16th March, 1913.
When we got here from Te Orumu we found this growing centre in a state of great excitement owing to the fact that a leading member of the New Zealand Government had just arrived in the town with his party in order to support the candidature of the Government nominee in the by-election. On hearing this I immediately sent half-a-dozen tickets for our opening performance to the Minister’s hotel, accompanied by a polite note asking his acceptance of them. Barney and I agreed that his acceptance of them would amply warrant the additional expense of special ’under the patronage’ bills. I rather regretted that we had chosen to open in Current Cash at Piatiki, as the title of that play seemed to suggest thoughts of the recent adverse criticism that had been levelled at the Government’s borrowing policy, but as the town had been billed two days before our arrival by Mr. Baker, it was inadvisable to make a change at that late hour, so Current Cash was permitted to flaunt itself in posters of many colours from every hoarding and blank wall in the town.
As I loitered about the smoking room of my hotel, awaiting a reply to my note, I heard a voice in the lobby asking to be directed to the room occupied by the Merry Marauders Dramatic Company. I looked in the direction of the voice, and found its owner to be a short, thickest man with mutton-chop whiskers and sandy hair—the latter carefully damped down over a red, mottled face. My visitor wore a black claw-hammer coat of rustic cut, a pair of pepper-and-salt trousers, sufficiently short in their terminations to display a pair of red socks, and he carried a shaggy round hat under one arm and a roll of paper under the other. I revealed myself and led the way into the smoking room, where I waited for him to disclose his business. This he had much difficulty in doing, but while he was coughing and stammering in a desperate effort to bring the subject matter to the surface, Barney came in and greeted him as an old friend. He appeared much relieved to see our comedian, and grinned modestly as Barney told me that I was entertaining the leading butcher of Piatiki and the most generous supporter of the drama in the North Island. I invited this influential patron to give it a name, and after a second helping from the same bottle his nervousness dropped from him like a discarded garment.
“If I ’ad known you was with this company, Mr. King, I should have come forward with this little proposal of mine right away,” he said, lolling back in his chair and picking his teeth with a safety match. “But the last time you was up this way you said you was going to London to ‘help Sir ’Enery Irving’s son prodooce Shakespeare.”
“Oh—ah—yes!” replied Barney, hastily; “but the fact is, Tiddle, old boy, I altered my plans at the last moment in consequence of a requisition from some of my New Zealand admirers, who asked me to stay in this country. It was just at the time when the newspapers were full of letters denouncing the unpatriotic exodus of talented New Zealanders to the old country, instead of bestowing their gifts on the land that had given them birth, so I bowed to the popular will and stayed. I really should have written and let you know, after the way you worked for that farewell benefit the people of this town gave me. I meant to do so, but it slipped my mind.”
“Oh, that didn’t matter—I’m only too glad to see you back this way again,” rejoined the generous Mr. Tiddle. “But however, gents, let me get on to the matter that brought me along now. This here (he carefully unwrapped his paper roll) is a kind of little play which I’ve written in my spare time, andil want your company to prodooce it at Piatiki.”
Although I was surprised both at the proposal and the fact of a country butcher spending his leisure moments in writing for the stage, I courteously thanked him for the honour he had done the Merry Marauders in offering us the first-fruits of his genius, and I said I much regretted having to decline it owing to the previous publication of the Piatiki arrangements for the season. An additional reason was that the Merry Marauders, although wonderfully quick in studying new parts, were not quite equal to the task of becoming letter-perfect in a new play within twenty-four hours.
“Oh, this is only what you call a curtain-raiser,” eagerly explained Mr. Tiddle. “It doesn’t take more than a quarter of an hour to play, so it would be easily learnt. Of course, I would pay for the production, and I believe my name on the bills would bring a lot of people out of curiosity.”
Barney emphatically signalled to me that this put a different complexion on the proposition. I asked Mr. Tiddle what he called his little play.
“The Comfort of Cash and the Curse of Credit,” promptly replied the butcher, indicating the title on the script—which smelt strongly of mutton-fat.
“The title makes it impossible,” I replied decisively.
“We are producing a play called Current Cash, and it is possible to have too much cash—in the title of a play, at any rate.”
“The title can be altered—I ain’t nowise particular about that,” replied the accommodating butcher.
“What is it all about?”
Mr. Tiddle entered into an explanation. It seemed that he had suffered acutely from what he called Piatiki longwindedness, which, I gathered, was a marked disinclination on the part of many of his customers to pay for meat supplied, so he had hit on the novel idea of castigating their iniquity in a short play. After hearing this explanation I was not at all anxious to produce the thing, for the New Zealand law of libel is the strictest in the world, and I had no intention of figuring as defendant in a sheaf of slander actions brought about by ‘guying’ Piatiki citizens on the stage. I explained something of this to Mr. Tiddle, who assured me he had been most careful not to libel anybody, as he also had a lively dread of the same drastic law, which had once denuded him of a substantial portion of his bank balance because he had publicly denounced a recalcitrant debtor as a bad egg. At his request I read his play, and found it so obscure and guarded in its allusions to his non-paying customers as to be comparatively innocuous. The substance of the plot, if the main incident in The Comfort of Cash could be dignified with that title, consisted of the oil painting of a gentleman (to be made up to represent the only ‘good mark’ on Mr. Tiddle’s books) becoming suddenly imbued with life during the progress of a feast in a room where the picture hung, and stepping out of the canvas to ask the startled company (Mr. Tiddle’s numerous creditors) why they didn’t pay their butcher’s bill.
I consented to stage this crude production on condition that we were allowed to give it a more dramatic climax (while preserving the portrait business, which is always an effective stage trick), and to substitute for the portrait’s blunt remark a more dignified exhortation on the virtue of paying debts and the wickedness of feasting on unpaid meats. Mr. Tiddle willingly consented, and said he was prepared to pay £20 for the production of his dramatic effort. He said it was worth all that to him to shake up the biggest collection of ‘bad eggs’ he had ever come across.
“What about a new title?” I asked, when these negotiations had been satisfactorily concluded.
“How about The Bilked Butcher, or A Bit on Account?” asked Barney, with unbecoming levity.
Mr. Tiddle, who took the suggestion seriously, said the first title was too personal, but he thought A Bit on Account would bring the moral home to the listeners. We therefore decided on that title, and Mr. Tiddle took his leave with the understanding that our posters were to be supplemented at his expense by smaller bills announcing his little play.
A few minutes afterwards a porter from the other hotel arrived with a note from the Minister accepting the tickets I had sent him. By nightfall we had the following small bills pasted all over the town, alongside the large ones:
(Under Parliamentary Patronage).
have signified their intention of being present
at the Company’s
In the Piatiki Town Hall, on Wednesday Evening,
when the Company will produce, on a scale of
unprecedented magnificence, the thrilling drama:
To be followed by the sparkling comedietta, entitled
(For the first time on any stage).
Written specially for the Merry Marauders by
MR. ALFRED TIDDLE, of this town.
In consequence of the Enormous Demand for Seats
the management have reserved four extra rows
of front chairs, which may now be booked
at Flook’s, tobacconist.
Watch for our Next Great Production on Friday Night:
The prospect of seeing the Minister at close quarters, and witnessing a play by a fellow townsman for the one price of admission, drew the biggest crowd of Piatikians to the town hall on Wednesday evening that had ever been squeezed into the building. When the Minister and his party were escorted up the body of the hall to their reserved chairs by me, while our pianist and the Piatiki string orchestra (specially engaged for the auspicious occasion) played the National Anthem, the loyal audience rose to their feet and sang the words, and finished with three cheers for the Minister, from whom they wished to get a grant of public money to build a pound. Then they filled in the time till the curtain rose by staring alternately at the Minister, and Mr. Tiddle, who sat suffused in blushes at finding himself famous.
The evening went off with great spirit, and the company were impartially yet generously applauded by the large audience. The Parliamentary party seemed much interested, and although they did not stay to witness Mr. Tiddle’s after-piece, I do not think their departure was hastened by one of the utility men hissing to the prompter, in a whisper that was audible all over the building, “I’ve said that, you d——d fool, what’s next?”—for I saw the Minister smile at the incident. Still, I do not intend to put up with any more nonsense from these least valuable members of our company, who have become so swollen with arrogance at receiving their money regularly as to imagine themselves indispensable. They give themselves the airs of Shakespearian stars, but they are really not even efficient scene-shifters, and their acting is distinctly naughty—using that word in its professional meaning of utter worthlessness. There is the greatest professional jealousy between our two damaged utility men, Beaumont Browning and Shakespeare Hardy, who acted at Piatiki, and it was not the fault of Browning that he did not completely wreck the effect of Mr. Tiddle’s little piece by his determination to get a ‘round’ from such a crowded house. He was cast for the part of the man who steps out of the picture to rebuke the revellers. This large piece of ‘fat,’ followed by a quick curtain, would have satisfied the most exacting star, but Browning tried to squeeze more out of the part in order to add to the mortification of his rival Hardy, who was bitterly annoyed that Browning should have such a large share of the limelight in one night. In an unwarrantable effort to raise a laugh from the vulgar by appealing to their taste for buffoonery he forestalled the climax by reaching his arm from the picture to snatch a glass from one of the guests, which he drained with a wink at the audience. I was much annoyed at Browning’s conduct, and his subsequent explanation that his gagging was responsible for the only bit of genuine comedy in the after-piece, did not lessen my resentment. However, as the unthinking portion of the audience laughed loudly—and none louder than the author of the piece, who seemed to see nothing incongruous in the tomfoolery—I permitted the matter to pass with a reprimand.
A Bit on Account acted even worse than it read, but it was so far from offending the susceptibilities of Mr. Tiddle’s debtors that there were loud calls for the author at the conclusion. Mr. Tiddle’s resentment as a tradesman was completely swallowed up in his gratified vanity as an author at this reception, and he promised his fellow Piatikians a further proof of his dramatic powers at no distant date. He then sought me out behind the scenes and fairly overwhelmed me with the profusion of his gratitude for having produced his little effort so successfully. He insisted on entertaining the male members of the company at supper, and after he had drunk the health of the Merry Marauders till his own appeared in danger of apoplexy, he invited us to be his guests at a fishing excursion the following day.
“I’ll show you some real sport,” he declared. “Hapuku fishing. I’m president of the Deep Sinkers’ Fishing Club, and to-morrow’s one of our quarterly deep-sea excursions. We leave here in a couple of hours’ time to make the fishing ground off White Island by daybreak, fish till mid-day, and land you back safe and sound in time for the evening’s performance. Come, gents, I’ll take no refusal.”
We all accepted his hospitality, with the exception of Barney, who had to touch up some of the scenery for Ten Nights in a Bar Room, and Mr. Morrissey, who declared that even a painted ocean in a nautical drama made him sea-sick. As it was not worth while going to bed for a couple of hours, the rest of us spent the time in smoking and conversation. Mr. Tiddle detached me from the others in order to talk to me about his future as a dramatist, and under the roseate influence of the landlord’s district-grown crusted port, expressed his firm conviction that after such a splendid initial success he was not far behind Shakespeare, or any other of those old dead fellows, although they had such a long start of him.
Shortly after two o’clock we set out, under the rather unsteady guidance of Mr. Tiddle, for the little pier, where we found a steamer of some two hundred tons rolling uneasily at her moorings as the tail of a vicious Bay of Plenty sea caught her. I was amazed at the magnitude of this craft for a fishing excursion, and smilingly asked our host if Gargantua was going with us. He warmly assured me that the Deep Sinkers didn’t number a Dago in their ranks. I explained more clearly what I meant, and he told me that the hapuku was a deep-water fish of great size only to be caught a considerable distance off the coast—hence the steamer.
We went on board, and found the Deep Sinkers making merry above and below. They greeted their president familiarly and his guests politely. The steamer cast off, and put out to sea. It was a rough night, and she pitched frightfully. The merriment ceased—rather suddenly, I thought. I entered into conversation with one of the Deep Sinkers who was sitting on the hatch greasing a coil of rope that might have held the sea-serpent, but he told me, in response to my polite enquiry, that it was an ordinary hapuku fishing line. He added that he had caught hapuku eight feet long with that line, and I didn’t doubt the possibility if the fish were to be found that size.
“What are the two great stones at the end of your line for?” I asked.
“Everybody has their own idea of catching ’arpooker,” he replied. “That’s mine. Some fishes with a sinker, but I haven’t studied the ’abits of the ’arpooker for nothing. He’s like a man—he’s always keen on a thing he think’s he’s going to lose. See them two rocks? Well, they’re just held by a running slip-knot. In between them is the frozen mullet bait the ’arpooker loves; nice and high, for he’s a real epicure. When we gets among a school I throws the line overboard, and as soon as it reaches the bottom I gives a jerk. The stones fall out, and up comes the bait on the line. The ’arpooker, thinking he’s going to lose it, darts after it and wolfs it, and up he comes, too. I shall catch six that way—no more and no less. That’s enough for me and my family.”
This was not very enlightening, but during the long trip to the fishing grounds I received quite a mass of interesting information about the fish we were in quest of. The hapuku, it appears, is the Maori name for a fish that attains a great size, and is one of the best edible fish in New Zealand waters. In shape it resembles the Scotch salmon, but is very much larger. Fishing for it is a strenuous and exciting sport, requiring skill, strength, and knowledge of its habits. In a properly organised hapuku fishing excursion a ‘commander of the lines’ is appointed to take charge of arrangements and direct operations. It is part of his duty to order the lines aboard—using a speaking trumpet for the purpose—when another fishing ground is to be tried. If these precautions were not taken, they said, a man dallying with a 60-lb. fish might be jerked overboard by the start of the steamer. Such cases had happened. I was introduced to our commander of the lines, a tall, saturnine-looking individual with one eye, who greeted! me with affable condescension, and promised me some rare sport.
After receiving these interesting details, I naturally looked forward with keen anticipation to our arrival at the chosen spot. Daylight at length dawned on a grey and tumbling sea, with a smoking volcanic island in blue shadow a couple of miles away. This was pointed out to me as White Island. We steamed quite close to it and then the steamer hove to, and rolled lazily in the trough. The Deep Sinkers from below tumbled up looking considerably the worse for wear, and when the steamer had drifted right in under the side of the lonely island, they started to fish. I scanned the island. It seemed given over to sea-birds and goats. I was wondering how the latter animals scrambled up the steep, slippery mountainside without falling into the water below, and whether the giant hapuku lurked in the depths beneath in the anxious hope of a dish of fresh meat from the heavens, so to speak, when I was startled by a roar of ‘A-r-r-r-pook-e-e-r!’ at my elbow. I looked round, and saw a short, fat, redheaded man hauling in his line with furious energy. His friends fishing alongside of him offered advice. The line suddenly ran taut under the ship’s side, and remained there. The fat, red-headed man pulled and cursed, and pulled and cursed.
“Heave a hand here!” he yelled. “Can’t you see he’s too strong for me?”
A number of the Deep Sinkers went to his assistance, and gripped him around the expanse of shirt that billowed between his trousers and his vest. They pulled with him, and the line began to come in, hand over hand. They loudly marvelled at the weight of the fish.
“My word, he’s a boomer! Must be over a hundred pounds, by the way he tugs.”
“Bring the gaff, you blessed idiots, bring the gaff!” screamed the red-headed man. “Do you want me to lose him?”
The gaff—a long steel weapon that might have slaughtered Jonah’s whale—was brought. I eagerly craned my head over the side of the ship to witness the capture of this monster of the deep. There was a sudden wild outburst of profanity from the assembled Deep Sinkers.
“‘Strooth! he’s hooked up all our lines!”
It took nearly an hour to disentangle the lines, and the red-headed man was so overcome by the potency of the curses heaped on his head during the process that he went below and started drinking in the cabin. When all the tackle was unwoven the commander of the lines blew his whistle and ordered the lines in. He informed me that he was going to try the other side of the island, as the red-headed man had frightened the ’arpookers away by catching the lines. “Either him or me will have to resign at the next meeting of the club,” he said. “He ain’t fit to be trusted with a fishing ’ook in his ’and.”
On the other side of the island we—or rather, they, for I took no part in the sport—found hapuku in plenty. How they did come aboard! There must have been a large school of them. Big grey fellows, four and five feet long, were hauled up in dozens and flopped heavily about the deck. The commander of the lines performed prodigies of labour; bellowing forth orders through his speaking trumpet, gaffing fish, helping to haul in lines, and making his one eye do the work of half-a-dozen sound pairs by constantly rolling it round and round like a revolving light among the Deep Sinkers to see that everything was going right. The sport was at its height when the red-headed man appeared on deck with unsteady step and glittering eye. He gasped with delight when he saw the hapuku, and darted for his line. But the roving eye of the commander of the lines intercepted him in the act, and the owner of that eye waved him back with a dreadful threat to rip him up with the gaff if he threw the line in.
“Just one lill’ fish, Bill dear, one lill’ fish,” pleaded the red-headed man. “I promised my wife I’d take her’ome an ’arpooker, and I daren’t go back without it. Just one lill’ ’arpooker, Bill.”
“Stand back!” roared the commander of the lines. “Don’t you dare to put in again and spoil sport, or I’ll brain you with this sinker. You fish, you idiot? The only place you ought to be allowed to fish is at home in the—”
The red-headed man fell overboard. He was fished out with the gaff and cursed by everybody. The commander of the lines wanted to know, in the name of Providence, why he hadn’t fallen in the other side where a shark was following the steamer. He ordered the redheaded man to go below under penalty of sudden death if he showed so much as the tip of his nose above the companion ladder during the remainder of the trip.
Shortly after the commander of the lines went below himself. I was about to follow him, under the impression that he meditated violence to the unfortunate red-headed man, when he removed that fear by reappearing with a block of wood under his arm and an axe on his shoulder, looking not unlike a headsman of old. This sinister resemblance was disagreeably heightened when he suddenly seized a flopping hapuku from the deck, placed it upon the block, and in spite of the pitiful uplook of its pale blue eye, shore off its head with a swift blow of the axe. The sight of the slaughtered innocent seemed to awake a berserker rage in him, and soon he was chopping off heads with an untiring energy terrible to behold, till he and his ghastly implements and the deck were red with blood. Not satisfied with his own butchery, he ordered some of the Deep Sinkers to desist from fishing and start cleaning the fish—which they did. As the spectacle added neither to the beauty nor fragrance of the morning, I went for’rard to study the wonderful island undisturbed. But still from the side of the ship the cry of ‘A-r-r-r-pook-e-e-e-r!’ went up unceasingly, and the slaughter of the commander of the lines and his tribe of myrmidons was borne to me on the breeze.
I did not see the commander of the lines again until we were within sight of Piatiki, when—his orgy of killing over—he sought me out to tell me with pride that it hadn’t been such a bad run after all. I asked him, as I watched the Deep Sinkers hurling hapuku heads overboard in a feverish effort to get the decks straightened up before we reached port, how many had been caught.
“Six ’undred and eighty-four ’arpookers and three ’undred and twenty schnapper,” he replied. “Over a thousand ’ead from thirty-two lines.”
“Bill,” said the red-headed man, appearing suddenly from the cabin; “can’t you spare me an ’arpooker? I promised the missus I’d—”
“Why, confound you!” yelled the commander of the lines; “we’d ‘a’ had a thousand ’arpooker if it hadn’t been for you, you unmitigated ass! ’Arpooker,——you! Here’s a head for you!”
It caught him, and he slept where he lay. When we got to Piatiki I saw the red-headed man going off with the disembodied head peeping out of his waistcoat, apparently gazing with filmy eye at the town in the twilight.
We sought out our host, who had slept soundly through the whole trip, thanked him for a pleasant outing, and bid farewell to him and the Deep Sinkers. When I got back to the hotel I found Barney anxiously awaiting my arrival with a perturbed countenance.
“Here’s a go!” he exclaimed, as soon as he saw me. ‘There’s been the devil to pay over that play of Tiddle’s—A Bit on Account—which was not so harmless as we thought it. The editor of the local rag here was at the show last night, and he’s furious.”
“Why should he get excited?”
“Because he was guyed in the blessed thing. He’s the most long-winded of all Tiddle’s customers, and has been running a contra account with him for the last fifteen years under the delusion that the weekly sixpenn’orth of the ‘Piatikian News’ was good value for twelve and sixpence worth of butcher’s meat. Tiddle held a different opinion. He got even pretty cleverly, too. Don’t you remember one of the chaps in A Bit on Account telling the other that the editor of the ‘Piatikian News’ put a lot of meat into his leading articles?”
“And the other chap replied that they would be anæmic for the future, because the butcher is going out of business! By Jove, I see the point now. I thought that was merely a clumsy—very clumsy—attempt at a joke.”
“It has set the whole town laughing at the editor, who is boiling with rage.”
“Well, he’ll have to cool down again,” I said.
“He’s cooled down enough to write a criticism of the show that’ll warm us up, anyway. Read that.”
Barney handed me a copy of the evening edition of the ‘Piatikian News,’ folded down at the editor’s criticism. The notice read:
The Merry Marauders Dramatic Co. opened what bids fair to be a very successful dramatic season at the Town Hall last night, when a crowded house assembled to witness the production of that stirring drama, ‘Currant Cash.’ The capable members of the talented organisation all acquitted themselves well in their parts, and the piece went with eclat from start to finish. Mr. Irving Morrissey played the hero with great dash and verve, and he was adequately supported by Miss Audrey Bendalind as the heroine—a rôle which suited this brilliant actress to perfection, and gave her ample opportunities for the display of that feminine charm and vivacity which have won her fame all over New Zealand, and which, to come nearer home, subjugated many male Piatikian hearts last night. Mr. Reginald Bunne, as the villain, received the proper meed of all stage villains in the execration of the audience. Mr. B. King, the comedian, fairly convulsed the house, and nothing funnier than his humour has ever been seen on the Piatikian stage. The rest of the company were suitably cast, and the play was admirably staged. ‘Currant Cash’ will be staged again to-morrow night, when it will give way to a new and stirring drama called ‘Ten Nights in a Bar Room,’ which is said to be replete with sufficient dramatic sensations to satisfy the most hardened playgoer.
“Come, come,” I said, “take out the ‘currants’, and it’s favourable enough.”
“Read on!” continued Barney, with a grim smile.
I took up the paper again, and saw beneath this stock notice of provincial journalese the following headlines:
The foregoing is the usual sort of theatrical notice that the editorial courtesy of the ‘Piatikian News’ accords the dramatic companies visiting this town, provided they take sufficient advertising space to warrant our going to the expense of sending our dramatic critic to the performance. But the entertainment staged by the Merry Marauders Dramatic Co. at the Town Hall last night was so hopelessly bad that we are reluctantly compelled to dip our pen in gall instead of honey, and substitute the following criticism:
The Merry Marauders Dramatic Co., which opened a short season in the Piatikian Town Hall last night with so much preliminary bill-posting that the public rolled up in expectation of witnessing something in the nature of a theatrical coup-d’état, proved to be instead a parturiunt montes, nascetur ridicnlus mus (which, for the benefit of those of our readers who are not proficient in Latin, we may interpret as meaning, in language fit for Piatikian ears, ‘a mountain that turned out a mouse’). The piece first tried on—the ‘News’ can use no other expression—a Piatikian audience was ‘Currant Cash,’ one of the old stock dramas of our great grandfathers, which was staged with the scenery probably used in the original production, and acted in an equally grey-whiskered style. In addition, all those taking part in the production were suffering from what we charitably ascribe to be very bad colds, as none of their voices were audible beyond the two front rows. As a compensating balance, however, the voice of the prompter was audible to the back of the hall—doubtless purposely raised for the benefit of the audience—if there were any such who wanted to follow the tedious action of the play. We wish these were all the strictures necessary for us to pass on the Merry Marauders, but though bad begins, worse remains behind, as the bard has it. ‘Currant Cash’ was followed by an afterpiece called ‘A Bit on Account,’ and grandiloquently styled ‘a sparkling comedietta’ on the programme. This effusion was from the pen of our hitherto highly respected local butcher, Mr. A. Tiddle, who has apparently been seized by a belated determination to write for the stage, for at the conclusion of the performance he mounted the platform and told the audience that he intended to give them another product of his pen before very long. We sincerely hope that Mr. Tiddle will reconsider this unhappy decision, for anything more pointless, absurd, vulgar, and worse written than ‘A Bit on Account,’ it has never been our misfortune to sit out. Being in a position to speak with some authority on literary matters, we tender Mr. Tiddle a bit of advice, which he would do well to lay to heart before he takes his pen in hand again—i.e., ne sutor ultra crepidam, a free translation of which might be rendered: ‘let the butcher stick to his cleaver.’ The only pen Mr. Tiddle is at home in is the pig pen—let him continue to carve succulent porcine joints instead of attempting to carve out dramas! We have said all we set out to say about last night’s fiasco, except to add that a further insult of the same nature to the highly intelligent people of this district will draw down upon the offenders a much more severe castigation than this. We have spoken.
“What can be done to this lying scoundrel?” I demanded in hot anger, as I came to the end of this farrago of inflated nonsense.
“We cannot do anything—except grin and bear it.”
“Are we to suffer this outrage in silence, then?”
Barney shrugged his shoulders and said: “I remember being present once at a Shakespearian contest between two cranks, They were to recite Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be’ soliloquy before a jury of other Shakespearian cranks, who were to decide which reciter had the bard’s real meaning. The first crank started:
‘To be or not to be,—that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings—’
when the other crank sprang from his seat and vociferated, ‘Wrong, wrong! Put the accent on suffer.’ ‘I’m suffering enough already without putting any accent on the word,’ replied the reciter, ‘at the thought of you coming after me and having the last word.’”
“An editor always has the last word,” concluded Barney, “so I think we had better suffer in silence.”
And after thinking the matter over, I came to the same conclusion, too.
Yours as ever,