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Africa, 25, 134
Akachu, 10-12, 13-15, 16
Amazon. See Conibo Indians
American Museum of Natural History, 1
Animals, 43, 57-72, 76-103, 117-18, 123
Arunta (Aranda) people, 25, 59
Aua, 22
Australian aborigines, 41, 48, 50, 58, 59; distance working by, 102; and entrance to Underworld, 25; and guardian spirits, 42, 71, 72; and medical doctors, 138; and quartz crystals, 23, 109-10, 111; and sleeping, 98-99
Ayahuasca, 2-8, 17, 18, 23, 72, 97, 120
Beast Gods’ dance, 61-62
Bellacoola Indians, 26-27
Benedict, Ruth F., 42
Bible, 6-7
Bone game, 103-8, 110-11, 144-48
Brazil, 71
Buddhism, 29-30
California Indians, 18, 26, 60, 109, 111, 112. See also Parrish, Essie
Cancer, 137-38
Canoe, spirit, 70-71, 89, 91-94, 119
Carib Indians, 60
Cashinahua Indians, 97
Castaneda, Carlos, xiv, xvii; and ordinary/nonordinary reality, xiii, 21, 44, 47, 48; and power animal, 59, 60, 62, 63, 68; and quartz crystals, 111
Causality, xvii
Center for Shamanic Studies, 143
Chepara tribe, 25
Chest: guardian spirit in, 72, 81
Christians, xvi, 6-7, 9, 41, 43, 60
Chukchee people, 24, 55-56, 78
Clairvoyance, 44
Cline, Walter, 64-65
Coast Salish. See Salish Indians
Cocopa Indians, 58
Cognicentrism, xvi
Cognitive relativism, xiv
Colorado River valley, 58
Conibo Indians, xii, 1-8, 18, 25, 46, 71, 88
Counters: in bone game, 106-7, 108
Crystal ball, 111
Cultural relativism, xiv
Dancing, 53; power animal, 60-62, 65-68, 70, 77, 85, 91, 93, 98, 102; and power intrusions, 132-34
Darkness, 22, 24
Death, 101-2
Death/rebirth experiences, xii
Desana Indians, 71
Distance working, 101-3
Divination, 43-44, 96, 120
Don Genaro, 60
Don Juan, xvii, 62, 63, 68
Dreams, 74-75, 99-101
Drugs, 9, 14-15, 17, 44, 60, 64. See also
Drumming, 50-53, 138, 142-43; during bone game, 107; and plant helpers, 114; and power animals, 67, 71, 76, 77, 78, 81, 85, 91-92, 96; and power intrusions, 119, 133
Ecstasy, xvi, 20-21, 49
Ecuador. See Jívaro Indians
Eliade, Mircea, 20-21, 23, 41, 49, 63, 115
Elkin, A. P., 50
Empiricism, 45-46
Enlightenment, shamanic, 22-24, 139
Entrance to Lowerworld, 25-39, 78
Eskimo, 22-23, 24, 25-26, 29, 46, 60
Ethnocentrism, xvi
European shamanism, xvi, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 60
Family shamanism, 139
Fanged animals, 78, 81, 92, 117-18
Fast traveling, xv
Finkelstein, David, 112
Flathead Indians, 108, 144-48
Fontanelle, 72, 81
Foreseeing, 97
Fraser Island shamans, 25
Galileo, 45, 60
Games, 103-8, 110-11, 144-48
Guardian spirits. 42-43, 57-72, 76-103, 116, 118, 123. See also Power animals
Guatemalan Indians, 42, 63
Guayusa, 9
Halos, 23
Hama: Utce, 46
Hand game, 103-8, 110-11, 144-48
Healing, xvii, 16-18, 44, 93-94, 102-3, 115-39
Health maintenance, 69-94, 101-2
Holistic medicine, 136
Hopi Indians, 27-28, 54
Huichol shamans, 110
Hultkrantz, Åke, 47, 49
Iglulik Eskimos, 22-23, 25-26
Indonesia, 71
Inquisition, xvi, 41, 43, 60
Jilek, Wolfgang G., 52
Jívaro Indians, xvi-xvii, 1, 8-18, 46, 47-18; and guardian spirits, 43, 58-76 passim, 87, 95, 96, 99, 101-2; and halo, 23-24; and medical doctors, 137; and plant helpers, 115; and power intrusions, 130; and quartz crystals, 109, 111
Journeys, shamanic, xvi, 24-39; for consultation, 96-97; for distance working, 102-3; of exploration, 93; foreseeing, 97; and power intrusions, 114-25, 131; for power songs. 73-74; to recover spirits, 70-72, 76-94, 99
Kabi shamans, 110
Kachina gods, 62
Kattang tribe, 50
Katz, Richard, 50n
Kensinger, Kenneth M., 97-98
Kivas, 27-28
Koryak people, 139
Kroeber, A. L., 126n
!Kung Bushmen, 25, 50n. 134
Lakota Sioux Indians, 18, 54, 59, 130
Lame Deer, John (Fire), 59, 62, 118
Lapps, 49, 60
Lowerworld. See Journeys, shamanic
Lowie, Robert, 21
Ludwig, Arnold M., 50n
Lying down, 72, 78
Macas, 8-9
Maikua, 14-15, 64
Malaysia, 71
Mandalas, 28-30
Matthews-Simonton, Stephanie, 137
Medicine bundles, 108-9, 111-12, 114
Mental illness, 93-94
Merriam, Alan P., 144-18
Mexican Indians, 42, 63, 110
Millie (missionary), 6-7
Missionaries, Christian, 6-7, 9, 43
Miwok Indians, 112
Montana, 108, 144
Murngin people, 98-99
Nagual animal, 42, 63
Natural Magick (Porta), 60
Natural selection, xiv-xv
Nature, 54
Navaho reservation, 102
Neher, Andrew, 51-52
Nevada Indians, 104
North American Indians, 18, 49, 54; and bone game, 103, 104, 108, 144; and dreams. 100; and drumming, 52; and entrance to Lowerworld, 25, 26-28; and guardian spirits, 42, 58-64 passim, 70-71, 72, 85-98 passim, 132, 134; and healing. 116, 118, 125-30. 136, 137, 138; and power songs, 74-75, 85-86; and quartz crystals, 109, 111, 112. See also Eskimo
Okanagon Indians, 58, 64
Ordinary State of Consciousness (OSC), xiii-xv, 21, 24, 47-48, 50, 53, 54, 123
Osage Indian song, 62
Oswalt, Robert L., 126
Paiute Indians, 104
Paipai shamans, 111
Parrish, Essie, 74-75, 116, 125-30
Paviotso Indians, 104
Peru, 97. See also Conibo Indians
Pirípirí juice, 17
Plains Indians, 63, 64, 87, 95
Plants, 113-15, 116-17
Pomo Indians, 18, 26, 74
Porta, Giovanni Battista, 60
Power animals, 43, 57-72, 76-103, 123. See also Guardian spirits
Power intrusions, 17-18, 115-34, 137
Power objects, 17, 108-12, 116-17
Power songs, 53, 72-75; in bone game, 106; and power animal recovery, 70, 72, 77-78, 92, 102; and power intrusions, 117, 119-20, 121, 123, 127, 131, 132, 133, 134
Professional shamanism, 139
Pueblo Indians, 27-28, 54, 61-62
Quartz crystals, 23, 109-12
Rasmussen, Knud, 25-26, 73
Rallies, 50-51, 52-53, 142-43; and power animals, 65-67, 76, 77, 78, 81, 85, 91, 92, 102; and power intrusions, 119-21, 123. 131, 133; quartz crystals in, 110
Reinhard, Johan, 49-50
Rock-seeing, 54-55
Salish Indians, 18; and bone game, 104, 144; and drumming, 52; and healing, 132, 134; and power animals, 58, 60-61, 62, 70-71, 91, 95, 98
Samoyed shamans, 26, 93-94, 97, 115, 117, 139
Sangay, 9
Scandinavia, 49, 60
Schweitzer, Albert, 135
“Se Pa Po Nah,” 28
Sevilla del Oro, 8
Sex (gender): and shamanic aptitude, 43
Shamanic enlightenment, 22-24, 139
Shamanic Slate of Consciousness (SSC), xiii-xv, xvi, 21-39, 46-56; and power animals. 58, 59, 66-67; and quartz crystals. 109. See also Journeys, shamanic
Shamanism (Eliade), 41
Shirokogoroff, S. M., 53
Siberian shamans, 20, 24, 49, 55-56, 71, 139; and death/rebirth experiences, xii; and drumming, 51, 52, 53, 78; and entrance to Lowerworld, 26; and foreseeing, 97; and guardian spirits, 42, 60, 78, 93-94; and plants, 115; and power songs, 117
Simonton, O. Carl, 137
Singing. See Power songs
Sinkaietk Indians, 95, 98. See also Okanagon Indians
Sioux Indians, 18, 54, 59, 118, 130
Sipapu holes, 27-28
Sleeping, 98-99
South American Indians, 41. 49; foreseeing by, 97; and guardian spirits, 43, 58-76 passim, 95, 96, 99, 101-2; and medical doctors, 137; and quartz crystals, 109, 110, 111; and sleeping, 98. See also Conibo Indians; Jívaro Indians
South Dakota, 18, 130
Soyot (Tuvas) people, 51
Spirit canoe, 70-71, 89, 91-94, 119
Spirit helpers, 16-18, 43, 93, 113-15, 116-23, 130
Spirits, xvii. See also Guardian spirits; Spirit helpers
Spott, Robert, 126n
SSC. See Shamanic State of Consciousness
Stanner, W. E. H., 48
Stick game, 103-8, 110-11, 144-48
Stick Game Songs, 144
Sucking, 17-18, 116-18, 119-30
Sucking Doctor, 116, 126
Synchronicities, 89-91, 97
Tamarin, Josie, 139-41
Tapirapé Indians, 71
Tavgi Samoyed shamans, 26, 93-94, 115
Teeth, animal, 78, 81, 92, 117-18
Tibetan Buddhism, 29-30
Tlingit tribe, 61
Tobacco traps, 130-32
Tobacco water, 17, 18, 130
Tomás, 2
Tonal animal, 63
Training workshops, xii, xiii, 32, 143
Trance degrees, 49
Tsangu, 10-12, 13, 14-15, 16
Tsentsak, 16-18, 130
Tsimshian shamans, 61, 74, 85-86, 111, 118, 136
Tungus people, 20, 52, 53
Tunnel, 25-39, 78, 92, 96, 117-19
Twana people, 25
Uchich maikua, 64
Ugrians, 49
Vastokas, Joan M., 28-29
Venezuela, 49, 98, 110
Vodun cults, 63
Wagers: for bone game, 104-5
Wakka shamans, 110
Warao Indians, 41, 98, 110
Washington State, 58, 64. See also Salish Indians
Whistling, 77
Wilbert, Johannes, 41
Wintun Indians, 18
Wiradjeri tribe, 23, 41, 59, 109, 110
Yaralde tribe, 72
Yualai (Euahlayi) shamans, 111
Yuki Indians, 60
Yuman shamans, 109, 111
Yurak Samoyed shamans, 97
Zuni Indians, 27, 61-62