This book would not exist if not for a post-Thanksgiving discussion between me, my brother, and our cousin. We were trying to think of a way that we could do something together that utilized our talents. I suggested we form a rock band, because Tyler, my cousin, is a musical prodigy. However, my brother Justin didn’t see himself as the lead singer, so he suggested that we make a movie instead. Unfortunately, none of us had any real camera or production experience, and so Tyler mentioned that we could write the story for a movie.
“We should write a book,” Justin added.
I initially laughed at the idea, and started thinking of popular books that were on the shelves. I said “No vampires. There’s enough of that s--- already.” Tyler and Justin agreed, and then we began brainstorming. For about 45 minutes, we bounced ideas around, and had a very rough concept. We called it a night and everyone went to bed.
Except me.
Being a night-owl, I couldn’t sleep anyway. I started exploring the idea in my mind, and realized that this could be an original storyline. I pulled out a few pieces of blank printer-paper and began scribbling a plot outline, without using character names or places. In about two hours, I created a three page outline and soon discovered that the story I had could NOT be contained in one book.
The next day, I shared my outline with Justin and Tyler, wrote a snippet of a chapter, and came up with my first character name – Syun. In the days that followed we discussed character names, traits, settings, plot devices, and were generally excited about the whole concept.
But as Thanksgiving ended and Christmas neared, we found it difficult to coordinate and discuss the book. As life plowed forward, I continued to write chapter snippets, and received some pieces from Justin and Tyler. Before we knew it, another Thanksgiving was looming, and all we had was rough collection of chapters – in no particular order.
Thanksgiving 2011 was the real beginning of the book. I used Black Friday to sequester myself and started writing Genus from page 1. Using what little free time I had, I was able to complete the novel by September 2012. After I let a few close friends test read the work, I used the feedback to make some clarifications. I then sought out an editor, Teresa Caldwell Board, who worked diligently with me and helped me correct the myriad of typos my draft contained.
Finally, after receiving no productive response to my dozen-or-so query letters, I decided to publish Genus as an ebook. Justin created the cover art based on my description, and I am quite pleased with his overall interpretation of a spiked fountain.
Please know that Genus HAD to be written in the somewhat unusual manner and perspectives that it uses. Be aware that almost everything in this book connects in part with the greater whole; Some seemingly irrelevant information in Genus becomes a big clue in the follow-ups, Heterosis and Neplusultra.
If you, the reader, finds errors in this book – continuity or otherwise – please e-mail me the information with the subject line HETEROSIS, and I will see about getting you a free copy of Heterosis when I finish it. Enjoy!
First – Glory to God – for in Him we live and move and have our being. As I was writing the book, I received several confirmations that I was doing what I was called to. Thank you!
To my wife, who spent many nights alone while I was out writing at 24 hour restaurants. Your love and patience and selflessness enabled me to finish the work. I love you, babe.
To my children - I bet you didn’t know that whenever I would get back from a late-night writing session, I always stopped in to kiss you while you slept. I hope this work inspires you to try and achieve your dreams, and I hope that I can help you along the way. I love you so much!
To my parents - Your guidance is what made me who I am, and although I was never a perfect son, is there such a thing? Any perceived enmity or apathy is just not the case. I love you all.
To Erica - Thank you for helping encourage me to write. I know that it has been difficult for you to keep writing, but I strongly urge you to continue. Keep at it, and you can name ME in the acknowledgements some day. I love you!
To all my friends, of which I have few. Clay, Chris, Matt, Damien, Chad – thank you so much for supporting me in this endeavor. I hope that each of you discovers something that inspires you to do the great things I know you are capable of. God bless you!
Alflaeded - AL fluh deed
Aileah - Eye LAY uh
Aimery - A merry
Alcannad - ALL kuh nod
Calryn - CAL rinn
Elian - A lee on
Elwyn - EL win
Eryx - AIR ricks
Genji - Jen GEE
Gnimeifeldt - Guinea MY felt
Nai-Chen - Nye HE SHEN
Nai-Ko - Nye HE CO
Nai-Zhou - Nye HE ZOW
Prabhat Gupta - PROB ought GOOP tuh
Sebrus - SEE brush
Syun - Sigh OON
Trixcia - Trissy UH