When you think about taking care of your body, you tend to focus on what’s going on inside. That, of course, is important, but what you might not consider is how taking care of the outside of your body affects your well-being too.

General hygiene is more than just something you do because you have to. It can have a real impact on your long-term health. But there is so much more to it than that. What you do for your body has a real impact on your mental health and mood. Aromatherapy, for instance, is based on the idea that certain smells can alter your brain chemistry and facilitate relaxation and sleep or have an energizing effect. Aromatherapy, for that reason, is a common component of things like baths, massages, and even personal use products like lotions and oils.

Self-care for your body isn’t just focused on relaxation. Tattoos can be a form of self-care, because they are something you’re consciously doing to create the body you want. That desire is at the core of self-care: doing something because it helps create the person you want to be. So whatever your goals are, whether you want to transform your outward appearance or just not stink, taking care of your body properly can be one of the most helpful things you can do.