Chapter 18
The expansion went ahead and the Practice became very busy. They even took on a few clients that were previously with Phillips and Wareham. All members of staff held a key to the premises, which meant that whoever was first to arrive could open up and whoever was last to leave at the end of the day could lock up. At the end of a busy day, it was Richard who was last to leave and so, from his bunch of keys, he locked up, confident as always that the building was secure. He considered his decision to change the original lock for a Chubb 5 lever lock to have been a good investment.
It was almost dark when he left the building. All the street lights were on and he started to cross St. Margaret’s square. A lady close by said: ‘Good Evening’ to which Richard politely responded. The woman then continued: ‘It’s Mr. Reynolds, isn’t it?’
‘Well yes’ replied Richard.
‘I don’t think you remember me, but some years ago you managed my divorce’
‘Ah’ said Richard ‘It’s Mrs. O’Brien.’
‘Not any more’ she replied. ‘I’ve now remarried and am Suzanne Sullivan and very happy with my second husband. I now live in a very nice bungalow in Boundary Road, Elmhurst.’
‘I’m pleased to hear it’ said Richard. ‘Incidentally I also live in Elmhurst and I’m on my home now. Would you like a lift? My car is in the church car park just across the Square.’
‘Thank you very much. The buses at this time are always crowded.’
They crossed the Square and onto the footpath leading to the church car park. It was there that they saw a young lady running fast towards them. Then to their amazement two shots rang out and the lady collapsed in front of them. As they bent over her a man ran passed them with an obvious limp.
Richard exclaimed: ‘My God! What happened?’
Mrs. Sullivan said: ‘I have my mobile with me. I’ll ring for an ambulance’
‘Good, I’ll ring the Police.’
It seemed a while before the Police and Ambulance arrived, but it was in fact, just under ten minutes.
Richard quickly explained to the paramedic: ‘I think she has been shot in the back.’ The paramedics quickly checked to see if she was dead. They said she was still alive but said they could not do much there and needed to take her to hospital as quickly as possible. They transferred her to the ambulance and drove away with their siren ringing.
Very quickly more Police arrived including a Sergeant. Firstly, they sealed off the cul-de-sac and footpath. The Sergeant then approached Richard and Mrs. Sullivan. ‘Can you tell me what happened?’ he asked.
Richard then gave an accurate description of what had occurred.
‘Now’ said the Sergeant, addressing Mrs. Sullivan ‘can you confirm what this gentleman has just told me?’
‘Yes’ replied Mrs. Sullivan ‘I could not have put it better myself. Now can we go? My husband will be wondering where I am.’ The Sergeant said: ‘Just one more thing. Would you both please give me your names and addresses.’
Richard produced one of his business cards and Mrs. Sullivan gave her address. The Sergeant thanked them for all the information they had given him and said: ‘We will want a statement from you in the next few days and we will contact you in due course.’
Richard dropped Mrs. Sullivan off at her house and gave her one of his business cards, saying: ‘If you get any concerns about tonight, just ring me at my office.’
Mrs. Sullivan said: ‘I cannot thank you enough for your support tonight. I would have been devastated if I had been on my own.’
Mary by chance had seen Richard’s car pulled onto their drive and opened the front door for him. ‘You’re late tonight Richard’ she said ‘I rang the office but all I heard was a message on the answerphone to say that the office was closed. I was getting quite worried.’
‘Well you won’t believe it, but myself and a lady were witnesses to an attempted murder by the car park at St. Margaret’s church. It was awful.’
Sit down for a minute. You have had a nasty shock.’ With that she gave Richard a generous measure of brandy. ‘Now’ she continued ‘I’ve kept warm some shepherd’s pie for you.’
‘I don’t feel like eating much.’
‘Well eat what you can.’
After the meal Richard told Mary about what happened earlier, and how, by chance, he had met Mrs. Sullivan. He concluded. ‘I suppose it will be on the television news later on.’ Later they were in the lounge watching a television programme about antiques, which was something that had always interested them. This was followed by the news, and sure enough, there was a mention of a shooting of a girl in Hannisford who was now in hospital with serious injuries.
The following morning Richard went to work and found Monica, his Receptionist, had already arrived. She greeted Richard and said ‘I suppose you have heard about the incident across the square?’
‘Yes’ replied Richard calmly ‘I was there. Myself and another person were witnesses.’ Richard then told her the brief details of what had happened.
‘How awful for you’
‘Actually the victim nearly escaped before the shots were fired. The man chasing her was not as fast as her and seemed to be losing ground. I think that’s why he may have tried to shoot her. That’s only my theory. I just hope they catch the villain.’