brahmin, demonstrate
when I’ll meet my love face to face.
The woods are greening,
the marshes in bloom and
longing for my mahi* swells my every limb—
the burden bows down Love’s boughs.
Open the book, Brother Brahmin, show me
when I’ll encounter my love.
See what manner of waters I cross,
rivers I ford, snakes I trample
over and over I face down lions—
Open the Book and say, Brother Brahmin,
When I shall face my love.
Other hazards loom above me,
they don’t make me weak, nor give me pause;
desire draws me time and again to the reeds.
Open the Book, Brother Brahmin,
and show me
when I’ll encounter my love.
Over and over cries out Shah Husain:
‘Lord, I’m seeking the sight of you—
cast just one glance my way!’
Open your Book, Brother Brahmin, reveal
when I shall meet him face to face.
Translated from the Punjabi by Carla Petievich