

Welcome to a very special episode of That Sounds Fun. I’m your host, Annie F. Downs, and I’m so happy to be here with you today.

This is a little different from the normal episodes we share, as this conversation is a whole book instead of a one-hour sit-down between two friends that you can listen to as you walk or drive or work or play.

But my hope is the same. My hope is that you feel like you are sitting at the table with me or that we are out on a walk together or that I’m a fellow passenger on your commute to work, or that I’m on the treadmill beside you as we dig deeper into this little word. F—U—N. Fun. How to find it, what it looks like, and why you long for it. And maybe, just maybe, by the end of this time together we’ll both be a bit different, a bit lighter, and a bit more understanding toward ourselves and each other.

By the way, throughout the book you will see pages of small font turned sideways (as a matter of fact, you’ve already passed a few of them!). When I asked my podcast listeners to tell me what sounded fun to them, these were their answers!