

IT MATTERS TO ME that you know I see you right here, all the way at the end of this book. You’ve done the work to read all the pages, hear all the stories, think through what fun might really look like in your life and how it could, maybe, connect you more closely to a God who really loves you.

Things don’t always end the way you think they are going to. Relationships, books, football games, job opportunities, days at Dollywood. But the end doesn’t get us to Eden anyway, does it? What makes life fun isn’t the getting to where we are going; fun is in the going together. The rainbow, not the pot of gold. The soccer practice, not the end of the game.

Fun is right where you are. It is yours for the taking. Connection with God and connection with people, reminders of the best parts of your past and the dreams of your future, peace in the midst of a spinning storm and rest in the middle of a busy week.

So chase the fun, friend. Go after it. Find what sounds fun to you, and you will find what you are really looking for. Maybe you will find it in the places where you are an amateur (aren’t you glad to be an amateur!); maybe you will find it in love (I hope you are in love!); or maybe you’ll find it in that hobby you just found or returned to.

And as I always say at the end of every episode, I think that’s it for me today, friends.

If you need anything else from me, I’m embarrassingly easy to find.

Go out and do something that sounds fun to you, and I will do the same.

And we’ll see you back here next time.

All my love.