Seeing me surrounded by a gaggle of girls,
my beloved has up and fled;
I surely should have stopped her, but,
feeling guilty, I let her go instead;
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
What will she do? What will she say
after long separation rife with strife?
Nothing matters now—not family, fortune, home,
nor, for that matter, even life;
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
I picture her: her brow is knit
in jealous anger festered,
Her lotus flower face is flush
as if by buzzing bees she’s pestered
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
As I imagine making love with her,
in my mind we are united;
So why search the forest for her?
Why am I so benighted?
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
I realise, lithe lady, that jealousy
rends and breaks your heart;
But how can I reassure you
while we are so far apart?
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
You’ re driving me crazy:
now I see you, now I don’t;
Once you embraced me,
and now you won’t:
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
Please forgive me, my lovely—
I swear I will behave;
Please let me see you once again!
I’m burning up with passion grave;
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
Jayadeva comes from Kindubilva
as the moon comes from the ocean;
And in this song I render Krishna’s words
with loving deep devotion.
Oh me, oh my, I am bereft!
She’s mad at me, she’s up and left!
Translated from the Sanskrit by Lee Siegel