Derrick C. Brown
The Constant Velocity of Trains
Lea C. Deschenes
Heavy Lead Birdsong
Ryler Dustin
Ceremony for the Choking Ghost
Karen Finneyfrock
Bring Down the Chandeliers
Tara Hardy
City of Insomnia
Victor D. Infante
In Search of Midnight
Mike McGee
1,000 Black Umbrellas
Daniel McGinn
Rise of the Trust Fall
Mindy Nettifeee
The New Clean
John Sands
News Clips and Ego Trips
G. Murray Thomas
Write Bloody Publishing distributes and promotes great books of fiction, poetry and art every year. We are an independent press dedicated to quality literature and book design, with an office in Austin, TX.
Our employees are authors and artists so we call ourselves a family. Our design team comes from all over America: modern painters, photographers and rock album designers create book covers we’re proud to be judged by.
We publish and promote 8-12 tour-savvy authors per year. We are grass-roots, D.I.Y., bootstrap believers. Pull up a good book and join the family. Support independent authors, artists and presses.
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