
First and always, thanks to my wife, Debi, for her love and support throughout four decades of love and mostly laughter, and our wonderful family, four generations of us and more on the way.

My thanks as well to all my friends and colleagues at Fox Business, President Lauren Petterson, SVP Gary Schrier, Producers Jeff Field, Alex Hooper, Eric Schaffer, Chief Booker, Anne McCarton, writer/producers Bob Regan, Michael Biondi, Bria Stone, Andrew Espitallier, and John Fawcett.

My gratitude to Harper Executive Editor and VP/Editorial Director of Broadside Books Eric Nelson, and to my good friend and agent Wayne Kabak. Thanks to Dennis Kneale for his skill and getting the book over the finish line, and to John Carney for his many contributions.

This book is dedicated to President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and the entire Trump family for their many sacrifices and great courage in service to the nation.