Agape, 107
Anderson, Raymond Kemp, xvii, 189n17
Aquinas, Thomas, 149, 160, 164–65, 222n87, 228n10
Aristotle, 183
Ascension, doctrine of, 22, 202n20, 207n8
Athenagoras, 72
Augustine of Hippo, xxiv, 81–96, 105, 110, 112, 123, 133, 149, 220n53, 220n64, 231n31
Baldwin, James A., 170
Bancroft, John, 158
Barclay, William, 45
Béguines, 224n16
Bergner, Daniel, 154
biblical references
Acts 3:4–7, 196n20
Acts 7:59, 192n5
Acts 8:4–8, 196n20
Acts 17:32, 35
Acts 23:11, 205n34
1 Corinthians 7, 49, 58–59, 148, 210n24, 211n32, 213n43, 227n35
1 Corinthians 9:27, 16
1 Corinthians 15, 36, 38–45, 51, 64, 192n5, 199n35, 204n29, 205n33, 205n38
2 Corinthians 4:14, 202n19
2 Corinthians 11:2, 212n40
2 Corinthians 12:1–10, 205n34
Daniel 12:2–3, 32
Daniel 13, 228n2
Deuteronomy 6:5, 225n19
Deuteronomy 24:5, 232n6
Deuteronomy 25:5–6, 54
Ecclesiastes 3:12–13, 108
Exodus 20:17, 136
Ezekiel 37, 201n8
Galatians 5:22–23, 48
Genesis 2:7, 60
Genesis 3:6–16, 122
Genesis 5:24, 200n3
Genesis 6:1–8, 209n18
Hebrews, 60, 192n5, 202n19, 218n37
Hosea 6:2, 201n8
Isaiah 26:19, 201n8
Isaiah 38:18, 201n5
James 5:5, 225n20
Job 34:14–15, 200n2
John 1:14, 20
John 3:16, 103
John 3:29–30, 212n40
John 10:10b, 11
John 11:1–45, 4
John 15:15–17, 108
John 17:20–23, 103
John 20, 52, 190n23, 203n23, 203n24, 207n9
1 Kings 17–21, 200n3
2 Kings 2:11, 200n3
Leviticus 15:18, 206n4
Leviticus 19:18, 225n19
Luke 2:21, 210n25
Luke 12:36, 207n6
Luke 14:14, 202n21
Luke 16:19, 192n5
Luke 23:43, 8
Luke 24, 52, 203n23, 203n24, 207n9
Mark 2:19, 207n6
Mark 5:39, 192n5
Mark 10:6–8, 67
Mark 12:18–27, 53–55, 63–64, 202n21
Matthew 5:27–28, 135
Matthew 6:10, xi
Matthew 21:33–46, 212n40
Matthew 22, 202n21, 207n6, 212n39, 212n40, 212n43, 225n19
Matthew 23:9, xiii
Matthew 26:41, 18
Numbers 16:33, 201n5
1 Peter 3:19, 192n5
1 Peter 4, 192n5
Philippians 1:23, 192n5
Psalm 6:6, 201n5
Psalm 16:9–11, 31
Psalm 104:29, 200n2
Proverbs 6:23–26, 122
Revelation 19:6–9, 212n40
Romans 6:4–5, 205n32
Romans 7:7, 136
Romans 7:18, 123
Romans 7:23–24, 18
Romans 8:22–23, 123
Romans 12:1, 15
2 Samuel 11, 228n2
Song of Songs 7:11–13, 148
1 Thessalonians 2:12, xviii
1 Thessalonians 4:12–16, 6, 192n5, 202n19
2 Thessalonians 2:15, 222n1
1 Timothy 2:15, 63
2 Timothy 2:11, 202n19
2 Timothy 2:16–18, 9
2 Timothy 3:2–5, 225n20
Bieler, Andrea and Luise Schottroff, xix
Blake, William, 225n29
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, xviii
Boring, M. Eugene, 55
Brock, Rita Nakashima, xx
Brueggemann, Walter, 232n4
Burrus, Virginia, 77
Butler, Judith, 233n16
Bynum, Carolyn Walker, 8, 72, 80–81
Calvin, John, xvii
Caputi, Jane, 175
Cavadini, John C., 88
Celibacy (idealization of), 23, 49, 57–59, 61–62, 74, 78, 80, 85, 141
and cult of virginity, 62, 78–79, 82–83
Chivers, Meredith L., 188n10
Chrysostom, John, 78–79, 218n46
Clark, Elizabeth A., 78–79, 91–92, 218n46,
Clement of Alexandria, 76, 198n33, 216n23, 216n25
Cloutier, David, xix
Collins, John J., 32
Collins, Raymond F., 39
Cooper, Kate and Conrad Leyser, 87
Day, Dorothy, 112
Delattre, Roland A., 109
deposit of faith, 101
DeRogatis, Amy, 238n13
Dewart, Joanne E. McWilliam, 76
Dioscorus, 217–18n37
Dionysius the Areopagite (AKA the Presbyter), 104
Donahue, John R. and Daniel J. Harrington, 53–55
Driver, Thomas Faw, 154, 210n23
Dunning, Benjamin H., 214n3
Einsiedel, Edna F., 176
Elijah (and Enoch), 29–30, 200n3, 202n17, 209n18
Ellens, J. Harold, 68
Ellison, Marvin M., 156, 174–76
Gnosticism, 75
Neo-Platonism, 75
Enoch (See Elijah)
Erotophobia, 125
definition, xvi
and ethics in general, xi, xvii–xviii, 8
and sexual ethics, xix–xxiii, 161
excarnation, 182
faithfulness to the living Tradition, 98–100
Farley, Margaret A., 139, 165–66, 171, 185, 227n1
Farley, Wendy, xx, 104, 162–63
Fitzmeyer, Joseph A., 203n28, 204n31
Fortune, Marie M., 138, 156, 240–41n33
Frykholm, Amy, 172
Gavey, Nicola, 238n15
Green, Joel B., 63
Gregory of Nazianzus, 21, 199n34
Grenz, Stanley J., xxii, 23, 199n38
Gudorf, Christine E., 143–44, 149–50, 160
Gundry-Volf, Judith M., 227n35
Harrington, Daniel J., 54
Harrison, Verna E. F., 77, 217n35, 218n37
Harrod, Howard L., 152
Hays. Richard B., 45, 51, 68–69, 213n47
Henrikson, Jan-Olav, 104, 110–11, 163
Heyward, Carter, xx
Hilkert, Mary Catherine, 16
Hunter, David G., 219n48
Hollinger, Dennis P., 67
Howitt, Denis and Guy Cumberbatch, 177
Ignatius of Antioch, 214n4
Incarnation, doctrine of, 16, 20, 21, 98, 103, 170, 182, 195n16, 197–98n33
Jacobson, Arland, xiii
Jensen, David H., xiii, xxii, 104–5
Jensen, Robert, 162, 164, 174, 178
Johnson, Luke Timothy, 212n36
Johnson, William Stacey, xxi–xxii
Jordan, Mark D., 220n53
Jung, L. Shannon, 196n23, 197n29
Kamitsuka, Margaret D., xxii
Kant, Immanuel, 110, 117, 123, 230n21
Keck, Leander E., 207n12
Kin-dom of God, 188n7
Knight III, Henry H. (Hal), xvii
LaHaye, Timothy and Beverly, 167
Lajeunesse, Simon Louis, 172
Levine, Amy Jill, 211–12n33
Levinson, Jon D., 31
Leyser, Conrad, 87
Loader, William, 57, 60–61, 63
Lorde, Audre, xx
Louw, Daniel J., 47–8, 50, 206n5
Luz, Ulrich, 211n30
MacDannell, Colleen and Bernhard Long, 55–56
Mackin, Theodore, 206n4
Marcus, Joel, 55–56, 65, 209n19
marriage, xii–xiv, xix, xxi, 14, 23–24, 48–50, 53–66, 76, 78–79, 82–83, 90–91, 93, 113–16, 126, 141, 144, 148–49, 164, 195n19, 207n12, 209n21, 211n32, 211–12n33, 212n36, 212–13n43, 215n16, 216n23, 232n7, 237n11, 238n15, 243n57
McCormick, Patrick A., 195n18
McGinn, Bernard, 77
McGuckin, John Anthony, xxi
Medina, John J., 130
Mercer, Joyce Ann, 178
Miguez, Nester O., xviii
Miles, Margaret R., 96
Miller, Keith Graber, 160
Miller, Lisa, 11, 20, 194n12, 199n36, 214n2
Milton, John, 212n41
Moore, Sebastian, 110
Nicolosi, A., E.O. Laumann, and D.B. Glasser, 234n21
Nelson, James B., xvii
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 224n13
Nussbaum, Martha C., 125, 131–33, 138, 230n20, 230n24
O’Murchu, Diarmuid, 126
Orr, William W., xix
Pius XI, 237n11
Pius XII, 237n11
Pornography, 135, 139, 142, 144, 161–82
and anxious masculinity, 180
and dominance/submission/violence, 124, 175–77
and excarnation, 185
and the stimulation/loss of desire, 162, 178–79
and risky sexual behavior, 178, 181
and unilateral pleasure, 180–81, 184
Ratzinger, Joseph (later Benedict XVI), 9, 30–31, 219n49
resurrection of the body
already but not yet, xvi, xviii, xxi, 20, 48, 55, 72, 109, 125, 162, 204n29
contemporary views of afterlife in the U.S., 6–10
Nicene Creed, 213–14n1
empty tomb and appearance stories, 51–53
general resurrection, 22, 33, 36, 40–41, 72–73, 81, 85
Risen Christ, 4, 21, 36–37, 40, 51–53, 78–80, 93
theological support for, 5, 19–22, 90
transformation, transfiguration, glorification, 86–87
Rees, Geoffrey, xxi
Ross, Susan A., 17, 102, 197n27
Salinger, J. D., 20
Salzman, Todd A. and Michael G. Lawler, 114
Schwartz, Pepper, 156
Schillebeeckx, Edward, 16
Scroggs, Robin, xvii
Segal, Alan F., 37–38, 43–44, 76
sensus fidei, 99
sex in heaven
like angels, 53, 55, 63–66, 73–74
arguments against, 23–26, 48–50, 55–56, 67
arguments for, 47–48, 50, 58–69, 92–93, 97–98, 121, 146–47, 150–51
and feasting in heaven, 85, 89, 93–94, 147
and righteous anger in heaven, 77
gender in heaven, 72, 76–81, 88, 114–15
and levirate marriage, 53–55, 63
marriage in heaven, 60–61, 66, 77, 115–16
polyamory in heaven, 68, 116–17
and its transformation, 67, 88–89
and reproduction in heaven, 78, 85, 88
sexual desire/delight
arguments against its cultivation, 143–45
arguments in favor of its cultivation, 141–42, 144–60
biological foundations, 127–30
bonding, 169
casual relationships, 170, 184
cultural foundations for, 125
and erotic desire/eros, xv, 77, 104, 108–10
as an emotion or feeling, 132–37
faking desire & delight, 152–53
fallen angels, 56
and Jesus of Nazareth, 59–60, 72, 91
laws of onah, 148
lust, 82, 84, 88, 90–91, 95–96, 109, 123, 133
no/low desire, HSDD, asexuality, 130, 141, 149–52, 154–59
psycho-social foundation for, 123–26, 130–39
reproduction, 83–84, 88, 127–28, 164–65
theology of desire, 101–11, 169–70
transformation and education of, 123–39, 156, 162–70
Sheldrake, Philip, 108
Shults, LeRon and Jan-Olav Henriksen, 163
Smith, Daniel A., 52
Stuart, Elizabeth, xix
Taylor, Barbara Brown, 195n16
Theotokos, 188n8
Thompson, Deanna A., 122
Tiefer, Leonore, 158
tradition, authentic faithfulness to, 98–101
Traina, Cristina H. L., xv, 138, 188n10, 189n14, 228n10
Twain, Mark, 187–88n5
Ussher, Jane M., 173, 175–77, 180, 240n31
Vacek, Edward Collins, 102, 104, 107–9, 150
Volf, Miroslav, 114
Ward, Graham, 211n27
Wesley, John and Charles, xvii–xviii
Whitehead, James D. and Evelyn Eaton, 102–4
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E., 209–10n21
Williams, Rowan, 169
Williamson, Jr., Lamar, 208n12
Wilson, Gary, 172