This was one of those phone calls that made me feel dirty and sickened even to think about.
One of the aspects we couldn’t ignore was the possibility, no matter how remote, that this mother had been butchered, and this baby had been taken, to satisfy the warped appetites of the truly depraved. It was awful to admit it, but there was an element of society that got off on watching the pain and abuse of others, including of the youngest of infants. The internet provided a platform and an international market for the denigration and abuse of children. Anything inhuman you could imagine, these bastards enacted worse.
You had to be a special kind of person to work in the Online Child Exploitation Unit. But despite the amazing work they did exposing paedophile networks and the rewards they must have felt when rescuing victims and prosecuting the guilty, I could never do their job. It would be soul-destroying. I had an immense respect for those who did respond to that call to duty. There had to be some pretty heavy-duty support in place to keep them mentally and emotionally safe, working in that space.
Unfortunately it wasn’t the first time I had the occasion to speak with Simon.
‘I am pleased to say nothing’s come to the surface on the online forums we monitor. Because it’s been all over the news, it would be the kind of sensationalist material that would draw them like moths to a flame. There hasn’t even been a flicker.’
That was a relief to hear. But it was early days.
‘I imagine whoever posted something like that could demand top price if it was so high profile?’
‘Yes, it makes it very attractive to the punters.’
Click bait of the most perverse kind.
‘We’ve only been talking in terms of potential abuse of the baby. But what of the whole crime itself? I mean, is there a market for people watching the whole shebang? The murder, the removal of the baby, and anything after that?’ I couldn’t even bring myself to say the words.
‘I hate to say it, but yes, there is. You see it all the time – reports of people watching live streams of things like massacres and murders. Unfortunately there is a niche that caters for every taste.’
‘There are some sick people in the world.’
‘No debate from me there.’
‘So there have been no whispers of the murder being posted anywhere online?’
‘To be honest, I haven’t looked into that scenario, but I will. From what you’ve described though, it would be highly unlikely. Remember, these people are thinking about the filming – the cinematography, for want of a better word – that’s what they make their money from. In past crimes of a similar ilk, victims have been kidnapped and taken to somewhere where the perpetrators can record securely, and where they get a reasonable-quality picture. And where they won’t get caught. It’s well planned.’
‘I guess a rush job in a dark alley wouldn’t fit the business model.’
‘No. And it’s one fucked-up business model.’
It was a relief that nothing had surfaced so far. It was a line of investigation I could tick off the list.
‘All of that’s kind of encouraging, actually. I know it’s a real long shot, but as you know we have to consider all possibilities.’
‘Look, happy to chat anytime. I’ll follow up on the big-scene scenario, and if I hear any whispers I’ll be in touch.’
‘Thanks for all your help, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I hope to never have to speak with you again.’
He laughed. ‘The feeling’s mutual.’