AT THE TOP of the rainbow bridge rose Asgard, gleaming like the sun. There were gold and silver everywhere—even the fence around it was made of golden posts and silver staves. The Aesir loved these beautiful metals, and the gnomes kept them well supplied.
In the middle of Asgard lay the heavenly green field of Ida. There the Aesir and their wives strolled about or played chess with golden chessman on golden boards, and around the green stood their wonderful halls. Tallest of all the splendid buildings was a silver tower which the Aesir had built for Odin. On its top stood his throne, the Lidskjalf. From there he could see the whole world. He could watch what men and women were doing, what was going on deep underground. He could even see what the jotuns were up to in far away Jotunheim. None of the Aesir was allowed to sit on his high throne, but sometimes he would let Frigg, dearest of his wives, share it with him. So Frigg also knew the secrets of the world, but, as befits a good wife, she kept silent about them.