The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
- Abbas, Mahmoud, 18
- Abdullah, king of Saudi Arabia, 199
- Abramoff, Jack, 62
- Abu Ghraib prison, 40, 155–63, 168, 169, 174–77, 180–84, 185, 231
- Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 172
- Abu Omar (Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr), 29–32
- ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 36, 38, 50–52, 182, 186, 260
- ACT UP, 283–85
- Afghanistan
- prisons in, 25, 35–36, 38, 40, 42, 165, 176, 185
- rebuilding, 75
- staging area for, 255
- AIDS, 283–85
- Albania, kidnapping victims in, 25, 37
- Albright, Madeleine, 277–82
- Alexandre, Régine, 129–30
- Al Jazeera, 66, 191–98
- Allen, Claude, 62
- Allende, Salvador, 96
- Almalki, Abdullah, 20, 21
- Al Mutamar, 65
- al Qaeda, 7, 18, 22, 26, 33, 39, 60, 88–89, 98, 165, 181
- Al-Sabah, 68
- Alsop, Joseph, 92
- American Enterprise Institute, 71, 111, 124, 128
- American Friends Service Committee, 48, 52
- “America’s Gulag” (Grey), 42
- Amin Dada, Idi, 124, 125
- Amnesty International, 26, 42, 129, 169, 228
- Anderson, Charlie, 220
- Anderson, Rocky, 177–78, 181
- Anderson, Warren, 272, 274, 277
- Andijan massacre, 254–55
- Andrews, Mary Catherine, 102
- Angelou, Maya, 268
- Annan, Kofi, 227
- antiwar groups
- FBI actions against, 47–48, 52, 54
- military and veterans in, 222–43
- Pentagon reports on, 56–58
- Arafat, Yasir, 299
- Arar, Maher, 17, 19–24, 26–30
- Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 113–29, 130–31
- coups against, 116, 118–19
- in exile, 116, 126
- grassroots support of, 125
- kidnapping of, 113–14, 119–23
- reelection of, 117–19
- rise to political office, 115–16
- U.S. threats against, 123–29
- Arkin, William, 56
- Armstrong, John, 177, 180
- Army, U.S.
- chemical weapons used by, 189
- in Iraq, see Iraq
- post-traumatic stress disorder in, 236
- recruitment practices of, 227, 235–43
- rules of engagement, 156, 159
- School of the Americas, 18, 116
- suicide rates in, 224
- U.S. citizenship obtained in, 230
- Ashanin, Marina, 275
- Ashcroft, John, 27, 179
- Associated Press (AP), 91, 96, 129, 141
- AT&T, 58, 59
- Atkins, Kirsten, 53
- Attiya, Shawki Salama, 25
- Auguste, So Ann, 128
- Ayoub, Tariq, 192
- Baer, Robert, 31
- Bailey, Christine, 64
- Baldawi, Luay, 65
- Bangert, Joe, 225–26
- Barber, Allison, 86
- Bardwell, Sarah, 48–49, 53
- Barnes, Fred, 269
- Barr, Bob, 104
- Barton, Joe, 204
- Battle of Algiers (film), 150–51
- Bauer, Karen, 257–60
- Bay of Pigs, 43–45
- Beauprez, Bob, 257
- Begala, Paul, 286–87
- Belafonte, Harry, 268
- Benjamin, Mark, 164
- “Be Nobody’s Darling” (Walker), 295–96
- Berger, Sandy, 138, 278, 281
- Bernanke, Ben, 267
- Bernstein, Carl, 91, 93
- Berry, Willis, 172
- Bhopal toxic leak, 271–77
- Biko, Steve, 296
- Bill of Rights, 6, 57
- Bingham, Barry Sr., 91
- bin Laden, Osama, 9, 20, 70, 144
- Birnbaum, Jeff, 217
- Blair, Tony, 11–12, 191, 244, 250
- Blumenthal, Max, 126–27
- Bodman, Samuel, 200
- Boehlert, Eric, 104
- Bokassa, Jean-Bedel, 124, 125
- Boston Globe, 125–26, 204, 288
- Boucher, Richard, 254
- Boykoff, Maxwell and Jules, 111
- Bozizé, François, 121
- BP Capital Management, 206
- Bradlee, Ben, 47
- Bremer, Paul, 67
- Breslin, Jimmy, 285
- Brown, Michael, 3
- Bull, Peter, 108
- Bumiller, Elizabeth, 289, 291
- Bush, George H. W., 97, 199–200, 267, 284
- Bush, George W.
- as above the law, 18–19, 30, 144, 288
- approval ratings of, 5, 6, 62
- conversation with U.S. troops, 86–88
- election of, 10–11, 18
- illusion preferred by, 6, 76, 200, 201, 260
- on prison abuses, 42, 154, 176
- public appearances of, 257–65, 266–70
- on torture, 31, 149, 153–54, 165, 166, 167, 251
- and Uzbekistan, 251, 253–56
- on vacation, 2, 5, 211, 212, 213
- on war in Iraq, 211, 219
- warrantless eavesdropping authorized by, 6, 28, 58–61
- wartime powers of, 6, 154, 166, 191
- Bush, Laura, 265–66
- Bush administration
- civil liberties curtailed by, 8–9, 26, 61, 146, 260–61, 266, 267–68
- fading credibility of, 39, 216
- and Haiti, 118–29
- and Hurricane Katrina, 1–5, 62
- lies by, 38–39, 61, 149, 216, 237
- loyalty oaths required by, 263
- marriage initiative of, 79–80
- media controlled by, 1, 6–14, 67, 100, 110, 191–94, 196–98, 213, 214, 258, 260, 268–69
- media stories faked by, 73–89, 263, 269
- and national security, 26, 27–28, 38
- no-bid contracts for, 4, 66, 68–69, 215
- and oil, 199–206
- perpetuating fear, 6
- press conferences by, 81–86
- and prison abuses, 40, 168–77, 180–88
- propaganda distributed by, 7–8, 9, 62–72, 74–77, 78–80, 88–89, 163, 217, 257–58
- secrecy in, 110, 202
- and September 11 attacks, 10–11, 18, 103
- silencing dissent, 110, 261–66, 268
- torture sanctioned by, 6, 7, 11, 18, 19, 26, 30, 32, 86, 149–50, 151–67, 181–87, 247–50, 251–52
- and Uzbekistan, 245–52, 253–56
- whistle-blowers threatened by, 8, 216
- Butler, Smedley, 115
- Bybee, Jay, 166
- Byrne, Brennan, 190
- Cambone, Stephen, 183, 185
- Canada, fleeing to, 223, 226–27, 230–32
- Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), 121
- Carlson, Tucker, 286–88
- Carlyle Group, 200
- Carter, Jimmy, 267–68, 269
- Casey, George W. Jr., 8
- Casper, Michael, 260
- Castro, Fidel, 43, 96
- Catledge, Turner, 44
- CBS, 91, 93–94, 106
- Cedras, Raoul, 116
- Center for Constitutional Rights, 27–28, 185–86
- Center for Media and Democracy, 77
- Center on Conscience and War, 227
- Chalabi, Ahmad, 9, 65, 70, 98
- Chavez, Hugo, 129–30, 268
- Cheney, Dick, 2, 199
- energy manipulations of, 110, 200, 201–3
- public appearances of, 257, 258, 263, 264
- torture promoted by, 19, 42, 149, 167
- on warrantless eavesdropping, 59–60
- Chertoff, Michael, 2
- China
- and Clinton, 135
- nuclear advances of, 141
- spying for, 132, 133–43
- Chrétien, Jean, 27
- Church Committee, 47, 92, 97
- in Afghanistan, 35
- and Bay of Pigs, 43–44
- Church Committee investigation of, 97
- disinformation disseminated by, 95–96
- in Eastern Europe, 39–43
- in Egypt, 30, 31
- in Haiti, 117
- and heroin market, 97
- and Iraqi National Congress, 9
- journalists’ assignments for, 90–99
- kidnappings by, 21, 24–25, 29–32, 37–39
- laws regarding propaganda of, 95
- lawsuits against, 38
- in Macedonia, 34–35
- parallel universe of, 94–98
- plausible deniability with, 92
- propaganda contracts of, 70
- smear campaigns by, 96–97
- torture promoted by, 149, 151–53, 160–64, 250, 251
- and Vietnam, 18
- Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI, 46–48, 61
- Clark, Ramsey, 228
- Clark, Tish, 75
- Clinton, Bill, 104, 134, 135, 140–41, 143, 267
- Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 81
- Clinton administration
- extraordinary rendition in, 24–25
- and Iraq, 216, 277–82
- and Clinton town meeting, 277–82
- Crossfire, 286–88
- and Haiti, 123
- and Hurricane Katrina, 1, 3
- and prison abuses, 41
- and propaganda, 69–70
- and warrantless eavesdropping, 59
- and Wen Ho Lee, 141
- Coalition Provisional Authority, 66
- Coates, Linda, 262
- Coats, Daniel R., 38
- Cohen, William, 278, 281
- COINTELPRO, 47–48, 58
- Colbert, Stephen, 288–91
- Colby, William, 92, 94, 95
- Cold War, 90–94, 133
- Collins, Patrick, 116–17
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 192–93
- Congress, U.S.
- financial contributions to, 18–19, 203–6
- GAO as investigative arm of, 74
- giveaways to corporations by, 111
- and Haiti, 115
- and public radio, 100
- and torture, 153–54, 166–67
- Connolly, Ceci, 217
- Constant, Emmanuel “Toto,” 116–17
- Constitution, U.S., 6, 11, 57, 288
- Contratto, Dana, 202
- Copley, James, 91
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 74, 100–112
- Coulter, Ann, 82
- Council of Europe, 43
- Counter-Intelligence Field Activity (CIFA), 57
- Covert, Carol, 136, 137
- Cox, Christopher, 134, 137
- Craig, Paige, 64
- Crisis, 303–4
- Crossfire (CNN), 286–88
- Crowley, William J., 55
- Dean, Howard, 262
- Dearlove, Richard, 12
- Defense Department, U.S.
- INC information bought by, 70
- restrictive guidelines of, 56
- DeGette, Diana, 259
- DeGraff, Nicholas, 51
- DeLand, Gary, 177, 178, 179
- DeLay, Tom, 62
- Delgado, Aidan, 234
- democracy, threats to, 6, 69
- Democracy Now!
- on Fallujah attacks, 189, 193, 196
- on government intimidation of
- dissenters, 49–50, 51, 54–55, 57, 59
- as grassroots media, 13
- on Haiti, 113, 117, 118, 120, 123, 127–28, 131
- on prison abuses and torture, 41, 42–43, 146–48, 155–60, 177, 179, 183
- on soldiers dying in Iraq, 210, 212, 213–14, 218
- voices of hope on, 292–93
- Democratic Convergence, 127
- Denver Three, 257–61
- Detainee Treatment Act (2005), 153–54, 166–67
- Deutch, John, 143
- Dionne, E. J. Jr., 42
- Dobbs, Bill, 57
- Dobbs, Lou, 217
- Donatelli, Mark, 179
- Dorgan, Byron, 104
- Dow Chemical, 271–77
- Dowd, Maureen, 82
- Downie, Len, 41
- Downing, Wayne, 67
- Drogin, Bob, 141
- Dryfoos, Orvil, 44
- Dulles, Allen, 92, 93
- Durbin, Richard, 105
- Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,” 115, 126
- Duvalier, Jean Claude “Baby Doc,” 115, 116
- Eastern Europe, hidden prisons in, 39–43
- Eberle, Bobby, 81
- Edmondson, John S., 147
- Education Department, U.S., 78–79, 80
- Egypt
- CIA activities in, 30, 31
- prisons in, 43
- torture in, 21, 25, 30–31, 33, 247
- Eisner, Peter, 121
- Electronic Frontier Foundation, 59
- El-Masri, Khaled, 34–39
- Energy Act (2005), 200, 203–6
- Energy Department, U.S., 200–204
- England, Lynndie, 183, 185
- Enron Corporation, 202, 253–54
- environmental protection, 205
- Evans, Mimi, 218–19
- Evans, M. Stanton, 104
- Everett, Elena, 53
- extraordinary rendition, 24–29, 31, 34–35, 38–39
- ExxonMobil, 110–11, 203, 205–6
- FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), 11, 12, 41, 142
- Fairweather, Jack, 70, 71
- Faisal, Maher, 68
- Fallujah
- Al Jazeera in, 191–98
- body searches in, 158–59
- civilian deaths in, 159, 190, 193, 194–95, 196
- embedded media in, 190–91, 195, 196, 197
- U.S. attacks on, 189–98
- Farmer, Paul, 115, 125
- actions against dissident groups by, 47–48, 52, 54, 268
- and Arar case, 20
- and Chinese spying, 134, 136–40
- COINTELPRO, 47–48, 58
- documents stolen from, 46–48, 61
- Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), 51–55
- political intimidation program of, 49–55
- and warrantless eavesdropping, 60
- and whistle-blowers, 216
- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 1, 5
- Fenton, Anthony, 129
- Fidell, Eugene, 145
- Filkins, Dexter, 8
- Finisterra, Jude (pseud.), 273–77
- First Amendment, 11, 142
- Fisk, Robert, 300–301
- Fleischer, Ari, 82, 83–84
- Foley, James B., 119, 123
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 59
- For God and Country (Yee), 147
- Fox News, 3, 8, 101, 103, 212, 217, 290
- Franks, Tommy, 223
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 51, 260
- Freeh, Louis, 138
- Friedman, John, 53
- Frosch, Dan, 179
- Gabriel, Franz, 122–23
- Gaines, Gay Hart, 102
- Galeano, Eduardo, 303–5
- Gallagher, Maggie, 79–80
- Gannon, Jeff, 81
- Gauger, Randy, 172
- Gee, Jim, 76
- Geneva Conventions, 6, 18, 159, 165, 184, 185
- Gerner, Steven, 261
- Gerth, Jeff, 133, 134
- Gettleman, Jeffrey, 190
- Ghurairy, Jamal al-, 71
- Gilbert, Lyle, 69
- Gingrich, Newt, 102, 106, 134
- GI Rights Hotline, 227
- global warming, 110–11, 204
- Goff, Stan, 209
- Gonzales, Alberto, 8, 185
- Goodrich, Austin, 94
- Gorelick, Jamie, 32–33
- Gossett, Sherrie, 69
- Government Accountability Office (GAO), 63, 74, 76, 79, 257
- Government Accounting Office (GAO), 202
- Graham, Lindsey, 153, 166
- Graner, Charles A. Jr., 174–77
- Grassley, Chuck, 206
- Greenpeace, 52
- Grey, Stephen, 42
- Guantánamo Bay
- as above the law, 144, 154, 166
- abuse scandals in, 40, 42, 144, 146–47, 161, 165, 176, 185
- CIA in, 40
- illegal detention in, 38, 42
- military executions at, 154
- Muslims arrested in, 145
- prisoners in, 25, 37–38, 146
- torture used in, 7, 153–54, 160, 163–66, 185
- Yee as chaplain at, 143–47
- Guardian (U.K.), 192
- Guckert, James, 81–82
- Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 42–43
- Guttentag, Lucas, 186
- Hagel, Chuck, 103
- Haiti, 113–31
- CIA in, 117
- elections in, 130–31
- FRAPH in, 116, 118, 127
- poverty in, 114, 125
- Tonton Macoutes in, 115
- U.S. arms in, 118–19
- U.S. control over, 114–15, 125–27
- Halabi, Ahmad, 145, 146
- Hale, Brandon, 234
- Hall, Ralph, 204
- Halliburton, 4, 215, 253–54
- Halpern, Cheryl, 102
- Hamdi, Yasir, 146
- Hannity, Sean, 3
- Hansen, Chris, 260
- Harper & Row, 97
- Harris Corporation, 68–69
- Harrison, Gilbert, 43
- Harrison, Patricia, 74, 102, 107
- Hart, Gary, 97
- Hass, Amira, 298–300
- Hassan, Salah, 192
- Hearst Newspapers, 91
- Hebb, Donald O., 161
- Hebert, H. Josef, 141
- Helms, Jesse, 117–18
- Henry, Robert K., 69
- Herbst, John, 245
- Hersh, Seymour, 181
- Hiken, Marti, 189
- Hinzman, Jeremy, 231–32
- Hitler, Adolf, 76, 128
- Hoffman, Mike, 222–23, 224–26, 242
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 48
- Horn, Martin, 169
- Horn, Wade, 79
- House, Jeffry, 230–31
- Hughey, Brandon, 226–27, 232
- Human Rights First, 186
- Human Rights Report (State Dept.), 26, 30
- Human Rights Watch, 31, 41, 244, 246–47
- Hurricane Katrina, 1–5, 13, 62, 268
- Hussein, Saddam, 8, 9, 12, 18, 70, 87, 88–89, 163, 216, 278–81
- International Islamic Front for Jihad, 25
- International Republican Institute (IRI), 126–27
- Invisible Government, The (Wise and Ross), 96
- Iraq
- and antiwar groups, 54
- ban on stories and images from, 1, 5, 214
- economic sanctions against, 278
- embedded journalists in, 98–99
- endless war in, 5, 6, 13, 62
- Fallujah attacks, 189–98
- oil in, 203, 222
- propaganda in, 6, 7–8, 10, 11, 63–72
- rebuilding, 75
- torture used in, 7, 155–60, 163–64, 181, 182, 185–86, 229
- U.S. bombing of, 277–82
- U.S. invasion of, 12, 33, 84, 216, 227
- U.S. soldier deaths in, 209–20
- war profiteers in, 4
- wish U.S. would leave, 72, 223–24
- Iraqex, 64
- Iraqi Media Network, 66–67
- Iraqi National Congress (INC), 9, 70–71, 98
- Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), 7
- Iraq Liberation Act (1998), 70
- Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), 223, 225
- Isgitt, Tim, 102
- Ives, Kim, 118
- Jalon, Allan, 48
- JAMRS, Pentagon data project, 239–43
- Japanese-Americans, in internment
- camps, 132
- Jean-Juste, Father Gérard, 129, 131
- Jodel Chamblain, Louis, 118
- Johanns, Mike, 76
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 108
- Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF, FBI), 51–55
- Jordan, torture in, 21, 31, 43
- Judicial Watch, 202
- Justice Department, U.S., 27, 86, 180
- Kahtani, Mohammed al-, 164–65
- Karimov, Islam, 244, 245–46, 248, 254, 255
- Karpinski, Janis, 183–85, 186
- Kearns, Frank, 94
- Keller, Bill, 11
- Kelliher, Joseph, 202
- Kelly, Kathy, 282
- Kennedy, John F., 43–45
- Kern, Harry, 94
- Kerr, Kathie, 79
- Kerr-McGee, 204
- Khan, Irene, 42
- kidnapping
- Abu Omar, 29–32
- Arar, 19–24
- backlash from, 38–39
- El-Masri, 34–39
- extraordinary rendition, 24–29
- Kilner, Aaron, 51
- Kimmitt, Mark, 8, 190, 194, 195–96, 197
- King, Coretta Scott, 267–69
- King, Martin Luther Jr., 48, 267–70
- Kingston, Maxine Hong, 293
- Kitchen, David, 136
- Klant, Bob, 234
- Klein, Jonathan, 287–88
- Klein, Mark, 59
- Klinkerman, Jay Bob, 260
- Kondracke, Morton, 217, 269
- Kornbluh, Peter, 41
- Krohn, Charles A., 236
- KUBARK Counterintelligence Manual, 162, 164
- Kurtz, Kenneth, 122
- Kurzban, Ira, 118–19
- Lady, Robert Seldon, 32
- Lagouranis, Tony, 155–60
- Lathem, Mark V., 235
- Lautenberg, Frank, 203
- Lay, Kenneth, 253
- Leahy, Patrick, 57–58
- Ledeen, Michael, 124
- Lee, Sylvia, 137
- Lee, Wen Ho, 133–43, 148
- Levin, Carl, 153
- Lewis, Fulton Jr., 104
- Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-, 33
- Lichtblau, Eric, 10, 11
- Lieberman, Denise, 51
- Limbaugh, Rush, 212
- Lincoln Group, 64–66, 67, 71
- Lockhart, Joe, 141
- London Daily Telegraph, 70, 245
- London Independent, 138, 300
- London Times, 11
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, 133, 135, 137
- Los Angeles Times, 12, 46, 48, 53, 69, 137, 138, 141
- Lourey, Becky, 214–16
- Lowery, Rev. Joseph, 267, 269
- Lowry, Rich, 79–80
- Lucas, Stanley, 127
- Luce, Henry, 91
- Lucy, Nick, 265
- Lynch, Bill, 98
- MacNeil, Robert, 285
- Magna Carta, 18
- Mai, Mukhtar, 301–3
- Mandela, Nelson, 296
- Mann, Fred, 103–5
- Mansour, Ahmed, 193, 194, 195–98
- Markey, Edward, 204
- Marriage Savers, 80
- Marty, Dick, 43
- Matalin, Mary, 269
- McCaffrey, Nadia, 214
- McCain, John, 149, 151, 153–54, 162, 166, 259
- McCarthy, Joseph, 104, 132
- McClellan, Scott, 82, 85–86, 87–88, 119, 120, 149, 151–53, 247, 259
- McCone, John, 93
- McCotter, Lane, 177–79
- McCoy, Alfred, 96–97, 154, 160, 162, 164, 165
- McMahon, Jack, 172
- McManus, Mike, 80
- McNeil, J. E., 227
- McSwane, David, 237–38
- media
- Bush administration control of, see Bush administration
- corporate, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 77, 80, 90, 100, 218, 282
- correspondents’ dinner, 288–91
- disinformation published by, 9, 13, 71, 145–46
- dumbing down, 109
- embedded, 98–99, 190–91, 195, 196, 197, 300
- freedom of the press, 142
- grassroots, 13
- and Hurricane Katrina, 1–5
- hysteria promoted in, 145
- independent, 13–14, 100–112
- individuals targeted by, 133–38, 141–42
- information withheld by, 40–41, 43–45, 300–301
- journalism indistinguishable from
- propaganda in, 80–81, 129–30, 141
- Latin American censorship, 303–5
- laws governing propaganda in, 69–70, 76
- muckraking, 110, 112
- propaganda in, 6–8, 9, 63–72, 81, 101
- reality obscured in, 13, 110–12, 217–18
- responsibilities shirked by, 6, 8–10, 11, 12, 40–41, 112, 148, 196–97, 300–301
- and September 11 attacks, 10
- shills for hire, 78–81, 98–99, 129–30
- static on, 13
- truth as mission of, 108
- truth sacrificed for access, 12–14, 71, 112, 301
- voices of dissent, 292–307
- Medicare, 62, 73
- Mejia, Camilo, 228–30, 234
- Miami Herald, 91
- Military Families Speak Out, 223
- Military Times, 224
- Miller, Geoffrey, 163–64, 183
- Miller, George, 80
- Miller, Judith, 9, 71, 98–99
- Mirsaidov, Jamal, 248–49
- Mitchell, John, 47
- Mokhiber, Russell, 84–86
- Moreno, Luis, 122
- Morocco, torture in, 21, 43
- Morrell, Jim, 262
- Morrow, Hugh, 92
- Morrow, Jennifer, 73–74
- Moussaoui, Zacarias, 216
- Moyers, Bill, 103, 105, 106–12
- Mueller, Robert, 27
- Muhyideen al-Hajj, Sami, 193
- Murray, Craig, 244–53
- Musharraf, Pervez, 302
- Mushtaq, Laith, 193, 194, 195, 197
- Nader, Ralph, 206
- Nairn, Allan, 116
- Nassir, Akeel Shaker, 87
- Nation, The, 51, 53, 106, 179
- National Counterterrorism Center, 55
- National Endowment for Democracy, 126, 129–30
- National Review, 79–80, 223
- Nazif, Ahmed, 31
- NBC News, 56, 91
- Neptune, Yvon, 118, 128
- New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina in, 1–5, 13
- New Republic, The, 43–44
- Newsweek, 91, 94, 164
- New Yorker, The, 32–33, 181
- New York Times, 9
- CIA connections of, 91, 92–93, 95–96
- civil rights disregarded by, 142
- and fake news stories, 9–12, 76, 80
- and government spying, 10–11, 46, 58, 60, 61
- and Haiti, 124–25, 128, 129
- influence of, 138
- and Iraq stories, 9, 12, 71, 190–91
- news suppressed by, 10–12, 44, 136, 142
- and Wen Ho Lee, 133–36, 137–38, 141–42
- Niederer, Sue, 265–66
- Nimley, Horatio, 175
- Nixon, Richard M., 10, 46, 91, 106
- No Child Left Behind Act, 78, 239, 241–42
- Noriega, Roger P., 117–18, 128
- North, Don, 66
- North American Wholesale Lumber Association, 51
- Northrup, Ann, 284, 285
- NPR (National Public Radio), 100, 102, 130
- NSA (National Security Agency), 28
- warrantless eavesdropping by, 58–61
- O’Brien, Miles, 123
- O’Brien, Soledad, 3
- O’Connor, Sandra Day, 60
- O’Neill, Juliet, 28
- O’Reilly, Bill, 212
- Orwell, George, 292
- Owens, William, 67
- Pace, Peter, 289
- Padilla, Jose, 146
- Paige, Rod, 79
- Paine, Thomas, 112
- Paley, William S., 91, 93–94
- Pappas, Thomas, 186
- Paredes, Pablo, 56, 232–36, 238
- Parker, James A., 139, 142–43
- Parker, Michael, 276
- Patterson, Perry, 264–65
- Patterson, P. J., 121, 123
- PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 13, 100, 103, 284–85
- Pennsylvania prison system, 169–76
- Pentagon
- Army and Air Force Hometown News, 75
- Army deserters reported by, 227
- database on activists in, 56–58
- database on students in, 239–43
- and embedded journalists, 98–99
- and Iraqi National Congress, 9
- propaganda disseminated by, 63–66, 67, 68–69
- spin from, 3, 8
- spying on citizens, 56–58
- Threat and Local Observation Notices (TALON), 57, 58
- torture promoted by, 159, 181, 185, 231
- Philippe, Guy, 113
- Pickens, T. Boone, 206
- Pike, Otis, 94
- Pinochet, Augusto, 28
- Plame, Valerie, 142
- Ponvert, Antonio, 180
- Powell, Colin, 12, 33, 118, 120, 123, 127, 251
- Préval, René, 130
- Priest, Dana, 40
- prisons
- abuse scandals in, 40–41, 155–61, 168–88
- civil rights ignored in, 11, 19, 26, 136, 146–47, 179–81, 229–30
- execution methods in, 170–71
- offshore, 6, 19, 25, 40–43
- racism in, 170, 171–73, 174, 175
- supermax, 171
- torture in, see Abu Graib; Guantánamo Bay; torture
- psychological warfare, legal use of, 7–8
- Pyes, Craig, 98
- Raskin, Robin, 77
- Rather, Dan, 284
- Ratner, Michael, 27–28, 185–86
- Raymond, Lee, 205
- Read, Cathleen, 97
- Red Cross, and prison abuses, 184
- Redmond, Paul, 135
- Reid, Harry, 81
- Rendon Group, 64, 70
- Reno, Janet, 138
- Reporters Without Borders, 193
- Republican Party
- campaign contributions to, 69
- and no-bid contracts, 69, 215
- Reston, James, 44
- Reuters, 91, 96
- Rice, Condoleezza, 2, 38–39, 123, 213, 251
- Richardson, Bill, 133, 138, 140, 142–43
- Ridge, Tom, 27
- Rieckhoff, Paul, 224
- Rikabi, Ahmad, 67
- Risen, James, 10, 11, 133, 134, 141
- Rising-Moore, Carl, 226
- Ritter, Scott, 216–17
- Roberts, Patricia, 218
- Robinson, Randall, 114, 120–21, 124
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 92
- Rolling Stone, 91, 92, 94
- Romero, Anthony, 182
- Rosenberg, Julius, 135, 136
- Ross, Thomas B., 96
- Rotenberg, Mark, 241
- Roth, Kenneth, 246–47
- Rove, Karl, 88, 101, 107
- Rowley, Coleen, 216
- Roy, Arundhati, 305–7
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 27, 28
- Rubin, Michael, 71
- Rudd, Martha, 228
- rule of law
- Bay of Pigs and, 43–45
- Bush as being above, 18–19, 30, 144, 288
- extraordinary rendition vs., 24–32, 34–35
- false arrest vs., 34–39
- false confessions vs., 33
- hidden prisons vs., 39–43
- international, 18, 25, 27
- Magna Carta, 18
- torture vs., 17, 19–24, 32–33
- Rumsfeld, Donald H., 2, 58
- on control of media, 6, 7–8, 194
- and deaths in Iraq, 209–10, 215–16, 217
- and Haiti, 120, 123
- on prison abuses and torture, 42, 162–63, 164–65, 181, 183–84, 185–86, 231, 251
- on propaganda, 65, 69, 72, 159
- Ryan, Karen, 73
- Sachs, Jeffrey, 126
- Safavian, David, 62
- Saldivar, Beatrice, 219
- Salem Witch Trials, 132, 148
-, 80
- Sanchez, Ricardo, 164, 186, 231
- Sané, Pierre, 169
- Saturday Evening Post, 91, 92
- Saudi Arabia, 199–200, 203, 206
- Scarborough, Joe, 216–17
- Scheer, Robert, 138, 142
- Scherer, Michael, 164
- Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 43
- Schmidt, Randall M., 165
- Schorr, Daniel, 94
- Schulz, William, 104
- Schumer, Charles, 180
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), 66–68
- Scripps Howard, 91
- Seberg, Jean, 48
- Senor, Dan, 66–67
- Sentelle, David, 142
- September 11 attacks, 10, 18, 88, 103, 266
- Servin, Jacques, 272–77
- Sheehan, Cindy, 199, 209–20, 234
- Sierra Club, 202, 205
- Silverstein, Mark, 50
- 60 Minutes (TV), 156, 223
- Smith, Shepard, 3
- Smith-Mundt Act, 76
- Social Security, 62, 81, 257–58, 260–62
- Solis, Gary, 146
- Soviet KGB torture, 161–62
- Soyster, Ed, 239
- Sparks, Allister, 296–98
- Spataro, Armando, 31
- speech, freedom of, 47, 48, 50, 110
- State Department, U.S.
- and propaganda, 65, 75
- and Venezuela, 130
- Steele Foundation, 122, 123
- Stevens, Ted, 202
- Stewart, Jon, 286–88
- Stewart, Terry, 129, 179–80
- Stokes, Aaron, 51
- Stone, I. F., 93
- Strange, Jon, 279–82
- Straw, Jack, 251
- students, Army database on, 239–43
- Suarez del Solar, Fernando, 234
- Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 91, 92
- Sulzberger, Cy L., 93, 98
- Supreme Court, U.S., 153, 154
- surveillance, government, 48–61
- SYColeman, 67
- Syria
- Arar sent to, 20–24, 26, 27
- torture in, 17, 21–23, 26, 27, 31
- Szulc, Tad, 44
- TALON (Threat and Local Observation Notices), 57, 58
- Talon News/GOPUSA, 81
- Ten Commandments, 86
- Tenet, George, 12, 38, 138, 185
- Thomas, Helen, 82–84, 151–52
- Thomas, Pierre, 141
- Thomas Merton Center, Pittsburgh, 54–55
- Thompson, Tommy G., 73
- 3M Corporation, 267
- Tice, Russell, 59, 60
- Tillerson, Rex, 206
- Time, 91
- Tomlinson, Kenneth, 100–108
- Tong, Tania, 264
- Tonton Macoutes, 115
- Toronto Star, 28
- torture
- Army rules of engagement in, 156, 159
- false confessions extracted by, 22, 26, 28, 33, 251
- in Iraq, 7, 181, 182, 185–86, 229
- lack of valid results from, 156, 159–60
- outsourcing of, 31–32, 33, 39, 160
- U.S. government-sanctioned, 6, 7, 11, 18, 19, 26, 30, 35–39, 147, 149–67, 229, 231, 247–50, 251–52
- war as result of, 33
- Trager, David, 27
- TransAfrica, 114
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 73–74
- Tribune Media Services, 79
- Trudeau, Pierre, 232
- Trulock, Notra III, 134, 135, 139–40
- truth, as revolutionary act, 292
- Truth Project, 57
- Tutwiler, Margaret, 66–67
- Tyrie, Andrew, 39
- Union Carbide, 271–72, 274, 276–77
- United for Peace and Justice, 57
- United Nations (UN)
- Convention Against Torture, 246, 251
- human rights investigations by, 147
- Nuremberg principles of, 231
- United Press International (UPI), 91, 96
- United Press Syndicate, 79
- United States, as police state, 60
- universal jurisdiction, doctrine of, 185
- Uribe, Alvaro, 211
- USA Today, 58, 78
- Uzbekistan, 244–56
- Valent, Michael, 177–78
- Venezuela, opposition groups in, 129–30
- Veterans for Peace, 225
- Vetesy, Eric P., 241
- Vietnam Veterans of America, 225–26
- Vietnam War, 18, 96, 228, 231, 242
- Village Voice, 46
- Vining, Tim, 54–55
- Voice of America, 66, 76, 101, 102, 107
- Vorster, John, 296
- Vrooman, Robert, 140
- Wade, John, 263
- Walker, Alice, 293–96
- Wall Street Journal, 25, 105, 137
- war criminals, prosecution of, 185–86
- war on terror
- accountability needed in, 218
- based on lies, 157, 159, 216, 219, 221, 222, 231, 243, 254
- civil liberties curbed in, 61
- dissent in U.S. military about, 222–43, 290
- failure in, 159–60, 223
- immorality of, 231–32, 234, 244, 305–7
- legality of, 231–32, 234
- positive news coverage of, 74–75
- Warren, Jeremy, 234
- Washington, Charles, 140
- Washington Post, 107, 149, 203, 236, 260
- and CIA, 30, 34, 40
- and FBI documents, 46–47
- and government spying, 55, 61
- Iraq stories in, 8, 12, 88, 217
- lies and propaganda, 79, 88, 137, 145, 217
- news suppressed by, 12, 40–41, 43
- and Watergate, 91
- Washington Times, 101, 144
- Waters, Maxine, 113–14, 117, 118, 120–21, 124
- Waxman, Henry, 257
- WCIA, 75–76
- Webster, Sharon Hay, 121
- Weir, John, 284
- Weise, Leslie, 257–60
- Wen Ho Lee, 133–43, 148
- White House Correspondents’ Association, 288–91
- Wilkerson, Lawrence, 127–28
- Williams, Armstrong, 78–79, 81
- Williams, David, 87
- Williams, Terry Tempest, 293
- Wills, Mark, 2
- Wilson, Harold C., 168–74, 186–88
- Wines, Michael, 124
- wiretaps
- in Bush administration, 6, 28
- in Nixon administration, 10
- Wise, David, 96
- Wisner, Frank, 90
- witch-hunting, 132–48
- anticommunist, 104, 132
- Lee case, 133–43
- in Salem, Massachusetts, 132, 148
- Yee case, 143–48
- Wolfowitz, Paul, 57
- Wood, Sir Michael, 250
- Woodruff, Judy, 279, 281
- Woodward, Bob, 9, 91
- Woolsey, James, 117
- Wusawi, Nabeel, 70
- Yarris, Nick, 175
- Ybarra, Grisel, 170
- Yee, James, 143–48
- Yes Men, 272–77
- Yoo, John, 166
- Young, Alex, 257–60
- Young, Malcolm, 172
- Young, Tomas, 210–11, 220
- Zabawa, Karolina, 266
- Zaher, Ismail, 68
- Zahn, Paula, 3
- Zappala, Celeste, 209–10, 218
- Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 8
- Zernike, Kate, 4
- Zinni, Anthony, 223
- Zwicker, Marie, 57