1 Begin with the shaded side facing up. Fold in half in both directions, corner-to-corner. Unfold.
2 Turn the paper over. Fold in half in both directions, side-to-side. Unfold. Rotate the paper 45°.
3 Collapse by bringing the sides together and flattening.
4 The completed step, with enlarged image. Fold the outer edges of the top layer on the right side to meet at the center vertical crease. Unfold. Repeat on the left side.
5 Turn the model over and repeat step 4.
6 Make an inside-reverse fold by bringing the outside points inside the top flaps.
7 The completed step. Turn the model over.
8 Repeat step 6.
9 Lift the top and bottom flaps up.
10 Fold the lower edge of both top flaps to meet at the vertical center opening.
11 The completed step. Turn the model over.
12 Repeat step 10.
13 Make an inside-reverse fold on the right, by folding the bottom tip of the model inside the body at an angle. You may pre-crease the angle shown for easier folding. Repeat on the other side.
14 The completed step, with enlarged image. Make an inside-reverse fold on the right, by folding the top tip of the model inside the body at an angle. You may pre-crease the angle shown for easier folding.
15 Hold the tops of the wings and gently pull them away from the body. This move will flatten the center square between the two wings.
16 Rotate the model. The completed Crane.