Question Sixteen
What Did Freud Want?

Is this what becomes of a man who was adored by his mother, his wife, and his three daughters? What was Sigmund Freud’s great unresolvable question—his “grosse Frage”? Wasn’t it really, as he said, “Was will das Weib?”—What do women want? Isn’t that one of those perennial questions that keeps coming up from time to time, for example when Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio? But doesn’t it make you feel sad about Freud? Is the question just that what women want is a psychoanalyst who understands them? Or is this too much of a generalization? Isn’t it unlikely that women all want the same thing, even if to men, at least this one, they seem to talk as though they do when they get together with each other? Did Freud read Nietzsche, who asked why women are considered deep? Was his answer—“Because one can never discover any bottom to them”—the answer Freud was seeking?



“What does she want?”



“So what was the question?”